First playable version now available!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Dear Community!

    We're pleased to announce that the first playable demo of the new version is finally available! It is available as a separate Beta branch on Steam - if you select it, you will still keep the current Java version and the new version will be downloaded into a separate subfolder. This first demo will serve as foundation for future update, and once it's a bit more fleshed out, it will replace the Java version (but of course you will still be able to play the Java version at any stage).

    We've also prepared a new survey for the demo and would appreciate your feedback:


    In order to get the demo, just rightclick on Rising World in your Steam library -> Properties -> Betas -> select "New Version Preview" and wait until the download is ready. When launching the game, a dialog shows up: Select "New Version" to launch the new version of Rising World.

    NOTE: Always launch the game from your library, do not launch it right from the "Downloads" section because this always launches the default Java version.

    If you have the Standalone, you'll find a new launcher in your download section. Make sure to download it into a separate folder (do not put it into your existing Rising World folder) :!:


    However, there are a few important things you need to know about this version:

    Features and Content

    This version is quite limited and it lacks several features and any serious gameplay content. It rather serves as "tech demo" and is meant to give you a very first impression of the new version. We've also disabled some features in this version - for instance, only a small part of the world is generated and many plants and forests are missing.

    Here you find a rough overview of some of the features of the demo version:


    We're using Unity new scriptable render pipeline, more specifically the HDRP which has a rather high base overhead - much higher compared to the Java version. In return we're able to achieve much better scalability, especially if the world consists of lot of buildings. This means it's extremely important that your machine meets at least the minimum requirements of the game (which are stated on the store page). However, if you experience performance issues, please let us know! There is definitely room for improvements

    View distance

    One important note about the view distance: Basically the new version is able to achieve much larger view distances compared to the Java version. On the one hand, chunks are now twice the size. On the other hand, values are treated a bit different in the new version; while a view distance of 20 chunks, for example, referred to 20x20 chunks around the player in the Java version, this value now refers to 20 chunks in each direction (effectively being 40x40 chunks now). In other words: A view distance of 50 in the new version would be equivalent of a view distance of 200 in the Java version


    There are a few weather effects available which can be set via console command. Just like in the Java version, type "weather <name>" into console (if you put a "1" at the end, the weather changes instantly). In addition to the weather effects of the Java version, there is now snowfall available (which covers the world in snow over time). The names for these effects are "snow" and "heavysnow"


    There are unfortunately a few bugs in Unity which are out of our control. They were reported to Unity. For instance, it's currently not possible to change the resolution on Linux without restarting the game (Mac and Windows are not affected by this issue). There are a few other issues as well, but if you find any bugs, please don't hesitate to contact us


    Unfortunately the multiplayer part isn't fully ready yet, but we already wrote the code with multiplayer in mind - so it's basically almost ready. It's our intention to release a working multiplayer shortly after the upcoming building update

    Plugin API

    Unfortunately the plugin API isn't ready either - this means it doesn't work in the demo yet. There is still some work to do, but we've set up a new section in our forum which contains more information about the new API:


    Obviously the demo took a lot longer until it was ready - much longer than expected. We're so sorry about that, but we also appreciate your patience! Good news is that many core mechanics are now implemeted or almost ready (and this was the most time consuming part), so we should soon be able to get into a state where content can be added more quickly


    We really hope you enjoy the demo! Even though it's still very limited and cannot be considered a full game, it should already give you a good idea of what Rising World will look like in the near future. We are looking forward to your feedback, please let us know what you think about the new version! As mentioned above, we've prepared a survey for that purpose:


  • IO intalled the "preview version" and it downloaded 9.6 alpha?

    After selecting the "New Version Preview" Beta branch on Steam, make sure to launch the game from your Steam library. Then there will be a small popup where you can select "Play Rising World" (which launches the Java version) and "New Version" (which launches the new version) ;)

  • WOW what can i say it looks so sweet and plays very smoothly also love all the little touches that you have put in even in this very early version ( did anyone blow out the candle in the table ) :D:D I wish you RED51 all the success with this little gem.

    Also I did get some sort of crash report that showed up for about 5 seconds then went away and the game loaded?? crash report was sent.

  • I feel like I've stepped into Red's personal home on a mountain. hehe

    Oops, please ignore all the empty beer bottles and guns :saint:

    Crashed immediately on start up (crash report sent) :(

    Thanks for the crash report! It looks like there are some issues with the opus codec (which is used for voice chat encoding). We'll check out what's going on there. As a workaround, please try this: open the file in the game directory (in the "_New Version" folder) with a text editor and set "Audio_VOIP" to false, then save the file and run the game again.

    Also I did get some sort of crash report that showed up for about 5 seconds then went away and the game loaded?? crash report was sent.

