Rising World is the only game in which I play creatively. I play Survival and PvP in other games.
and thats why you dont need such survival-blueprints in rising world
Rising World is the only game in which I play creatively. I play Survival and PvP in other games.
and thats why you dont need such survival-blueprints in rising world
I play in creative but in survival as well an I don't like the idea that enemies could break my defence walls or steal my stuff. I would rather loot their stuff . I hope bandits will get their own base to protect their treasures.
No problem with the system I suggested. You won't be effected
In all my years I've been playing Rising World I've never heard anyone talk about something like this. In the last week's one person who asks about bandits destroying buildings, but never till to that date. In my opinion something like this is not necessary in Rising World.
not for you as you play only creative but i have read about it multiple times and i also would like such a feature from time to time
Display MoreAre there really lots of people looking for such a feature? A demand for npcs/bandits attacking or raiding player bases (breaking down walls etc) indeed comes up from time to time (and some people are definitely looking for such a feature), but it's hard to tell how many people in the community really want this feature
Honestly I'm not sure if such a feature would work well in RW... unlike in other games, the building system isn't made for this... ideally the game needs a simplified building mechanic for that (where you just use modular walls, foundations, roofs etc, i.e build a base quickly with very few elements, like in most other games). With the current building system, there is a chance that such a feature would mostly result in a lot of frustration for a new player who isn't expecting this (who spend a lot of time creating a detailed building and who may not be aware of blueprints yet)
The building system also makes it quite easy (too easy?) for players to avoid bandit attacks. A player could create obstacles bandits couldn't pass anyway (e.g. create walls consisting of countless layers of thin blocks etc), so I'm not sure if such a feature really adds much of a "challenge" to the game.
IMHO it would be more reasonable if bandits can only break through objects like doors, for example. However, the game definitely needs better pathfinding for npcs before we can implement something like that (or tinker with base raids etc in general). It's quite difficult to implement proper pathfinding in RW, mostly due to the building system (buildings could consist of so many building elements which would quickly kill performance if we take a traditional approach on pathfinding), so unfortunately it will require quite some work (definitely something for the post-storepage-update era)
About your suggestion regarding blueprint tags specifically, basically it's not a bad idea to have tags for building elements in general, but what would prevent a player from just assigning the "interieur" tag to his entire building (and therefore preventing bandits from breaking in)? If a player can easily circumvent base raids, I'm not sure if it that feature would be really useful?
From what i read on the forums a big part of the current survival-community and the potential ones who dont buy the game without more survival, would want such a feature.
The idea with breaking only doors is ok of course but you intend to give us the opportunity to build our own doors - would those be a target of bandits as well then?
And yes, as i mentioned someone could of course tag a wall as "interieur" and be safe. Thats the idea - a server owner/admin can determine if such blueprints are allowed at all and the individual player can decide if they want bandit raids or not. Each to their own.
About new players - i dont think this would be an issue. As mentioned standard blueprints without tags would be still available (you have to check a box when creating a blue print, just like already with including terrain, objects, etc. or not). Therefore if they don´t notice this feature right away they would be safe.
Maybe if a structure is not blueprinted at all the bandits follow the standard path - breaking only through objects as you suggested. For new players this would be no threat then and only when they decide they want to participate (and maybe only for a part of their building) they could blueprint their buildings and tag them this way. The tag would / should also work for built stuff that is getting blueprinted the first time, not only if you place a blueprint.
red51 - lots of people want to see more aggressive or challenging Bandit-AI in the game, others (incl. myself) are afraid Bandits attacking buildings could ruin the work of weeks and months. Also stuff like cups made from "blocks", statues and other things should be no aim for bandits but for the AI it would be hard to distinguish between a defensive wall to break and a complex statue just standing in the way.
My suggestion would be therefore the following:
Currently there is just 1 type of Blueprint. But wouldn´t it be possible when blueprinting something to add a (optional) tag or marking to the blueprint?
