The Future of Rising World

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  • I'm going to re-reply to this because it could be a one time thing. Right before you join a world you could set it so it could be default or at any time. If a server chooses default avatars, stay default, or put in conditions where only specific models are supplied, such as server provided ones. If servers want to add Elves, Orcs, and anything they should have the ability to let players choose. That is, unless it conflicts with the main character system.

    Unfortunately this would result in a few problems. Even if servers can decide to enable/disable this feature, it would still be confusing for a new player (I guess most new players who join a server wouldn't pay much attention whether or not this setting is enabled on the server). On the other hand, if a player is able to select a custom player model and joins a server which does not have this feature enabled, he wouldn't understand why he suddenly has the default player model.
    This feature could result in a lot of unrealistic and unnatural player model... for example, player 1 uses the default player model, player 2 is just a cube, player 3 decided to use a mini-scaled model of the USS Enterprise, player 4 plays as a giant phallus etc. This motley mix is certainly suitable in other games, but I'm afraid that does not apply to Rising World :/ But even from a technical point of view, this would introduce a lot of problems: Our clothes wouldn't be compatible with custom models (unless a player sets up proper bone weightings for the model, but even then, what happens to player models like the mini Enterprise?). Hitboxes would also be tricky...
    Another issue would be the amount of triangles of a custom model: Most players probably tend to upload a high poly model (since a character with 10M triangles looks much better compared to a model with only 10k triangles), which would have a huge impact on the performance. It might work in games like VRChat or Tower Unite, since they don't have to render such a complex world, but in RW, we need these resources to render the world and the player buildings. If we put a cap on the max triangle count instead, I already see some negative reviews incoming from players who are frustrated that 9 out of 10 models could not be used in RW...

    I admit, such a feature sounds interesting at first, but it wouldn't work well in a game like Rising World :( If we add it as a modding feature instead, the server admin is responsible to use proper models (in this case, he has a lot more control over that since players wouldn't be able to upload their own models).

    Out of curiosity will there be a way to shrink the size of the heads of display when opening the crafting menu with the new version?

    Well, the UI will have a completely new design (we will get rid of the fully opaque wood design), and instead of using absolute sizes, the new UI will scale automatically depending on your resolution. If you're using a resolution lower than 1080p now, the current UI elements will be extremely large (covering almost the whole screen). This will definitely change with the new version ;)

  • Sorry if this has already been asked, but just to confirm, the new version will require a world reset?

    yes due to the new world generation algorithm

  • Oh, and that blueprints will still work - so people can save their builds? I've been telling people that too

    it is red's intention to keep old blueprints compatible yes :)

  • Yes the new one looks much better graphically speaking. In the long term I would have thought that the Java version would eventually be depreciated by JIW (or at best - no longer receive feature updates). It would be way too much work I would have thought to keep the two up long term, especially when the time spent keeping the two running could be spend on making the singular Unity one even better.

  • It's been a while... busy at work. i was curious to see what updates there is.
    So far I find this game very enjoyable! Keep up the good work. It's a fresh step towards a more futureproof dev.

    Leave me alone Sharon! I'm playing Rising World!

  • Could you tease us with a screenshot of the progress? Maybe once or twice a month? Thanks!

    Oh yes, that's definitely our intention :) Once the world generation is ready, we can share more screenshots. Right now we're still working on stuff that can be considered as basic or "core features" (input handling, chunk loading, world storing/loading, networking etc) and obviously there isn't really much to show ^^
    When the world generation is ready, we will start working on things which provide more "visual feedback" in general, e.g. vegetation and objects, animations, particles etc - this gives us more opportunities to share screenshots and videos ;)

  • Oh yes, that's definitely our intention :) Once the world generation is ready, we can share more screenshots. Right now we're still working on stuff that can be considered as basic or "core features" (input handling, chunk loading, world storing/loading, networking etc) and obviously there isn't really much to show ^^ When the world generation is ready, we will start working on things which provide more "visual feedback" in general, e.g. vegetation and objects, animations, particles etc - this gives us more opportunities to share screenshots and videos ;)

    Thanks @red51 :thumbsup:

  • vegetation and objects

    It would be great to have more gather-able vegetative objects. Even if the game does not have any current use for them (i.e. "junk inventory items").

    For example, the current version has weeds in it which you can cut down but you do not get anything in your inventory. Now, if you could gather things like different weeds, different mushrooms, etc (like you can currently gather different flowers) that would open the opportunity up in the future for either yourselves or plugin developers to create custom recipes with them. 8)

    The variety of vegetative content would also make the landscapes look more detailed.

  • It would be great to have more gather-able vegetative objects. Even if the game does not have any current use for them (i.e. "junk inventory items").

    For example, the current version has weeds in it which you can cut down but you do not get anything in your inventory. Now, if you could gather things like different weeds, different mushrooms, etc (like you can currently gather different flowers) that would open the opportunity up in the future for either yourselves or plugin developers to create custom recipes with them. 8)

    The variety of vegetative content would also make the landscapes look more detailed.

    I like this concept because when viewing the roadmap on Trello this kind of brings me to the open world concept of The Witcher. You see I love to gather all the different herbs, medicinals, crops and even tree saplings. Having the ability to graft some of these plants together to grow bigger tomatoes from their wild counterparts or even taming animals is what helps bring a game to life. You could build a great world and add all the great foods but it still needs the luster to to expand beyond the horizon. We like to explore, find new and exciting things, fight a dragon or even a complete a quest with some added difficulty. You gave us horses, mules, donkeys and even fishing with bandits! I'm sure not just me but many of us are very thankful for that.

    At the moment the dungeons are spawning way to frequent if we go in creative one can fly straight down and find a dozen or more. The loot is often times the same and takes the fun out of exploring these dungeons. The world generation has a lot of stone, you've got stone types in the block bench like marble, basalt and many more. Give us stuff to gather please? More treasures, more plants, medicinals, and biomes to explore. The achievements I've got a suggestion: How about we successfully tame 1 of every crop type? Afterall we do find them in the wild so their yield should be lower unless farmed.

    For those of us that can't handle the rain for some odd reason can you please add some adjustments for the particles in the world? Yahwho here does have a point though. Without to explore or find we find ourselves building and staying in one location. I really hope this new version can fix a lot of this.

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