Hosting a multiplayer game

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  • you need to forward the ports 4254-4259 TCP and UDP

    Hello @red51,

    You wrote that you need to forward ports 4254-4259, but "netstat -antu"command says the server is not listening for port 4259 while it's running.
    Do we still need this 4259 port opened and forwarded? I would like to leave the port closed if it's not needed anymore.
    I run Debian 8 on the server, and I have left the port numbers in default.

    Thanks in advance!


  • I also tried entering my local ip "" in "server ip", since this is the address on which the server is running, and my external ip in "http server ip" so that my friends can to find me,

    If you put your local ip into the "server_ip" field, the server will not be reachable from outside, i.e. only people in your local network (i.e. in your same household) can join the game. Usually you can neither put your external ip there, since your computer is not aware of this ip (only your router knows this ip), so the server cannot bind to this ip. As @FortuneQuacker mentioned, just leave the field "server_ip" blank (same applies to the "server_http_ip", this field is only there if your server is using a NAT or something like that). When leaving the field blank, the server binds to all addresses.

    You wrote that you need to forward ports 4254-4259, but "netstat -antu"command says the server is not listening for port 4259 while it's running.

    Yes, that's true. Right now the 4259 port isn't in use. It was used in the past, and maybe we will use this port in the future again, so it's preferable to keep the port reserved. Of course you can leave the port closed until then ;)

  • good evening everyone,
    Thank you for your help, as planned I carry out new tests with my friends,
    And here is what puts me the server window,

    I saw that there had been an update of the server so we may try again with different ports
    On the other hand, what I can not understand is that we get all three to connect to a server that I temporarily rent on nitrado

    thank you

  • And here is what puts me the server window,

    It looks like the server is not able to establish a UDP connection to the client. Did you also forward the UDP ports? The game requires ports 4254-4258 TCP and UDP

    On the other hand, what I can not understand is that we get all three to connect to a server that I temporarily rent on nitrado

    Port forwarding is usually only necessary when hosting your server on your local machine. Since all incoming packets go to your router first, the router has to decide how to forward them. If you set up port forwarding in your router, you basically tell the router that it should foward all incoming packets on a particular port to a particular computer in your local network (in this case your computer).
    If you own a server instead, you don't have to deal with port forwarding at all (same when you rent a server from a serverhoster) ;)

  • Hi MarcosRC,

    Thanks for your reply, when I try to modify the ports, I am able to put a port number obligatorily I can not save the parameters without the internal port

  • Gentlemen good evening,

    And thank you for your help, I tried tonight to create a rule by port, and after a test with a distant friends it works,

    Thanks a lot for your help

    @botchikii being French if my help can be useful to you to continue the wiki francophone I would be delighted to help you

  • How do I setup an Http server and connect that to the RW server pics of server properties file would be helpful. thx

  • How do I setup an Http server and connect that to the RW server pics of server properties file would be helpful. thx

    There are a number of things you would need to do to set this up someone would almost need to spend hours explaining every detail so i guess no one will reply to your massage oO

    here's a short list of what this involves

    1 Setting up a dedicated computer as your server
    2 installing compatible web hosting software this can be more simple if you use wamp or lamp
    3 unblocking ports
    4 sorting out an static ip address
    5 you will need to know how to code, http and php will be a must also if you know how mysql databases work that will help heaps
    6 setting up a RisingWorld server on your server

    Then all you have to do is point your webserver image script to the folder where the RisingWorld images are oO

    like i said most likely all this stuff takes time and some things like http and php years to learn

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Oki Husband and I play on each our computer but in the same household. We are connected to the same router but with each our cable.. We are connected to the same router and i have forwarded ports 4255-4259 through the router. But when trying to play LAN i get a Unable to connect to (insert ip adresshere). When we check our ip adress (goggle what is my ip adress) its the same on both computers. But when we google internal ip adress its different from computer to computer and neither of those ip is working towards connecting

    am i doing something wrong in the portforwarding?

    Ive tried the dedicated server but after i press the any key nothing happens (see screenshot)

    I would just like to know what ive done wrong :D thanks in advance

  • For LAN you don't need any port-forwarding you should be able to press Connect to IP then type the internal IP of the PC that started the LAN game and connect.

    you also need to port-forward port number 4254 for the dedicated server to work properly but that error means that the your IP is already in use by another server so make sure you are not trying to run the server on both PC's at the same time.

    Also except for port forwarding some routers require also "port-triggering" to be set up in order to open the ports to other clients

  • I was told to forward ports so we did :P but even before it does not work when connection to LAN. It just says "cannot connect to (insert ip here)

    I did port triggering too :D

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