Lets say:
Blueprint without tag/mark = regular blueprint, not to be attacked by bandits when placed, needs no ressources in survival
Blueprint with a tag/mark for "interieur" (i.e. tables, cupboards, chairs, etc.) = not to be attacked by bandits when placed, need a balanced amout of ressources in survival (i.e. if 100 building elements used it needs 50 wood and 50 metal bars to place)
Blueprint with a tag/mark for "decoration" (i.e. picture frames, cups, bottles, etc.) = same as above but with other ressources (i.e. with 50 building elements = 25 sand and 25 stone or metal)
Blueprints with a tag/mark for "building" (i.e. house for living, barn, etc.) = bandits dont attack structures, just objects like doors to break inside and go directly either for players, beds or chests. need a balanced amount of ressources in survival (i.e. if 1000 building elements used it needs 500 wood and 250 stone and 250 metal)
Blueprints with a tag/mark for "wall" (i.e. defensive wall, garden fence, etc.) = bandits attack this structure directly until there is a gap in it, then go through it. they destroy it when its in their way. also needs balanced amount of ressources in survival (i.e. if 1000 building elements used it could be 500 wood and 500 stone).
with "balanced amount" i mean that the required ressources should be set in the background, not depending on what material/texture was actually used. But it should actually scale with the amount of building elements used in the blueprint.
What would be a motivation to use a blueprint at all in survival? Well, thats up to each server owner i would say. For example buildings that aren´t blueprinted could be not protected at all from bandits or bandits may spawn even close by or inside walls or maybe tress don´t regrow, etc. just some ideas.
With that system there would be a reason (outside creative) to blueprint and the problem of bandits being no threat in survival once you are behind a wall would be subject to each player on his or her own. Of course someone could also blueprint a wall and tag it with "interieur" so bandits dont attack it. That would be individual decision and hence adding to the individual possibilities of this game.
Once a structure with a tag is placed each building object has this tag saved in the background of course. If it is removed and replaced the tag is gone only for this building element, the rest remains untouched.
What do you think?
Super Idee. Gefällt mir
Wird es auch möglich sein Plugins für Java auch in der aktuellen Version verwenden zu können? Was bitte ist ein Shopupdate?
Die plug-ins der Java müssten, soweit ich weiß, für die unity Version umgeschrieben werden. Und die meisten wurden bereits angepasst.
Ein shopupdate folgt wenn endlich die unity Version von der beta zur Haupt Version wird und die Java ihren Ruhestand im beta branch genießen darf
Weil dann muss auch für shop Seite auf steam angepasst werden
Well, hardly without explanation. This post here was done 3 days ago.
Maybe RnHG will tell more about it
Drums of Africa??? At least thats what I played yesterday, for a few hours. This morning, that is gone, all my work lost. And now you have another one - pacific island or something!!! Not exactly player friendly to keep creating servers that people play on, only to have everything lost...
What to do if the server provider can't get the software to work properly?
And in general is a risk of you play on servers. No guarantee that your buildings survive a reset.
But you might ask to get permission ti create blueprints and copy your buildings
Diese Aufkleber gibt es doch schon im Spiel. Passen sich der Oberfläche an.
Aber als Textur Ersatz brauche es zu viele Ressourcen
I know it's been a while, but when it comes to measuring tools for building, I've found that having a good-quality tape measure is a must. It's super versatile and can handle a lot of different jobs. I also like using a level to make sure everything is straight—nothing worse than a wonky shelf.
there is a tape ingame that you can use for such. also when its about leveling (of shelves i.e.) you can easily do that by checking on the rotation angle the game is showing you. or just use the grid.
I think you confuse yourself a bit.
Hit F3 3 times. Now you don't have all the unnecessary Parameters and only the x, y and z coordinates.
Easy to figure out which one is the height level you are on.
Surface height plays no role here
Du kannst dich deine Mosaike 3d bauen und nachträglich mit der farbrolle eunfärben. Spiel Auch mal ein wenig mit der Texturgrösse. Wenn du z. B. 0 auswählst, erhälst du einen einfarbigen Block.
Vielleicht hilft dir das weiter.
Und indem du dir ingame ein Poster baust, kannst du externe Bilder ins Spiel bringen.
Es gibt sogar ein Poster das sich der Oberfläche anpasst. Evtl wäre das auch eine Lösung für dich.
