Our History Isn't What it's being told to be

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  • I always admire viewing the alternatives, the unique, and the off-beat stuff. Mainstream stuff is neat, though there's more lies in there now more than ever, and especially from mainstream media, science outlets, etc making everything we know around us all a farce. Canadian government openly preaches how Vikings weren't the first people in Canada, nor how other civilizations beat the 'First Nations" folks to Canada. It's all a political farce. People should be well aware of the existence of "half-truths" and all the lovely stuff to keep us somewhat informed, yet stilled ignorant.


    (The video is absolutely spooky. Being told otherwise, of the spooky comment, comes off as ignorant.)

    While building in MineTest (building a railway) I enjoyed watching this video, listening to it like a podcast, noting what was being noted in the video. How civilization is older than what mainstream media keeps insisting, even wrongly. Mainstream always getting each and everything wrong with other folks discovering things making it newfound common knowledge. We're intentionally being kept in the dark, lied to on the daily basis, yet people are fine with that. How there is more, and more varied ways in how we lived, and how everything resets after long time on this, and every other planet. Our normal isn't the normal that was in the past, how people explored the world in different ways noted by mainstream science/geology, among other fun stuff. Even how we're always at risk in being in danger every autumn by passing by various asteroid/comet/debris fields risking the total annihilation of Earth.

    How the pyramids is actually (allegedly) a power station, not a gravestone. How there were two larger continents/islands visible on our Earth, now non-existent. How the world was colder with a thriving climate than it is today. We're allegedly warmer with cooler climates having been the norm in the past.

    There is tons, and tons to note, and I'd rather believe the underdog stuff than the mainstream stuff of gaslighting one another to hate, block (on forums/social media), and murder each other over fake political nonsense. People desire to cheat, berate, and hate each other than to be positive normal human beings. I'd rather believe what is in the video because it's more humane than constantly witchhunting and gaslighting one another on a daily basis, especially on Steam forums over fake reddit-minded clown award mentalities. I admire my "food for thought" moments, my philosphical Anime, and even exploring neat What-if scenarios. It's always fun experimenting, simulating, and peaking into something which could have been, not what it's falsely noted as in this day and age with fake political nonsenses.

    I genuinely wish for half of what was noted to find their way into Rising World in some manner or another. Some dungeon, scroll, remains, or whichever making loose note of what their and our world once contained. :monocle:

    (I"m tired, I'll fix my grammar later, if I remember.)

  • Lost me after 25 seconds.

    "Our ancestors lived as we do today, as a global society... this global super power then collapsed".

    Oxford dictionary definition for society: "the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community."

    Oxford dictionary definition for community: "a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common."

    Our ancestors did not live as an ordered community, nor did they live in the same place or have particular characteristics in common. Unless by common characteristics the definition of birth, death, and the bit inbetween is used.

    I'm sorry, I wouldn't normally respond to these. But as someone who's studied both science and history for 20 years I have to state to others that may read this that the videos contents is nonsense.

    I'll quote again. "Our ancestors lived as we do today, as a global society... this global super power then collapsed"

    Yes, we have lost technologies over time, such as the tikythera mechanism and greek fire. But this is due to the fact that "knowledge is power". The knowledge of these technologies were highly guarded secrets that only a small ruling class controlled.

    A much more occam's-razor-style hypothesis would be that these ruling class were killed during an uprising of the people they controlled, or an outside force (i.e. an invading army) wiped them out, and therefore their technologies.


  • there's more lies in there now more than ever, and especially <...> science outlets, etc making everything we know around us all a farce

    Only someone who is really far from anything scientific can say something like that.

    I enjoyed watching this video, listening to it like a podcast

    If you use conspiracy theory videos as an information source then you probably need to change you method of information collecting.

    civilization is older than what mainstream media keeps insisting

    "Mainstream media" are not interested in shrinking/expanding civilisation age. First proofed cultural construction appeared ~21000 years ago, and that's an approximate age of the oldest civilization (which is obviously don't exist anymore)

    We're intentionally being kept in the dark

    It's your choice to stay in the darkness or not, light of science is not forbidden for anyone.

    Our normal isn't the normal that was in the past

    That's true, we are living longer than 30 years and not eating our enemies. That's a thing called "progress", and it changes what is normal in the society.

    Even how we're always at risk in being in danger every autumn by passing by various asteroid/comet/debris fields risking the total annihilation of Earth

    That's not how that works. Even the largest bodies of asteroid belt wil not destroy the Earth, and most of them have orbits that don't intersect Earth orbit. And obviously 99.9999% of asteroids are harmless, the stone in a size of a meter will not even hit the ground (atmosphere will deal with it). The amount of really dangerous asteroids is very low, and each of them have impact probability like 10-8 or lower from 200-300 years.

    How the pyramids is actually (allegedly) a power station, not a gravestone

    That's nonsense, bo comments.

    How there were two larger continents/islands visible on our Earth

    Laurasia and Gondwana be like

    How the world was colder with a thriving climate than it is today

    We know that, it's called "global warming". Actually the climate of Earth changed many times, and it was not always fine. "Snowball Earth" is a good example

    I genuinely wish for half of what was noted to find their way into Rising World in some manner or another

    I hope not. RW is a real world game with fantasy elements, not a conspiracy theory aggregator.

