Posts by Avanar

    Dann schau dir doch die Bilder im Internet an da stehen die Stühle so.
    Gruß zwerk7

    Ich war schon in sehr vielen orthodoxen Kirchen und kenne es eben nicht so. An ältere Menschen wird ein Zugeständnis gemacht und Stühle bereit gehalten. Aber die Anordnung von festen Sitzplätzen, wie in katholischen und evangelischen Kirchen, gibt es so nicht.

    Und hier geklaut von Wikipedia:

    Orthodoxer Kirchenbau
    Orthodoxe Kirchenbauten sind traditionell ohne Stühle oder Bänke. Lediglich für Alte und Schwache gibt es häufig eine Sitzreihe an den seitlichen Wänden. Für hochgestellte Persönlichkeiten ist gegebenenfalls ähnlich wie in römisch-katholischen und evangelischen Kirchen standesgemäßes Gestühl vorgesehen. So verfügt beispielsweise die Mariä-Himmelfahrts-Kathedrale, die Krönungskirche der Zaren im Moskauer Kreml, nahe an der Ikonostase über einen Zarenthron von 1551[1] und einen ebenfalls prächtigen Patriarchenstuhl. Peter der Große dagegen stand vor seinem Herren, allerdings hatte er dazu einen sehr repräsentativen Stehplatz in seiner Petersburger Peter-Paul-Kathedrale. In Griechenland sind heutzutage stapelbare Stühle üblich, in Gemeinden der Diaspora häufig auch Kirchenbänke. Einige Gläubige verzichten bewusst auf das Nutzen der Sitzgelegenheit.

    Das tut aber deinem Meisterwerk keinen Abbruch. Mir gefällt die Kirche sehr gut.

    Sieht toll aus. Das Einzige ist, dass in den meisten orthodoxen Kirchen weder Bänke noch Stühle in der Mitte stehen. Nur selten am Rand. Während den Gottesdiensten steht man.

    What you mention is the downside of having so many individual options to turn on and off.

    1. a lot of new players wants to play multiplayer but not accept the restrictions of someone elses server, so they just open their own one (not so expensive if you host on your own machine).

    2. many just want to play with their friends or with a selected circle of people, not open their world for everybody

    3. there are so many possibilities to individualize your server. Creative is not creative. Creative can be with or without blueprints, with or without flymode, can have tons of different plugins. some server-owners even create their own plugins to be unique.

    In the end it doesn´t matter i think. The list is long but most people are playing Soloplay anyways. That way they can build the way and where they want. This will probably change once there are more dungeons ingame, some overhaul of crafting and building, more NPC, etc.

    Trimmer nimmt man wohl eher für kleinere Flächen an Beetkanten, Gehölze vielleicht noch. Ein Rasenmäher hat eine größere Schnittbreite. Ich hatte schon beides. Mit dem Trimmer würde ich persönlich meinen Rasen nicht mähen wollen und auch nicht mit einer Kantenschere. :)

    Ja gut, keine riesigen Rasenfläschen. Aber so ne Elektrosense geht schon für ne bestimmte Fläche.

    Aber ich fänd einen manuellen Rasenmäher auch sehr schick für das Spiel. Sogar sehr passend

    Hm. Ich dachte der Rasentrimmer wäre so eine elektrische Sense mit einem Plastikfaden der schnell rotiert und dabei das Gras umsenst. Das ist schon für größere Rasenflächen gedacht.

    du könntest auch folgendes machen:

    Entweder du ernennst deinen Kollegen auch zum admin (Konsole -> makeadmin .... )

    oder, wenn das Problem ist das bei dir als Admin die Einstellungen nicht laufen, du degradierst dich selbst zum normalen spieler (Konsole -> undoadmin ...) - achtung, bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob der befehl dafür undoadmin ist oder evtl demoteadmin. müsstest du mal sehen was funktioniert, bzw. im forum suchen.

    No argue about that. I´m doing exactly the same. Though if blueprints for modules are allowed everybody can use them. No matter if solo-play or team-effort.

    thats why i say if there is a contest it needs to be with clear rules on a separated environment. Where the one leading the contest can control who does what to avoid someone is just downloading a blueprint from someone else as his own.

