The Future of Rising World

  • The command "editnpcclothes" works on Bandits too! Thank you so much @red51 I can now have a settlement of bandits :thumbsup: called the Tux's <3 Just wish there was a way to adjust their agro to seperate them from the original bandits. Example: Retaliate when attacked or neutral etc..

  • The command "editnpcclothes" works on Bandits too! Thank you so much @red51

    Hehe, glad to hear it worked :)

    Just wish there was a way to adjust their agro to seperate them from the original bandits. Example: Retaliate when attacked or neutral etc..

    Unfortunately there is no way to change the npc behaviour :/ You could just "lock" them, so they neither move nor attack you anymore (to do that, look at the npc and type "locknpc")

    Just wondering is there going to be any way to transfer over the items we have collected that we have stored in chests?

    Well, unfortunately the chest content is bound to the world, and old worlds will be no longer compatible, so I'm afraid there is no way to transfer the items from old worlds to the new world :( This could be achieved with the Plugin API though, but unfortunately I can't say much about the state of the API when the initial release of the new version is available...

  • I get it. You gotta do what you gotta do. It's exciting that you guys have a full-time dev. The screen-shots look fantastic!!! I'm kind of excited to see it spread out on more platforms. Whereas I'm relieved that I won't have to purchase the game again, I totally would just to support you guys because I really do enjoy this game. :thumbsup:

    Keep on keeping on, guys!!! <3

  • I see the graphics are clearer and crisper.. I am hoping this version will let me play for longer periods of time.
    (you know it is always about me :P )
    I for one would not hesitate to pay more for the game. I mean come on 20 bucks to get in that's peanuts..


  • First off, thank you for being 100% honest with your customers! It is really appreciated!

    Secondly thank you very much for not abandoning your game! A new engine sounds awesome, and I'm sure it will improve RW a lot!

    I'm excited to see what the future brings! Keep going!

  • Before I start uploading for tomorrow I have to admit that I downloaded the screenshots @red51 provided and I made them into a background for my PC. Now as this has been a background on my PC for some time now I use my 52 inch tv as my main monitor.. 8| Yep. So I happened to notice some more things while these were in big screen mode pretty much. Traps, berry bushes, birds, bird nests, mushrooms, new crops and bushes but what stuck out most was zooming in on the planks. Are they thicker or are those beams? The path blocks going into the hut they seem to be made out of stone tile planking and there's moss on the trees, ground and rutabaga perhaps even a camouflage mesh net? I have to say I am really looking forward to this and can we please have a world download when the update comes out? I really want to see Red's campsite.

  • good luck with the new engine... what coding will u be using if not Java if I missed it above in that wall of text... lol ?

    PC Specs:

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor

    CPU Instructions: MMX, SSE1-4, AVX1&2

    Motherboard: Asus PRIME X570-PRO

    RAM: 32GB, 2x G.Skill 16GB (PC3200)(DDR4)

    GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 3070 Ti 8GB

    GFX Drivers: Nvidia v560.70

    OS: Windows 11 Pro (x64)

  • @red51, all I can say is I am so sorry you & the game were affected in such a negative way by something beyond control, but I am so very grateful you're not abandoning the game. It means a lot to so many. Thank you for continuing on, & I can't wait to see what the future holds! <3

  • Perhaps this has been asked/answered before... We we still be able to access our previous builds with the new update?
    I was planning on doing a major build, actually planned it out with graph paper, etc.
    I don't want to put in hours of work only to not be able to complete it, nor access to it ever.

    Is the Java version the one I'm running now with Win 10 through Steam? This is the part I'm not understanding.
    Anyway to install a Steam version that will never update?
    Yet still be able to get the new updated version when you release it?

  • right now it's the java version then later I think it'll be an option through beta to use the new one and when it's stable there most likely will be an announcement about the switch and that's not to say that there can't be an announcement about the beta version. after the new version is out I think it'll be an option or something to use the java version but hidden on the beta tab or something.

  • Hi,

    first: Thanks for the great work AND for the great communication from dev to user; that`s not usually as I recently had to experience!
    Well the screenshots look great and I hope to play the new version soon.

    Some things I just read here:

    But as mentioned above, I'm not sure if it would be a good idea if every player could just swap his character at any time. It might fit well in games like Tower Unite or VRchat, but in Rising World, it could be confusing if one player uses the default character, another player wants to spawn as a goat, and the third player prefers to be a giant tube of toothpaste :D

    Why should it be confusing, if this were an option in the settings to turn on/off? Singleplayer wouldn`t mind, and on servers it could be switched off if not wanted. Hmm, not as a goat but... beware of the wolves :P

    I really hope not! Imagine all our beautiful constructions falling and crumbling to pieces because of a physic.