  • Yikes. I may come back and respond to the post properly at another time (some replies may actually be worthwhile), but I'm in a rush so I'm going to note a few things I forgot to note last night, and some I see currently.

    - Just sharing Carthage because it's neat having a slight window into the past.

    If you use conspiracy theory videos as an information source then you probably need to change you method of information collecting.

    This is why we can't have nice things because of comments like these gaslighting everything around. I'll properly respond to things later, I however currently have other things to sort through. I'm disappointed people would stoop so low to gaslight. I'm trying to share things for lovely food for thoughts, even openly seeing many half-truths in the mainstream while proper sources are those not of the mainstream, etc in our life. Many lies and people gobble it up without a care. Too lazy to ponder about other stuff, or explore things in actual scientific manners, as my uncle had done, and been kicked out of Europe because it countered political narratives. Threatened, harassed, and abused out of European scientific communities just because he explored avenues mainstream refused to explore because exploitation of the population is the actual trend.

    Geologists and other scientists (not tied to the mainstream) have noted how the Chinese and other civilizations have visited the North America's, yet everything has to be viewed with lies and half-truths in out current history. Traditional Europeans (not modern) are more aware of the lies built up in North America than any modern American and European together. They could see through the fake façade the governments would tell them about what actually happened in history because they actually took notes. As noted via the Viking comment in Canadian terms, etc. Chinese, India Indians, and other folks may have been the first and with proper boats. Even those even before them.

    We keep selling our past short and it keeps being backed up with numerous proofs.


    I failed to note how the whole of Africa used to be green. The video notes everything else I forgot to note. It's amusing to see why people deviate and think outside the box, it's more rewarding that way. You get to see things other people refuse to see, make note of, or even process. :nerd:

  • Alright, I have time now so I'm going to respectfully respond to the two posts, even if I'm disappointed by how disingenuous it comes off to me. First I'll respond to Yahwho, and then Paul.



    Lost me after 25 seconds.

    I find people who intentionally want to gaslight, disregard, deflect, or anything of the sort tend to resort to these sorts of responses. The video itself is supposed to be a "food for thought" analyzing both sides of the aisle, yet people tune out because it goes against how they've been "programmed". It's healthy to think outside the box; To imagine what-if's while not disregarding things just because of hand-holding.

    I tried suggesting Anime to someone who allegedly admired Anime, they also gave me the stupid response of "I lost interest in the 5 seconds". I don't want this to come off as rude, or off putting, but I'm also disappointed people have less patience to the point they can't make sense of anything, or enjoy anything on their end. If it isn't Anime, then it's with Minecraft with people playing in Peaceful mode, or not at all. Same goes with Rising World. Everything has to be insanely "instant gratification" to the point everything becomes corrupted. I intentially view Flat-Earth theories to see what makes people tick, yet I get a stupid response of "lost me after 25 seconds". COMMON!

    I wish people had more mental retention and more of an open mind instead of how toddlers act by "are we there yet?! Are we there yet?!"

    I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just severely disappointed, especially recieving this sort of response time and time again, even for normal things. Just for clarity I'm more annoyed over the fact people don't have the will power to commit to something saying things are allegedly "boring", etc. But for the video itself the reason why I admire the "WhyFiles", against as noted, is because he looks at both sides of the fence while trying to stay on the middle line. He tries to debunk himself midway, or even near the end.

    To me this comes off as "the Earth didn't have water, so it never had water". I'll keep it that basic seeing as how I already made a wall-of-text to the lack of patience we have in this era. I see this as needless huffing and puffing.

    Tribal mentality is both a blessing and a curse, and people do congregate with one another.


    I'm sorry, I wouldn't normally respond to these. But as someone who's studied both science and history for 20 years I have to state to others that may read this that the videos contents is nonsense.

    You noted you couldn't watch more than 25 seconds of the video so you're just stating things in bias to void things out of pure spite (or so comes off to me). Yes, I may have done something loosely similar, but that's also because of how many lies I've noted in the media. I back it up, yet still get gaslit for it because we're supposed to cut one another's throat over fake ideals.

    Sorry, but be honest next time. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the 20+ years of science and history, but at the very least act like it. My Uncle is a retired Geologist, scientist, professor at University of Ottawa and Europe, whenever he was allowed to teach and practice. That is, until my Uncle started pointing out flaws and alternate theories rubbing the scientific community of Europe the wrong way to the point they've become aggressively hostile. My Uncle was forced to leave Europe (by force) having his lab revoked (by force) because it all went against the mainstream narrative. You have to 100% uphold the narrative or else risking assassination. He stuck to North America, and wherever else he was allowed to teach. He even noted (to my parents) how Global Warming is fake, and my parents were happy it was noted as fake. My uncle desired to note it in a more acedemic manner, yet Global Warming is simply Earth going in its various climate cycles. Things always change, though stay constant for a set period of time before changing to a "new normal", as noted in the video.

    He clearly told my parents in the past about this mainstream professional abusive behaviour, and I'd rather believe 'WhyFiles' than whatever the mainstream media had noted. Sure, I'll believe some of what was taught in schools, but keep in mind what "half-truths" mean. You either tow the line, or screw off. You have to parrot what others have noted or be punished by higher forces. Everything and anything to control the populace.

