since the world will be endless one map wont work. I propose a map creation system. To map the world you would create a blank map and when you equip the map were ever you are the surrounding appear on the map. There would be four types of maps. The first would be a regional map that would show cities towns and the surrounding area. This map would be similar to a state map in real life. Next would be a city map that would display an area the size of a city with fine details. If there were roads in the world the next map would be a road map. The final map would be a continent map that displays an area the size of a continent in real life. To create the continental map you would combine regional maps to make one big one. This would allow for Lois and Clark style exploration and mapping.
Maping system
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
I suppose I will post my idea for this here. The other thread I put it in wasn't really for maps if i recall correctly lol
I hope for a map which fits with the tech levels. Start with something very primitive and progress on from there once you are able to. What I have here is the first stage, or tech level of map.
I figure we should use stuff in the world, or stuff we can craft to make a map with. So how could we make a map really early on? Charcoal (make a fire and collect some charcoal pieces from it once it cools) to write with and something like birch bark to write on. Given the materials used, the map would have a very limited size. But it's the first map so that should be fine.. Maybe you could use multiple pieces of bark (I suggest bark because the material used should be found in every biome, and trees should be in every biome. plus the inside of bark can be fairly smooth etc..). This map could be made with the most simple of tools (wood and stone etc.. the first stage...). Maybe there is some processing of the bark to have a thinner sheet to write on (which can be done). So once you have these items and equip them (maybe after combining the "paper" and charcoal into one usable item), you just hold it and do your exploring. On the bark sheet is written very basic drawings of the major features you pass, partial triangles for mountains, stick trees, rough circles for boulders etc etc. Then right click to bring it up and look at it. Get in a fight or do some mining etc.. (meaning you have to unequip it) it would not record your movements. Run out of room on the one piece, use another and you would have to remember what order they go in.. just like if you actual did this. Of course something other than bark could be used.. it's just the best thing I can think of that would be found in every biome.
And of course, map making becomes more and more detailed with the improved methods you discover (the next tech levels of map making). But never to like photo quality or anything near that. The best maybe being something near a lead pencil and paper (with more detail and finer lines, the more you can fit on one sheet meaning more distance...). It should always be a drawing done by the players character. Always something held in hand while moving. It should be risky to do, but necessary in order to not become lost.
My 2 cents on map making.
sagsave: Sounds pretty good to me.
ZaCormyr: Sounds pretty complicated to me. :pI would start with something simple, like some kind of tool, that would show the direction and distance to a specific location. But first you would have to place a marker or something on this place. Maybe the marker could be some sort of runes and the tool you would find them with, a bewitched compass. I can not think about something more realistic atm, at least it fits to the 'style' of the game. But if this system would be just a placeholder anyways, maybe those features could just be a dsiplay and some commands.
I agree with the above. All the above. I want to echo what I said in that other thread to be in this appropriate thread so I'll repeat myself. I however recommend variety and progression if we're going with teching up in Age 1 - Caveman to modern times.
-> Bark map -> Compass with pointy arrows (One shall point back; Mentioned by Red51) -> cotton maps (for quality and hanging) -> Paper maps (for mass-production to give to others) -> GPS + Computers
->- Bark: Bark with basic symbols in caveman style (look above @ZaCormyr & @Meltron ideas.)
- Compass: Seeing as how we have one, and how Red mentioned, we would be pointed back to our spawn/home.
- Cotton Maps: Haven't yet reached paper, yet cotton plants still common so should go for some better quality to paint more detailed symbols and landmarks. Look at vintage maps done by Egyptians, Romans, and all that back in the B.C era...Loosely.
- Paper Map: This one making use of our tech to use wood as paper instead of cotton to 'mass-produce' these, even though cotton maps were often forged or copied.