Du musst etwas experimentieren, dann findest Du einen Weg
nochmal an den Zukunfts-Red: Ne, den meine ich nicht. Ich spreche von denen hier. Davon fehlt die "halbe" Variante. Bei dem von dir vorgeschlagenen muss man die Ecken manuell ausfüllen. Geht aber ginge auch einfacher.
red51 - noch eine Bitte. Kannst du beim UNDO-Befehl bitte eine Funktion mit einbauen, die letzte(n) Bau-Tätigkeiten rückgängig zu machen? Ich hab scheinbar einen zittrigen Zeigefinger und hin und wieder platziere ich dann riesige Flächen an Steinen.
Und da das "tolle" Entfernen-Tool nur nach dem Raster arbeitet, ich aber häufig/meistens quer zum Raster baue, kann ich es nicht verwenden um meinen Fehler rückgängig zu machen. Dann schließt sich eine Fluchtirade an und eine längere Zeit bis ich den Fehler wieder entfernt habe.
Uuuund... eine Funktion nur bestimmte ID in einem Bereich zu löschen wäre nice
red51 - bei all den neuen Blockformen hast du wirklich keinen halben hohlen Zylinderblock reingebracht?
Der fehlt nämlich um die halbrunden Türen ohne Mühe verwenden zu können.
Danke an den Zukunfts-Red
II went to place a lantern in my workshop. It was dark could not see until I placed it. The lantern I thought it will be hanging by the top but got placed upside down on the ceiling. It would be ok if it was on the ground ground. Not sure if that was error. I was laughing once I realized it was hanging upside down. The base of the lantern on the block while the handle is facing down.
It might be that it depends on the block you place it on. The alignment of it
Dungeons sind aktuell noch nicht in der unity Version enthalten. Leider.
Aber grabt ruhig noch tiefer. Es gibt da dennoch etwas zu finden
red51 du hast recht, die steinfenster gibt's wieder. Danke
red51 - Ein wunderbares Update, danke für deine / eure Arbeit. Es ist wieder viel Liebe fürs Detail reingesteckt worden.
Mit der Karte aber komme ich irgendwie nicht klar. Ich finde sie "clonky". Ich öffne sie mit M, dann muss ich aber erstmal linke Maustaste draufklicken um überhaupt was machen zu können. Dann kann ich sie nur auf der aktuellen "Insel" verwenden aber nicht auf anderen. Und wenn ich die Karte wieder schließen will, muss ich erstmal ESC drücken, dann nochmal M. Sorry aber das ist doch total unnötig kompliziert. Zumindest für mich. Warum nicht mit M öffnen und schließen, fertig? Wer mit der Karte in der Hand laufen will kann ja einen extra klick machen aber die ist so sperrig das ich mir das eh schwierig vorstelle. EIne Minimap fände ich hier doch sehr praktisch.
Außerdem hab ich einen Vorschlag. Da es aktuell nicht möglich scheint mehr zu sehen als die aktuelle Insel, könnte man nicht am Rand ein Auswahlmenü für alle platzierten Markierungen haben? Dann könnte man die Markierung auswählen und die Karte springt dorthin. Oder falls das nicht geht, zumindest über dieses Auswahlmenü an die entsprechende Markierung teleportieren (im Kreativmodus).
Ansonsten kann ichs mir sparen in verschiedenen Biomen zu bauen, da ich ansonsten meine andere Basis / anderen Basen nie wieder finde.
Ja, ich meckere grad etwas aber die Karte war für mich eines der wichtigsten Features und grad bin ich ziemlich frustriert davon. Als ob du mir ein Schnitzel vor die Nase hälst und als ich reinbeißen will ist es ohne Würze und roh, das kommt nämlich erst in einem der nächsten Patches
Edit: Und es fehlt mir noch immer die Möglichkeit übers Menü die Möglichkeit die Form von allen (!!) Texturen zu Fensterrahmen zu ändern. Das hatte ich sehr oft verwendet und vermisse es
red51 - kann es sein, dass man nun nicht mehr jede textur in fensterrahmen umwandeln kann? ich wollte gerade eine steintextur in einen fensterrahmen umwandeln, aber die form ist nicht verfügbar