    Next time instead of voiding something out of pure spite try to use your 20 years of patience to actually put your point across instead of flailing. As I told Paul, this is honestly why we can't have nice things because people simply void things out of weirdness. Sabotage, political pressures, near-Assassination, etc. I may not be at my Uncle's intellectual level, or my dad's professional level, I however was exposed to their experiences and stories to see the mainstream lies from their professional and life-experiences.

    (My Uncle also has a plaque at University of Ottawa).


    Yes, we have lost technologies over time, such as the tikythera mechanism and greek fire. But this is due to the fact that "knowledge is power". The knowledge of these technologies were highly guarded secrets that only a small ruling class controlled.

    Lost to time, indeed. This is probably the only thing in the post I can fully agree to.


    A much more occam's-razor-style hypothesis would be that these ruling class were killed during an uprising of the people they controlled, or an outside force (i.e. an invading army) wiped them out, and therefore their technologies.

    There's also that. To the victor goes the spoils. Anything and everything is plausible, something which is hard to know for sure with how much cover-ups has occurred, and how many deflections were to be had in history. Like I said, these videos are a fun 'Food for thought'.

    Interesting to note how every autumn we pass through a debri field, something school failed to teach me. My Canadian education system also failed to teach me about our Canadian military, only the very basics. I never knew we had a whole slew of World War 2 destroyers, 2 light cruisers, or even 3 different aircraft carrier at one time. Or how we captured a U-Boat, shooting at it in spite for all the damages done in WW2. Or how we even had 3 merchant cruisers named HMCS Prince David, HMCS Prince Henry, and HMCS Prince Robert.

    But yeah, I guess this is all "conspiracy theories" I've learned on the internet. We never had a navy because mainstream media told us so, as same with forum goers in other platforms.

    (This line itself is a 100% angry jab to those outside of the Rising World forums. I'm livid here. The other responses had me holding back trying to be civil.)


    I genuinely enjoyed the video noting how the Mayans were more logical than the mainstream media portrayed. Yes, they were brutal and gorey, yet they also managed to build roads, etc. This is something you don't learn in history books. Or how other ancient civilization accomplished more than they were credited with, or how (again) Ancient Chinese possibly sailed up and down the North America's. Same with other civilizations.

    Now to type up a response to Paul.

  • Now to Paul. Again, I'll try to be civil by restraining myself as much as possible, but I can't promise anything. If I slip, I slip, but I will respond.



    Only someone who is really far from anything scientific can say something like that.

    You don't have to be an alleged "whack job" or whatever negative term you're desiring to use here, you can also be a normal human being trying to make ends meet seeing everything is not as it seems. With your life on the line you can see government lying day in, day out, and that probably won't change for as long as we live. We've seen it during the 'Canadian Freedom Convoy' which sparked protests around the world, and even with Anti-Japanese sentiments (people attacking Anime), and everything. I've seen people parrot things the media specifically told them to, even knowing it isn't the truth.

    I've even seen the media use "bait-and-switch" tactics. I'm just one person so I can't do much, but I can at least point out people have morally screwed up, even when we argued on both here and the Steam forums, and other social media. Reddit itself is a cesspool's of filth and corruption, as is Microsoft, etc.

    I feel bad for people who try to gaslight others and myself, meanwhile you have people going hungry, unable to live in a home, nor struggling to make ends meet seeing the actual shades of reality. When push comes to shove you discard the unnecessary reverting back to everything you need at the very moment. Only the basics.

    I'm aware we live in a world teaching people to put down other people, though it's healthy to think outside the box while trying to live a normal life.


    If you use conspiracy theory videos as an information source then you probably need to change you method of information collecting.

    This in itself is making me disappointed in you, even livid & annoyed we're not allowed to brainstorm, consider things, nor "think outside the box".

    You do know that half the alleged conspiracy theories are true, and have come true from 2017 till 2024. Sure, those prior to 2017 have been child's play and false, though the more recent ones are alarmingly real. Just because you're told an apple isn't an apple, and you believe it, is highly worrisome. It's an example, yet one I'll use.

    If you're just going to dismiss something while viewing it as "conspiracy theories" then I'm highly concerned for you. Yes, I don't 100% believe in the videos either, though they're more believable than the mainstream stuff of pretending Canada doesn't exist, or lowering the intellectual standards of the Ancients when they've been shown to be much smarter than they were made out to be.

    I'm not talking about admiring 'Ancient Aliens', I mean actual properly research videos backing up their claims such as the WhyFiles. Half their videos have been noted to be on shaky ground, and I respect that. The other stuff, that's awesome to note. I'll repeat myself noting Ancient Chinese may have potentially sailed up and down the North American Western coastline, etc.


    "Mainstream media" are not interested in shrinking/expanding civilisation age. First proofed cultural construction appeared ~21000 years ago, and that's an approximate age of the oldest civilization (which is obviously don't exist anymore)

    I'm bad with numbers, though out of curiousity, to see if we're on the same page, I'll see what you mean about 21000 years ago.


    The “Last Glacial Maximum,” or LGM, refers to a time during the last ice age when ice sheets and glaciers reached their peak extent across the world. These ice sheets and glaciers radically affected the world’s landscapes and migration patterns.