    Of course if modules are allowed as part of a bigger thing this must be clearly stated as well.

    Forgive me, i guess with all these rules i can´t hide my german soul :P

    ernsthaft? das ist merkwürdig. der spielmodus sollte damit überhaupt nix zu tun haben. melde das mal an @red51 - oder hattest du das schon?

    starte doch auch mal eine SP welt im kreativ von anfang an ob es dann das gleiche ist?

    Guys... :D

    If you want to suggest something please do it in a separate thread but i would like some feedback on the OP. Not each one posting additional ideas, even though i like them.

    Thanks ;)

    Hast du das wirklcih im Survival gebaut?
    Ja habe ich da ich hier in Spanien eine schlechte Internetverbindung habe geht es nicht anders.

    Gute Arbeit!

    Wobei.. was hat die Internetverbindung mit Survival oder Creative zu tun? Oo

    What do you mean with cheating?Cheating is something that harms other players, wallhacks in css or something like that.

    Personally, I'm not convinced of a competition, unless there are judges who do not play the game themselves or vote for friends.

    Cheating could be hacks as you mentioned. But also simply downloading the creation of another player (who knows about it or not) and present as his own creation.

    I love the idea of a contest. But especially when its official, public and with a prize there are too many black sheeps out there. Aside this i can imagine that a dedicated, closed, server where the participants are building on would be a nice thing for a moderated letsplay as well. Commenting the building of other players, maybe some smaller side-contests (i.e. build xy within 30 minutes).

    But as i said - its a lot of effort. Simply saying "build your favorite building and show it to us" is not enough.

    And about team building.... its not a problem as long as the conditions are equal. Imagine if 2 participants want to build a house of their home town. One is building it on his own. He got limited time as the contest will end at some point and only his point of view.
    The other one has 10 helpers who build either together or in shifts, having no issue with the dead line. Also you got 10 point of views. Some are more detail-builders, others do the rough building.

    Nono, you must not allow this. Either its a 1vs1 or a team vs team effort. But not mixing it. Having 2 contests at the same time is also possible. One for single participants, one for team efforts.

    But old blueprints are already known, you have a feedback from the community, etc. A contest should not be about old stuff brought up again but showing / proofing new creations.

    And working in a team is not fair to others who build alone. If team is permitted it should be in a separate contest, not allowing 1vs10vs5vs1vs20

    That might be not so easy. The chest is not connected to your inventory and your inventory not to the blueprint. Once you have the blueprint the only connection is to the list of available blueprints in your journal.

    But thats another topic. I would like to hear what @red51 and others in the community say about my suggestion. I really think that could be a solution to not restrict creativity and at the same time neither allow Blueprint-spamming on servers or loose the immersive feeling in survival.

    sure, you could do it like that. But honestly, not everybody is playing fair. You need an isolated environment in order to avoid that somebody is just using a old Blueprint, stealing from another server or simply downloading from somewhere. Even some might just work together to achieve a winning structure.


    so we all know the problem that blueprints give us. We currently need almost no ressources for it but can set whole castles within seconds.

    My idea is to add an additional workbench to create blueprints. When you open such you will get a window the same size as your screen. Basically a virtual world to build in. You would have all textures and construction elements, objects, etc. available without any costs and could create whatever you want.
    When done you click on a save-button and the blueprint is saved.

    Now when you want to craft that specific blueprint it will show you the material you used in the virutal world to create your blueprint. Could be i.e. 100 wood, 500 stone, 2 chairs and 7 doors. Have that all in your inventory for crafting + an unused blueprint.

    That would not solve the issue for big castles or such buildings fit into the terrain but it would surely allow immersive use of blueprints for i.e. decoration, furniture, etc.

    The thing is you need to ensure no one is cheating.

    So it would need a dedicated server for that contest. Each one participating would get a certain area to build and create. Of course rules like - are blueprints (for creation process) allowed? or which plugins would be used, which console commands, etc.

    And finally someone would need a prize to give out.

    Not so easy. its a great idea but a big task.

    Yea. that would be great indeed. Though Red51 will need to focus his attention on the development, not community events. Its a bit unfortunate there is not much room for marketing ;)

    But if someone from the community would take the time to set the rules and organize the event, maybe Red51 would commit to give some of the prizes?