- Computers & GPS: We should make use of the computer to view maps to give it a proper use. Complain as much as you want, though I find it ideal when you want to look top-down on a rendered map you visited. Look at the Google maps mod for Minecraft and you'll see what I'm thinking. Google type ability. Even using a handheld GPS Tablet should allow you to update rendered chunks to then sync up on your home computer. You of course have to keep your tablet charged with 2 days worth of a charge or so. The battery life shall be its few downside.------
I really would love to see computers being used for mapping purposes so you can study it when at home while going a bit Grand Theft Auto Online on how you can zoom into the computer screen. This is a suggestion I strongly want to make, though I can wait for whenever it shall be added.
Can I suggest a mapping idea for the game. Anyone who's tried to use the minecraft map to navigate caves knows that won't do. It shows only surface with no height data for caves. I've been thinking about an alternative for years.
The map only places a dot where the player is, with the x and z divided by 20. (Assumes y is height. )The colour of the dot is green if you're standing on grass. Grey if you're on rock and yellow on sand, etc. The grey is darker the deeper you go and the background/ blank map is sky blue. the grey of the rock would be y / 256. y being the height of the block under the player. Where too tunnels cross at different levels the map changes the dot to purple. Sea blue might be used if your under water. Hell maybe reds.
The key idea is that there is only a dot where you have been and it indicates depth in the case of tunnels. Where an overlap occurs the dot is purple and a darker shade of purple the deeper the lower passage.
I can't write code to save my life, dyslexia. So someone smarter than me needs to write the code. However this should help immensely if you're spelunking. It should look like the attached image only cleaner. Using this map you could navigate from one tunnel to another relatively easily or know what direction to head out to get back to base.
If we have a Compass that shows the way home (and "north") from anywhere we might wander, why do we need a map at all? Is it a "security blanket" thing, or something you want to hang on the wall (like it'll help you when you leave the house).
I get the need for a 'cave map', but the MC people have done without one for years. If you can't mark your way out, something's wrong. I do like the idea of a cave map though, BUT it needs to be 3D and rotatable to be really useful. (Zoomable would be handy, too).
I didn't think of the cave thing haha Not sure if my suggestion would work for that in some way.
I assume when the game is released or some time before, we won't have the compass from the start. It's not really something we could make from day one, or ten. Regardless, the compass is only useful on the surface.
I guess I will give up on the idea of a map which is made by the player's character and has tech levels like the other stuff. Just need to be alone for a little bit... to cry.
@wesleybruce That just might work for caves actually. Although, I think using different colours for different stone/ore types is not necessary. Maybe a colour change should only be used for depth? But maybe the reference to what stone is there would be good. hmm... Anyways, it is a simple enough image that it does look like someone drew it. Which I like.
Just need to be alone for a little bit... to cry.
We could make a club then. -
since the world will be endless one map wont work. I propose a map creation system. To map the world you would create a blank map and when you equip the map were ever you are the surrounding appear on the map. There would be four types of maps. The first would be a regional map that would show cities towns and the surrounding area. This map would be similar to a state map in real life. Next would be a city map that would display an area the size of a city with fine details. If there were roads in the world the next map would be a road map. The final map would be a continent map that displays an area the size of a continent in real life. To create the continental map you would combine regional maps to make one big one. This would allow for Lois and Clark style exploration and mapping.
I think this Is a good Idea One thing I would add though is that I think you should have to stand in a place overlooking a new area then hold the place button to draw that area on your map
One thing I would add though is that I think you should have to stand in a place overlooking a new area then hold the place button to draw that area on your map
This is going in the right direction IMO.. something that has some player interaction.. not just hold and walk or just keep in inventory. There should be risk involved in map making. Ideally I would like the items used in map making be player crafted like everything else.
One thing I would add though is that I think you should have to stand in a place overlooking a new area then hold the place button to draw that area on your map
You're gonna need a big map.
I can see you ending up with a map covering such a large an area that it loses all detail, making it fairly useless.