    I'll comment on this noting I believe this over anything else. Traditionally-minded Europe itself is aware Vikings and other civilizations/societies arrived in North America prior to the now-named 'First Nation' (Indians) folks, even though Canadian Parliament Building tours keep insisting it was the 'First Nations', not Vikings, or other civilizations. There have been cases of other civilizations living in North America before any 'First Nation' groups claiming their spot.

    I had to also Google up the 'Younger Dryas' to note the numbers.....


    2,580,000 to 11,700 years


    I'd believe it.


    It's your choice to stay in the darkness or not, light of science is not forbidden for anyone.

    Yes, we can go to a library, view it on the internet, but you're not seeing the actual problem here. This comment in itself is voiding the actual issue here. You have people hooked on fake Global Warming issues when it's simply the Earth living and breathing in its own manners going through its own cycles. Cold cycles, warm cycles, and everything else. Whatever we do as humans won't change the Earth from its "mood swings", if you will.

    We could live in ice caves again, or underground, or in mountains.

    It's being spun in a way to which even you should be highly concerned about, even if you note "science is not forbidden for anyone", even if I also noted how vicious and vile the science community gets if you don't agree to their theories and statements. Violently rejected to the point my Uncle was fearing for his life.

    Tow the line, or die........ Basically.


    That's true, we are living longer than 30 years and not eating our enemies. That's a thing called "progress", and it changes what is normal in the society.

    Annoying deflection of yours. Once again, you didn't respond appropriately, something to which we could call "gaslighting". Shame. This is honestly why we can't have nice things.


    That's not how that works. Even the largest bodies of asteroid belt wil not destroy the Earth, and most of them have orbits that don't intersect Earth orbit. And obviously 99.9999% of asteroids are harmless, the stone in a size of a meter will not even hit the ground (atmosphere will deal with it). The amount of really dangerous asteroids is very low, and each of them have impact probability like 10-8 or lower from 200-300 years.

    I'll let you sit on your response.

    Go Google up the various impact creators we had on Earth. Yes, I'm aware of the stray and clustered types, etc. Asteroid, comets, etc.

    I'm well aware haste makes waste, I'm going to leave it at that.


    That's nonsense, bo comments.

    "allegedly", yet you're desiring to pass on this comment. Alright... I mean, a potato is a battery yet you can't consider this thought? I at least paid enough attention in science and biology classes, even if I had to redo them because people enjoyed bullying me, even noting I was "crying" even if I wasn't. Looking through things in a microscope, how to put together a theory, etc. Granted, some of that faded away, but at least the standards are there.

    (To those skimming, this was in comment to Pyramids "allegedly" being a power generator, though I never said it was 100%. It was assumed. But it is a well known fact it was also aligned to specific constellations/stars.)


    Laurasia and Gondwana be like

    Mu & Atlantis, though I still believe Atlantis is theoretically "The eye of the Sahara" in Africa. Look at the water marks in the desert. That, and how Africa used ot be a full-on jungle, as noted in Guild War's Nightfall style.

    During the last earthquake of Japan (Western Japan, 2024) at the start of the New Year the land was brought up enough (in water; coastlines) to be seen in satellite images, and even from the tops of nearby hills and/or mountains. Land shifted heavily enough bringing land up many meters along the western coast of Japan in the effected areas.

    I'm not saying I'm 100% correct, I'm just noting I side with those theories of Mu and Atlantis, and neutrally noting the Japanese event as well. I'm also aware of what Earth appeared like in the past, though feel its being named in a negative way. Fine, yes.... Laurasia and Gondwana, among many others throughout the process.


    We know that, it's called "global warming". Actually the climate of Earth changed many times, and it was not always fine. "Snowball Earth" is a good example

    People actually don't know that. People keep assuming it's "man-made" and all that garbage, as my Uncle had found out time and time again. Earth goes through cycles, something people don't know about, even if you noted that. Other people are aware, yet they get hammered down over political narratives.

    And yes, the Earth has changed many times, but not because of us, but in a "mood swing" style.

    And yes, Earth used to be a ball of ice, and a ball of molten lava, yet people keep assuming everything is our fault. What IS our fault is the physical pollution, but everything else is on Earth's terms. Sun, cosmic radiation, among other factors.

    "global warming" is all a farce, and my Uncle already has proven it wrong. I'm certain others have as well, even the non-scientific side of things. Earth is Earth, and it'll continue doing its own thing.


    I hope not. RW is a real world game with fantasy elements, not a conspiracy theory aggregator.

    I love how you insulted Red51 with this line, even without knowing it. I feel bad for Red51 now, the poor guy. Our interest in Atlantis has been shattered, all because people can't think outside the box. I feel my point has been proven and I genuinely feel bad for Red51, hence why I had to private message him a few times with specific "sensitive" topics.

    This is why we can't have nice things because people get offended far too easily. And yes, Red51 is allowed to have fun seeing as how he genuinely 100% desired to have a fantasy biome in Rising World. As for how, and where, that's up to him, but Atlantis itself needs to be 100% respected (the Lucasarts video game version at the last).