    Physics for some natural blocks as sand, gravel, etc. would be nice though

    Agreed, absolutely. Please, NO falling blocks and construction elements. As Avanar wrote, sand and gravel and things like that might fall down, ok. But please... no other blocks... (poor Sky City...)

    So that`s it for now:)

  • Thanks for your feedback :thumbup:

    Perhaps this has been asked/answered before... We we still be able to access our previous builds with the new update?

    Yes an no^^ You cannot load old worlds with the new version, but blueprints will still be compatible (so you can transfer your buildings to the new version) ;)
    However, the old Java version will still be accessible (and of course you can still load your old worlds with it).

    Is the Java version the one I'm running now with Win 10 through Steam? This is the part I'm not understanding.

    Yes indeed. As @joni909 mentioned, the Java version will still be accessible once the new version is ready. This has yet to be decided, but probably the old Java version will be available as Beta branch in Steam. Once this Beta branch is enabled (can be done in the RW properties in Steam), the Java version will be downloaded to a subfolder in the game directory, so you can always access it and you don't have to worry when a new update for the new version arrives (it will be downloaded automatically, without affecting the Java version).

    please more screenshots anjd forest soil in the forest with moss and just some grass and unterholz sowie bushes and bush groupes and diese stachelbüsche.

    Unfortunately we don't have any other screenshots to share at the moment, but we will create a new announcement once the world generation is ready (including a few more screenshots, although these screenshots will mainly focus on the world generation instead of graphics) :)

    Why should it be confusing, if this were an option in the settings to turn on/off?

    Well, it would still be confusing for a new player (who isn't aware that there is such a setting) if he joins a server and sees all kind of custom player models there (animals, fantasy creatures, homer simpson, walking objects etc) ^^

    Will console players and PC players be able to play together on the same server?

    We're still not sure about that... Sony only allows crossplay for certain games... and both consoles have pretty high requirements when it comes to external connections. If we offer crossplay, I'm afraid the plugin API is a no-no on crossplay-servers :(

    If so, will API users be able to map controls?

    We definitely need a better way to handle input for plugins, especially since the new version will have controller support anyway ;)

    I'm thinking of possible use of the touch pad to open up a plugin menu and then use the direction buttons to navigate (as on the PS4), I'm not sure (yet) about the Xbox...

    We've been tinkering with the PS4 touch pad a little bit and it's in fact quite handy in certain situations, although we're still not sure if we're going to support touch pad input at all (since this would only work with the PS4 input, and we're trying to keep the controller input as abstract as possible)...

  • Well, but I have to say that this will not be just a "regular feature" like posters (so people can swap the npcs and players at any time), probably it will be more or less a modding feature (just like adding custom items). More precisely, something that can only be done by the server admin (in multiplayer)

    I'm going to re-reply to this because it could be a one time thing. Right before you join a world you could set it so it could be default or at any time. If a server chooses default avatars, stay default, or put in conditions where only specific models are supplied, such as server provided ones. If servers want to add Elves, Orcs, and anything they should have the ability to let players choose. That is, unless it conflicts with the main character system.

    You could go with your main character as default while having servers do the additional thing. I forgot what I wrote so I'll just say keep it to NPCs at the very least then, Tower Unite style. I want to see various custom models walking around from various shows being able to do combat & etc.

    Why should it be confusing, if this were an option in the settings to turn on/off? Singleplayer wouldn`t mind, and on servers it could be switched off if not wanted. Hmm, not as a goat but... beware of the wolves

    I'm finding it hilarious this was even brought up and quoted. Yeah, it shouldn't be confusing if you put conditions and selection menus. A one time thing.

    Well, it would still be confusing for a new player (who isn't aware that there is such a setting) if he joins a server and sees all kind of custom player models there (animals, fantasy creatures, homer simpson, walking objects etc)

    Any way you could put a disclaimer at a character creation menu? Default character rules all, except on specific Rising World servers. May stumble across modded entities.

    But yeah..... I'll tone it back to NPCs if I even suggested it to be players. I seek it more for NPCs though if we players can do it, do it once. Give us a warning that we can only choose one or else risk losing everything on a specific registered server. Would that work? Worry about it when we cross that bridge?

  • @red51 Out of curiosity will there be a way to shrink the size of the heads of display when opening the crafting menu with the new version? I want to make a crafting hud that's more opaque than what's current so if we have "Pause On Lost Focus = False" we can see what's going on around us. A great example would be if your building in a Safari then I would rather not have a tiger/ cheetah leap over the table and attack me whilst crafting. I find the current Crafting HUD just a bit too big and can't find a way to shrink it in the config. Can you please consider this? Thank you :)

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