Maybe a map that "unfolds" or gets larger as you explore more area, till it is full-screen size? -
This is an issue haha I haven't figured out how to do this proper. I suppose we can just deal without a map at all.. it will be quite the challenge for sure! I could go for it! But map making would be interesting...
maybe if you could make a bigger map you could copy what you already written in a previous map / maps by placing the new map and old map on a table and with a piece of charcoal hold the place button.
I don't think the player location should be on the map. I think you should have to use a known location and compass to get to where you want to go. That way the fear of getting lost is still present even if you have a map.
Ah, the ole 'multi map' thing. Another 'unmentionable' game tries that, with horrible results.
The only way a multi-map thing would work is if when you moved beyond one map, the adjacent map automatically pops up. If the 'adjacent' map isn't made yet, you have to create it.
I disagree with not showing your position (and home) on the map. Also, when you go to an adjacent map, it should show you the direction of where home is, even if it's several maps away. If a map doesn't show those things, what good is it?I do agree that there's no reason to have a map in the first place. All you need is to carry one thing instead of several maps: a Compass that works like a real one and that points to home. All you need to know is that the village is "that way" and your mine is "over there". You don't need a map to tell you that.
Ah, the ole 'multi map' thing. Another 'unmentionable' game tries that, with horrible results.
The only way a multi-map thing would work is if when you moved beyond one map, the adjacent map automatically pops up. If the 'adjacent' map isn't made yet, you have to create it.
I disagree with not showing your position (and home) on the map. Also, when you go to an adjacent map, it should show you the direction of where home is, even if it's several maps away. If a map doesn't show those things, what good is it?I do agree that there's no reason to have a map in the first place. All you need is to carry one thing instead of several maps: a Compass that works like a real one and that points to home. All you need to know is that the village is "that way" and your mine is "over there". You don't need a map to tell you that.
I was thinking if you created a bigger map and put it on a table with a map you already have
then you can drag the contents of the old map where ever you pleased
and then drew it in by holding the place button. I thought this would cut out that horrible map problem like the one Minecraft had.Even though I would love to my buildings on a map I do agree that if we had some kind of special compass pointed to whatever markers we made then the need for maps and the mess that goes along with it would be gone.
I like your Idea on your compass but how would it point to multiple places at the same time? Would there be some sort of menu to pick where you want it to point or will it just have more then one needle?
Before the Game "Forsaken Uprising" came up with a real map on our screen just a few months ago the only way to find ourself was to wait at night and locate yourself
with the stars.... Could not do it day time since there was multiple sun in the sky......
Moral of the story?
I aint there anymore hein...
Pfouaffffffffff! -
LOl I get your point.
All you need is to carry one thing instead of several maps: a Compass that works like a real one and that points to home. All you need to know is that the village is "that way" and your mine is "over there". You don't need a map to tell you that.
Yeah more and more I am giving up on this map idea. Not everything has to be realistic... lets just spawn with a compass. Lets have waypoints we can set wherever we want. When you look at your compass, a legend also comes up with the list of waypoints you have set and their distance. It would be nice if we could go into some kind of edit mode and give these waypoints names and colours.
It's not realistic at all.. but it would really function well and do the job of allowing players to explore easily from the start and focus on the other stuff.. like dangers or finding food etc..
How to deal with depth. Well maybe the arrows on the compass point also on angles? If you place a waypoint underground, or on a mountain top for that matter.. the arrow will point directly to it, not just in the horizontal direction? Does that work?
I like your Idea on your compass but how would it point to multiple places at the same time? Would there be some sort of menu to pick where you want it to point or will it just have more then one needle?
The next update will allow you to change your spawnposition when using shelters/tents/beds, also your compass has a secondary small needle now (as it has been suggested here previously) which will lead you back to your spawnposition
So it looks like we will be getting around with a compass with two needles
Maybe there could be a magic eagle or something that flys over you and you can see yourself from its point of view like a drone and figure out where you are
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