    Now, if you still view me as a brainless Alt-Right nut-job then please reconsider your viewpoint and stances. Things are indeed not what they seem, especially with the constant bombardment of half-truths. It's however neat when we play with fun stuff in an overly fun manner. Rising World already has Purple cows in respect to Europe's Milka Chocolate, Bandits speaking absolute gibberish, and even animated hostile skeletons. Heck, it even has hell with Zombie dogs. People desire magic and I hope Red51 finds a proper medium for it. It could even be an 'mod.io' example add-on, and same with zombies. Whatever people are offended about can be it's proper add-on element on mod.io. You know what's funny? People even were offended about mods and add-ons adding zombies, magic, mounted moose, & etc. We honestly aren't allowed to have fun, nor customize our games the way we desire. Everything is offensive in this world, even though Rising World is allowed to be customizable to their player's preferences, etc. Shame. We live in a censorship world where you can't even host mods on Nexus Mods and other politically corrupted minded platforms.

    But if you desire to knock on 'Ancient Aliens' and everything on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, etc, then by all means, be my guest. Burn them down. I won't defend them, but I will defend 'WhyFiles'. I won't defend any YouTuber, but I will defend WhyFiles.

    Everything is legit, and game, though still up to however Red51 desires it. :monocle:



    Oh, and lastly, I'm aware people are all serious and tensed up to the point of having heart attacks and stroke (I'm noting this in general now, not at any one person). It's healthy to loosen up while still maintaining some composure.

    There is a reason why Asian mediums are preferred over Western ones. People are allowed to escape while not being guilt tripped, gaslit, nor shamed into being labeled something negative. They're allowed to be human and themselves.

    "Please let me cut loose a little!" - Shun (Blue Archive)

    Meaning, it's fine to be both logical and emotional in a healthy medium. You know, neutrality type of deal. Less spoke, more of Kirk and Vulcan mentalities mixed together. :monocle:

  • Do you not hear yourself? You accuse people of so called "gaslighting" and then make multiple comments in defence like this.

    I'm out.

    I knew you'd say that.

    Then don't say stupid nonsense like this


    Lost me after 25 seconds.

    Then I won't have to call you out either. As I've said previously maybe if people had long-term patience and common sense then we wouldn't be at each other's throats. If people were more honest and down to earth then we wouldn't be villainizing one another. Instead maybe people should go - "Oh! I haven't thought about that! It's a neat theory, even if I don't disagree with it. It really puts things into perspective" - being more accepting, yet still in your own point of interests. But no, I have to have - "This is fake! Arcticu is an Alt-right moron! FAKE! FAKE! I have low patience! Fake!" - type of responses.

    Then head out, I don't care. I had two posts tell me I'm a retarded piece of trash (in an indirect manner) so what you have noted is moot in an exit argument.

    And, as I've ALSO said previously, not everything under the sun is my fault. I'm aware people always enjoy alleging everything is my fault, but it be nice, for once, if people took responsibility for their own sins. People have blamed me for every little microscopic thing in reality and in the digital world that I simply make note of what people have said (including Steam support) and move on. People don't understand, always sweeping crap under the rug.

    Or when I tried to share Anime with someone whining and moaning 15 seconds (or 5 minutes) into the episode saying how much they allegedly hated everything about the Anime instead of being polite about it. Everybody is so hostile and dismissive. It's as if people aren't humble, nor down-to-earth anymore. it's as if people forgot how to be human, or meet others in the middle. But no, I see "FAKE! THIS IS FAKE!" type nonsense.

    I love it when people can actually converse with one another instead of pointing weaponry at one another. Even honestly discussing our way in burying the hatchet. But no, even that isn't allowed. Everything always has to be my fault, or someone else's fault, never the main person. And yeah, I'm sure someone is going to weaponize something I've said again.


    Here, a theory about pyramids being power generators, not tombs with giant "rob me" signs on them. Again, the theory is laid out and it's then debunked and analyzed at the end.


    But, oh, no.,..... I"m a terrorist who is going to blow up Berlin. Oh no, how evil of me. Maybe I'll violate women while I'm there..... How horrendous........ My god... People. :sleeping:

    And yes, I'm aware it's obvious I'm also depressed because people forgot how to be normal human beings. HUmans are social creatures so of course there is that struggle as well, but at least I'm having fun messing around with theories, even wondering how they'd fit into Rising World, or simply in general. It's always good to think outside the box and have fun with everything. Of course, everything in moderation. :monocle:

    As always everything shall be posted "whenever I feel like it" until I'm no longer allowed to post here and on Steam. I'll still attempt to keep things proper, even if people still enjoy throwing me under the bus for the whole fun of it.

  • My god....... This is why we can't have nice things because other people always have to get offended. Desmagu, you've also double-posted making things more annoyingly awkward. If you could have edited that into your other post it would have been less agitating.

    While the other folks are "fake offended" I'm going to share more fun stuff you never learn in school. Current-day education now teaches you it's perfectly fine to diddle little kids, and all that idiocy.


    - Plants communicating with one another


    (Learning how plants communicate with one another to attract predators to attack herbivores eating on them, and communicating with other plants.)


