Hunger and Thirst Too Quick

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  • Hello, there is a problem that has plagued since the beginning and that is the hunger and thirst ticks. It absolutely makes no sense to have it go down that quickly because you cannot really devote much time to building when you have to stop every 5 minutes or so just to get a drink of water or eat. It's like you are diabetic in the game. I get that this is survival but this problem is way beyond surviving. I know you can turn it off in solo mode but it needs to be done for multiplayer servers. It is very frustrating to be in the middle of a build, stop to eat, come back to build, stop and eat.....and so on for that few minutes.

    I know there are reasons why you made it this way, but really it is not beneficial for players to go through this so quickly, it takes away from the more fun a player could have but the hunger and thirst filling is too much of a chore and not really about surviving. I am not suggesting to turn it off like in creation mode, all I am asking is please make it more realistic. Nobody stops this many times in real life to eat and drink. And while I am talking about that, could we please cook the vegetables any time soon?

    Sorry to rant, but I stopped playing three years ago and just came back to the same frustrating part of the game. Please change it.

  • Actually it takes around 60 minutes until you die from starvation in the current version (after ~ 50 minutes the player will indicate that he's hungry, but you're not getting damage at this stage).

    Player dies from dehydration a lot faster though, you take damage after ~ 33 minutes...

    These rates will be changed in the new version a bit, so in the new version you die from starvation after ~ 100 minutes and from dehydration after ~ 75 minutes.

    However, alternatively you can also disable hunger/thirst: To do that, just go to the "Misccellaneous" settings and untick the "Hunger / Thirst enabled" box (but this only works in singleplayer). Alternatively you can use the creative mode, as suggested by Helie :)

  • if you are playing in SP, when you are building you could play in creative mod ;)

    I STILL can't understand this mentality. People want to build using resources in survival...... I just..... Whatever.

    Also, thanks Red51. Hopefully the new tweaks shall help. Don't want a repeat of Conan Exile where you get hungry every 5 seconds, or even with Craftopia. Both have horrible hunger balancing issues. Minecraft is far more tolerable, though still on the annoying side.

  • Will there also be an option to up that? Frankly, hunger and thirst aren't nearly as important as they should be in a survival game.

  • Howdy,

    I turn off the thirst & hunger during normal play, and set it to real time using a plugin as the days are much too fast for me. With thirst & hunger on it is far too unreal since I usually only eat about three or four times per day. I like real time because the game then matches what I can see out my window. Unfortunately, the thirst and hunger then becomes much too frequent, and negatively impacts the immersion. Certainly this isn't a game breaker, but it would be nice to be able to set the frequency of such to closer match reality. Perhaps a plugin could eventually do this?

    Either way, thank you greatly red51 for such an awesome creation... and your earlier assistance. A responsive dev is worth their weight in gold! I have been thoroughly hooked on RW since I started playing, and am waiting eagerly for the new test drive version. ^^

    Take care, and I hope all is well over your way.

  • Will there also be an option to up that? Frankly, hunger and thirst aren't nearly as important as they should be in a survival game.

    We will think about that :)

    I like real time because the game then matches what I can see out my window. Unfortunately, the thirst and hunger then becomes much too frequent, and negatively impacts the immersion. Certainly this isn't a game breaker, but it would be nice to be able to set the frequency of such to closer match reality. Perhaps a plugin could eventually do this?

    This is definitely a good point. Actually this can be done via plugins (even in the current Java version), but of course it's always easier if there was a setting for it in the vanilla game. We will think about making this adjustable ;)

  • That would be awesome to have the hunger and thirst in real time! Speaking of real time, in the new version, is there going to be an option to add real time in game for the day cycle for not only singleplayer but for multiplayer too? red51


    Was there a plugin for Rising World to do this? You could set it up in various ways to delay the sun from setting or even match it with real world. Hope Red51 considers adding the game to match time with the real world, regions, and etc. Maybe even weather, if possible. That last one is probably asking too much.

    Hunger can then be tuned to match that.

  • Speaking of real time, in the new version, is there going to be an option to add real time in game for the day cycle for not only singleplayer but for multiplayer too?

    There is unfortunately no option in the vanilla game to sync the game time with real time, however, you can at least set the time speed to real time speed (this works both in singleplayer and multiplayer). To do that in mp, you have to open the file and set settings_time_speed to 60 (so 1 ingame minute is 60 real time seconds) ;)

    Was there a plugin for Rising World to do this? You could set it up in various ways to delay the sun from setting or even match it with real world. Hope Red51 considers adding the game to match time with the real world, regions, and etc. Maybe even weather, if possible. That last one is probably asking too much.

    AFAIK there is no plugin available for this, but it's definitely possible to create such a plugin with the current API. Actually I was working on such a plugin a long time ago, but never released it :saint: We could add a "real time" option to the game, but maybe it's better if we just release a plugin for that instead? Not sure...

    When it comes to weather sync, I'd prefer to have a plugin for that ^^ Such a feature has to rely on external services (to get the current weather data) and if the vanilla game already has such a feature, it could introduce some issues (some people don't like games which establish a connection to third-party services, and sometimes even anti-virus programs may cause trouble in that case) :dizzy:

  • im not sure if there was a plugin

    I swear there was one. I guess as Red51 noted it was in concept, though highly certain someone added it to their server.

    AFAIK there is no plugin available for this, but it's definitely possible to create such a plugin with the current API. Actually I was working on such a plugin a long time ago, but never released it :saint: We could add a "real time" option to the game, but maybe it's better if we just release a plugin for that instead? Not sure...

    When it comes to weather sync, I'd prefer to have a plugin for that ^^ Such a feature has to rely on external services (to get the current weather data) and if the vanilla game already has such a feature, it could introduce some issues (some people don't like games which establish a connection to third-party services, and sometimes even anti-virus programs may cause trouble in that case) :dizzy:

    Maybe. I have a vague recollection of someone using a plugin, or a prototype to one. Its been so long I can't source it. *shrugs*

    If the weather does sync through apps then it must use all weather types in whatever biome its in, otherwise it be just weird. But yeah. Whatever you do I'll fiddle with it whenever I get time and whenever Rising World matures enough to be modded again. Having weather in Flight Sim made things highly interesting so having real world weather in Rising World would be interesting.

  • red51 So you say putting 60 would mean that 1 in game minute is 60 real time seconds. what what would happen if I put 86,400(minutes in a 24h period). That’s 60*60*24. Would it mean that 1 game day will be equal to 1 real day, or does it even go that high??


  • red51 So you say putting 60 would mean that 1 in game minute is 60 real time seconds. what what would happen if I put 86,400(minutes in a 24h period). That’s 60*60*24. Would it mean that 1 game day will be equal to 1 real day, or does it even go that high??

    The value determines how long (real time seconds) it takes for the ingame time to advance one minute. Setting it to 60 means one ingame minute takes 60 real time seconds (so one ingame day actually takes 24 real time hours accordingly). Setting the value to 86400 means that it takes one real time day for the ingame time to advance one minute (so one ingame day takes four real time years) ;)

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