Current Version: 0.0.5
Updated: 05/16/2023
SimpleHome is a "SetHome" alike plugin that gives players the ability to set checkpoints (known as "sethome") and teleport to one (also known as "home"). The amount of checkpoints can be adjusted in the config. To distinguish the checkpoints, a name is required for each command (more info below). The plugin is configurable and offers a number of commands and of course also works in multiplayer.
- Customizable Checkpoints
- Configurable
- Teleport cooldown
- Simple Database
Command | Description | Usage | Example |
/sh help | Displays a list of commands | /sh help | /sh help |
/sh sethome | Set a home to your current position | /sh sethome <name> | /sh sethome home1 |
/sh removehome | Remove a specific home | /sh removehome <name> | /sh removehome home1 |
/sh home | Teleport to a home | /sh home <name> | /sh home home1 |
/sh homes | Displays a list of your homes | /sh homes | /sh homes |
After the initialization a config.json file will be generated inside the plugins folder. To apply any changes you've to edit the "value" property inside the given properties. A comment and a default value are also given for clarification. If you still have questions you can of course ask here.
- pUtilities-0.0.1 (Already included in the download)
- Gson (Already included in the download)
SimpleHome and pUtilities are made by Preach
- Changed: "/sh list" changed to "/sh homes"
- Fixed: regular user teleport issue
- Fixed: small bugs
- Added: Multiple worlds support
- Added: New config property for admins teleport cooldown
- Added: validation for config values
It was not my intention to make this plugin, but because it was suggested in the forum, I took the time and programmed it. As the name of the plugin already suggests, the intention was to keep it simple without a GUI or some kind of effects.
Have fun!