    Yes, Canadian education sucks, and it sucks now more than ever with how people don't even know how to read, even forgetting how to be human. Asians can still out-score any local in North America and it's quite sad. Same with traditional-minded Europeans, even if Canadian teachers are trash. My teachers were a bunch of drug addicts, or boasted how they owned a BMW Convertible (shh, don't tell anyone) and other nonsense. Always bullying me and other people. I'm happy I've learned many stuff via Youtube and Anime.

    Desmagu, no, it's not a laughing matter.

    Apparently this BMW mattered more to my English teacher than teaching a class.

    "Shhh!~ Don't tell anybody I showed you my car"

    Yeah, whatever.

  • What is wrong with people. Both here and on Steam forums people have gone full-on senile. People being abusive, sensitive, and attacking one another in almost every thread. For a Rising World community people sure are vile. And that goes for Draven as well..... What is wrong with people. Everybody has gone full on senile, and I'm not joking.

    I'm genuinely concerned. So much so I may end up having to call some sort of international health number. I'll have more videos to share later, though highly concerned over people's mental well being. That now includes Avanar's mental health. People lost their own sanity.

    Just because the Rising World isn't updating people are genuinely losing their minds.

    Also, Avanar, you should know better instead of acting dumb like that.

  • Arcticu, i don´t know why i am bothering to post here anyways. The smileys above were a weak moment and now i at least have to give an explanation, i guess.

    The smileys were pointed at your links and your ideas of how the world should be. Science means knowledge based on facts, found by research, study, evaluation and reevaluation. It is an iterative process and the result in the end is called "factual knowledge".
    It does NOT exclude other ideas, just the current state of knowledge. If at some point something is proven by scientific means that will be accepted. Anything that is simply a statement, an idea or vision is no science and therefore no fact until scientifically proven.

    Your links are not even theories. They are simply ideas, fantasy. Tesla never had an idea about pyramids being a millenium old electricity system. That is beyond any serious science. But it generates clicks. As a business model this works very well.

    The other reason for the smileys is your reaction. You are constantly complaining about people being not open for other ideas, people are "abusive" to you and "senile" or "dumb". Look at yourself. You promote your ideas simply because they are not "mainstream", for no other reason. And anyone arguing pro facts is for you automatically misguided. That is the definition of "not open".

    You call out others for being blindfolded, dumb, senile and other stuff. That is very clearly "abusive behaviour". You are what you fear. And that is funny and at the same time sad. Also that you carry out these fights in public. I also don´t know what such topics have to do with Rising World, even if off topic but that is Reds & Team to decide upon.

    There you got my explanation. Take it as you like, and i know you will take it negative just as all the other talks we had before, but it is not meant negative or abusive.

    That´s it from my side. :party:

  • The smileys were pointed at your links and your ideas of how the world should be. Science means knowledge based on facts, found by research, study, evaluation and reevaluation. It is an iterative process and the result in the end is called "factual knowledge".
    It does NOT exclude other ideas, just the current state of knowledge. If at some point something is proven by scientific means that will be accepted. Anything that is simply a statement, an idea or vision is no science and therefore no fact until scientifically proven.

    I love how people can't understand anything, even when I spell things out. It goes for everything. I go A-B-C, and people go F-I-P. What the heck?! I said A-B-C, not F-I-P. The problem with people is that they're too "innocent", for a lack of better phrasing. It's hard to put into words, or maybe people simply lack the experience to hold a leveled conversation with myself, or any other game developer out there who actually is aware of what they're saying.

    Yes, science is based on facts and I wouldn't post anything that's factually incorrect. I'm not going to post anything about flat-earth, or anything that's fake. I post things that are "food for thought", things that media constantly claims is false (when it's not), and I post things that actually makes sense in theoretical senses. I'm going to note this again (and I'm sure it's going to be overlooked again; View A-B-C point) relating to how I had to learn Canadians had a naval military during WW2, something you wouldn't know elsewhere. The world isn't what it seems because mainstream doesn't teach people what is necessary. I learned we had HMCS Haida, HMCS Quebec, HMCS Ontario, HMCS Bonaventure, HMCS Warrior, HMCS Magnificient all thanks to KanColle, Azur Lane, various YouTubers, etc.Nobody wants to focus on things that are actually interesting. If I can post again I'll post Youtubers going on about Canadian naval warships because it's informative, not in history books, and it's a taboo topic in Canada and the world. People aren't allowed to admire anything Canadian, it's apparently offensive to be a Canadian, and a patriotic one at that.

    It fucking takes traditional Europeans (not modern), and even Asians to get to the actual information, but then people always laugh and mock others. I'm irritated by people's weirdness. Internet trolling.

    Your links are not even theories. They are simply ideas, fantasy. Tesla never had an idea about pyramids being a millenium old electricity system. That is beyond any serious science. But it generates clicks. As a business model this works very well.

    That's your loss.

    The other reason for the smileys is your reaction. You are constantly complaining about people being not open for other ideas, people are "abusive" to you and "senile" or "dumb". Look at yourself. You promote your ideas simply because they are not "mainstream", for no other reason. And anyone arguing pro facts is for you automatically misguided. That is the definition of "not open".

    Of course I'm complaining about other people behaving like rabid beasts. People can't even be civil anymore, but that probably goes without saying when we view "forums" in generalities. People can't accept consequences on their end. I try, yet people don't. Everything is always, ALWAYS my fault and I get irritated by how vile people can be. I also have a stalker constantly giving me clown awards making me more annoyed IQ keeps lowering in other people.