    Thanks a lot for your feedback and thanks for the crash report! We'll check out what's going on there! :)

    agiser This seems to be the same crash as reported by Groovaholic:thinking: Does the game launch if you try to run it again?

  • Thanks, The game looks awesome, Great job! love the mouse wheel hot bar, had to figure it out! any way it must be me, I shoot like a stormtrooper. I couldn't shoot the bottles from point blank. the caves and mines are an awesome touch!

  • So take this with a grain of salt but I'm imagining there's a reason why this chunk is showing but others are not. I flew out and recognized some of it from your trello. I guess this is not a seed-generated chunk but a modified chunk. still should not be visible from a distance.

  • Thanks, The game looks awesome, Great job! love the mouse wheel hot bar, had to figure it out! any way it must be me, I shoot like a stormtrooper. I couldn't shoot the bottles from point blank. the caves and mines are an awesome touch!

    Thanks for your feedback! The aiming needs a bit more fine tuning... but make sure you aim with the gun (holding RMB), otherwise it's really difficult to hit something (I guess it's better if we hide the crosshair while not aiming with the gun) ^^

    So take this with a grain of salt but I'm imagining there's a reason why this chunk is showing but others are not. I flew out and recognized some of it from your trello. I guess this is not a seed-generated chunk but a modified chunk. still should not be visible from a distance.

    This is a hard coded playground which is actually not part of the world :D We used it as playground for testing various things and originally wanted to remove it for the demo, but it could still be fun to explore that part so we kept it in for the first demo release ;)

  • Hello, I first found out about this game in late 2016, played it for the first time in January, 2017. I come here once in a while to check the status updates and this time I came on time! 20 minutes after the demo was released. I have to say that the graphics looks absolutely stunning. Thank you.

    Also, one question: after the Java version gets discontinued, will your release the source code of the Java version (and ideally release it under an open source license)?

    I'm pretty sure it would bring many new players (potential buyers of the Unity version) to Rising World.

  • This is a hard coded playground which is actually not part of the world :D We used it as playground for testing various things and originally wanted to remove it for the demo, but it could still be fun to explore that part so we kept it in for the first demo release ;)

    Yup! It's a awesome little area. I managed to shoot at the blocks and make them fall down.

  • Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit (Desktop) Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, 8 Cores, 2808 MHz

    ABRA A5 V11.1 (MONSTER) 16238 MB RAM

    Intel(R) HD Graphics 630, 4019 MB VRAM, 2019-09-25,

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050, 4019 MB VRAM, 2020-03-13, (x

    Commit: 4cbfc5b4f3a2133361f1d6e28ea5eb52ba5c932e

    Branch: master JobID: 2184


    ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Non-negative number required.

    Parameter name: capacity

    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T]..ctor (System.Int32 capacity) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

    at RisingWorld.Common.World.HeightmapManager.Initialize () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

    at RisingWorld.Common.World.TerrainFactory..ctor (RisingWorld.Common.JIWApplication app, System.UInt32 seed) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

    at RisingWorld.Content.Game.InitManagers () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

    at RisingWorld.Content.Game.OnPostInitialize () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

    at UnityEngine.Application+LowMemoryCallback.Invoke () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

    at RisingWorld.Common.JIWApplication.Update () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

  • Thanks for the crash report! It looks like there are some issues with the opus codec (which is used for voice chat encoding). We'll check out what's going on there. As a workaround, please try this: open the file in the game directory (in the "_New Version" folder) with a text editor and set "Audio_VOIP" to false, then save the file and run the game again.

    Thank you for the quick response. Doesn't work I'm afraid, another crash report sent. If it's related libopus is installed on my system.

  • I have to say that the graphics looks absolutely stunning. Thank you.

    Thanks for your feedback! :)

    Also, one question: after the Java version gets discontinued, will your release the source code of the Java version (and ideally release it under an open source license)?

    Unfortunately we have no plans atm to release the source code of the Java version :| But we'll think about that!

    ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Non-negative number required.

    We're looking into this issue!

    Thank you for the quick response. Doesn't work I'm afraid, another crash report sent. If it's related libopus is installed on my system.

    Bummer... :( Thanks for the new report! We'll check out what's going on there. It's apparently related to the opus lib (the "" which should be in the "Data/Plugins" folder) :thinking: Unfortunately we couldn't reproduce the issue on our Linux machine (which uses Ubuntu btw), but we'll check out if this is maybe related to libopus instead...

  • Nice work! Im going to have fun with this :)

    Now I can say Ive died in a demo, hehe. Gravity sucks.

    Tried to remap the movement control to the up/down/sideways arrows but it didnt take. When I went back into settings it had changed to "print" for all 4 directions.

    Really looking forward for whats to come.

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