    Yes, people are abusive, senile, dumb, and etc. I'm giving people an alternative, but I'm not replacing what they know. I'm simply sharing stuff on the side. If you want to bite, then bite. If not, again, it's your loss.

    As for the whole "complaining about people being aggressive" then go look at the Steam forums with people bickering like senile old farts. Always arguing making no sense what so ever. Always hating each other. If I wasn't there then someone would hate on someone else and it's just stupid. Zork (Zfox), or whatever he goes by now had the smart idea of simply disconnecting from the forums and I should have as well. Red51 desired me to stay, and I accepted his wishes, even if people enjoy being vile. People aren't honest with themselves, and that is a fact. Other people know this, and have told me this, when providing me Busou Shinki models.

    As someone told me via Discord:

    >>and that's fine, its understandable being frustrated at always being either ignored or fought against <<

    And for clarity (again) I'm not trying to replace people's thoughts fully, only consider the alternatives. Food-for-thought, though people are even afraid to think outside the box. People are afraid of a LOT of things.

    You call out others for being blindfolded, dumb, senile and other stuff. That is very clearly "abusive behaviour". You are what you fear. And that is funny and at the same time sad. Also that you carry out these fights in public. I also don´t know what such topics have to do with Rising World, even if off topic but that is Reds & Team to decide upon.

    I call it as I see it. Sometimes I'm wrong, sure, but people aren't honest. People always have to wear this mask and it gets overly weird. Always being accused by Draven on Steam forums also gets highly agitating as this fake "troll", or someone "negative". Even when I hide myself in a bubble (doing nothing) people STILL find excuses to slander me, berate me, and treat me like trash. I can't stand people who are fake and vile. If I see people being dishonest I simply say so. Even when I mind my own god damn business people still desire to be vulgar.

    I actually kind of wish I didn't discover Rising World. I wish I instead found Palworld, or some other game instead of Rising World when the community enjoys being constantly dishonest, shunning myself, and just being weird. Granted, I also expected too much from people and I should have simply stuck with the Japanese to do the stuff that would have gone miles, and beyond.

    If Red51 wants me gone he can always tell me to. I even openly requested to him to ban me time and again and he refused. I snapped at him during the Freedom Convoy threads being purged also seeing how dishonest people are. If people want to be fake then don't come crying or else I'll say: "I told you so!"

    I make note of people being fake so it can be used as a learning tool to avoid mistakes, but I guess people insist on making mistakes.

    Ah well......

    There you got my explanation. Take it as you like, and i know you will take it negative just as all the other talks we had before, but it is not meant negative or abusive.

    On that note I'll suggest you work in service industry seeing people constantly lying to your face, and they know it. They take advantage of other people, lie, steal products, sample goods, etc. I see it on a daily basis. I feel bad for retail people who have to constantly deal with people being the lowest of the lowest. Makes me wonder when people shall wake up to start apologizing to those around them.

    If there is a Rising World Anime variation I'll probably jump ship at this rate with how genuinely abusive the Steam forums and forums are on its own with and without me. People don't know what they're doing.

    That´s it from my side. :party:

    Thank you, and I tried to meet you half-way just as you've tried meeting me halfway. If only this could happen more often.

    I'm not pinning this on you, but I wish people were simply honest so we wouldn't be at each other's throats with knives on the daily. It's tiring, and I'm annoyed I have to deal with people who aren't honest with themselves both offline and online. It be nice to meet people who actually behave like actual proper human beings, not the ones I currently find stalking me on Steam forums gifting me awards, or berating me whether I'm there or not, or somehow failing to connect the dots. Or seeing people being vile to other people simply because RIsing World isn't updating in their specified timeframe.

    If Red51 allows me to mod Rising World in a user-friendly manner then I'll have fun in the way I had fun customizing VRChat in my own covert manner. Viewing simplified tutorials, copy & paste, etc. I wish I could have fun with Rising World but I guess even that isn't allowed anymore. The more we wait the crankier people get. :sleeping:

  • Avanar basically gave the most proper summary of the whole thread, but I think that I can add my 5 cents to it.

    There is one thing (mentioned above) that is a good soil for conspiracy theory growth - lack of knowledge. Education system still has many problems even nowadays, and the lack of knowledge in different aspects push people to find answers, and the answers that they will find will not always be correct or scientific. And here is the second (and the main) problem of education system - it is not teaching people critical thinking (well, at least I didn't see an example of opposite). When you have it you can analyze any information from any source from different points of view. And even if you will find something you can try to analyze that before accepting. That works not only for knowledge, but also for news (or media), discussions, opinions and so on.

    Almost all conspiracy adepts that I saw have an opposite type of mind - dogmatic thinking. Basically it is build around several axioms (or dogma) that will be true independently on any other factors. If there is a dogma that the Earth is 7k ears old then any evidence to the contrary will fail, same for other things. This type of thinking is one of the main type in human population (and that is biologically reasonable - brain consumes up to 25% of the whole body energy, thinking is a expensive process, and that stays true even if we are not fighting with tigers and searching for food anymore. Another point is that if you don't accept dogma of your local group you can't be part of the community, and as a social being you will lower your chances to survive). That also explains why most people on Earth have a religion (most religions are also based on a set of dogma that you need to accept "as is").

    But that type of mind is almost harmless for people and population, so we just accepts that as is. A friend of my grandpa tried to build "fueless engine" several times (variation of perpetum mobile), but that didn't made him bad worker or friend. The problem happens when such people try to sell herbal tea as a remedy from cancer, but such situations are rare and are controlled by local governments (or at least they should).

    If you really want to understand how the world works critical thinking is the first thing that you need. As an example there is a person who was adept of flat-earth society, and after providing several experiment on his own he found that the Earth is actually round (sorry, no link, it was a very old video blog). Or how my biology teacher in hight school thought that people became pregnant after kissing since that was how it was shown in all movies, and how she learned actual human anatomy later. Basically as I mention above - the light of science is not forbidden for anyone. But it is not for free. You need to do much work on yourself and on your way of understanding things, you need a lot of work on collecting information and processing it (you need to actually proof and integrate all knowledge together). Actually all people that have good understanding of things around them performed a huge worked under themselves and their knowledge. It is mostly like a fitness that shapes your body, but for your mind.

    P.S.: An important moment that many people don't understand correctly - you can have your own opinion about anything in the world (that's basically your right as an intelligent being), but to have valid opinion that other people will hear and accept you need to work hard. And that's also a reason why scientists don't listen or answer conspiracy theories (which are not theories actually) - opinion on topic based only on fantasies is not valid.

    P.S.S.: Due to these facts arguing with conspiracy adept is only a waste of time. But it is at least a good way to remember some knowledge that you forgot or just refreshing them.

  • Avanar basically gave the most proper summary of the whole thread, but I think that I can add my 5 cents to it.

    I've warned against tribal mentality and "circle jerking", it's genuinely bad for the health, yet people don't listen. Of course people won't, I'm always the idiot here just because you guys happen to have a "black sheep" to gang up on.

    Education system still has many problems even nowadays, and the lack of knowledge in different aspects push people to find answers, and the answers that they will find will not always be correct or scientific.

    Many problems because it teaches people it's perfectly fine to diddle kids, to be someone you're not, and to be constantly dishonest with yourself. And yes, other people take the route of "flat-earth" and other nonsense because that's how tribal mentality works. That's how the past worked all prior to the government now openly and intentionally killing people left and right, and even openly in Germany, as they had done in Canada & USA. I'm taking another route, still a philosophical route, one away from fake conspiracy theories, yet still viewed negatively because you've been conditioned that way. Gaslighting only makes things worse on your end, and Avanar's end.

    Yes, the lack of knowledge indeed forces people to seek out alternative avenues, hence why people have migrated to Anime, Japanese, or in Asian context in general. Traditional Europe minded folks seemed to have either died out, or migrated to even Asian mediums. People can still be highly creative thanks to having escaped to Asian mediums, and the rare proper YouTube channels.

    Gaslighting isn't helping you here.

    and here is the second (and the main) problem of education system - it is not teaching people critical thinking (well, at least I didn't see an example of opposite).

    If you look at the current North American education system it's perfectly fine to diddle little kids, to be a vulgar sense of yourself, to dox other parents, and to be genuinely retarded. It's perfectly fine to be moronic these days and that's frustrating.


    A Canadian mother was doxxed and attacked for critizing a mentally moronic teacher.

    Then you have Canadian teachers pretending to be the opposite gender, or wearing fake breasts (Ontario), etc.

    You're not allowed to be human.

    Any bit of critical thinking was done by the rare history teacher, or some rare good teacher. Nowadays teachers must show off their fancy BMW car, or how special they themselves are, or berate their own students. The current-day education system is a peer-pressure torture room where you MUST violate one another left and right, even if it drops into suicide.

    Another point is that if you don't accept dogma of your local group you can't be part of the community, and as a social being you will lower your chances to survive). That also explains why most people on Earth have a religion (most religions are also based on a set of dogma that you need to accept "as is").

    Tribal mentality, cliques, circle-jerking.


    Yeah, with how delayed Rising World update has become people have become antsy attacking everything they could, even mocking everything. People will learn, one day, to be more human. Or I hope people shall.

  • "It shouldn't exist, yet it does"


    - BBC - Ring of Galaxies found:

    "BuT iT'S cOnsPiRaCy ThEoRiEs. It'S fAkE!"


    As for the Canadian side I promised I'd share. You just don't learn this stuff in school because modern education system panders more to the fake stuff, such as diddling kids, doxxing parents, and being abusive to the students.

    - HMCS Uganda/Quebec

    HMCS Sackville:

    HMCS Haida - The Last Tribal-Class Destroyer:

    (I visited her.)

    HMCS Ontario:

    - HMCS Bonaventure

    - HMCS Magnificent:

    (HMCS Warrior is missing.)



    Graf Zeppelin (CV)


    Point is,unless it suits the mainstream it won't be shared. You only see Canadians in a handful of games (or even other alleged "minor nations") in games like Silent Hunter 3, Atlantic Fleet (tied under Royal Navy, sadly), and maybe some other hidden gems. Even so, they're ignored. People whoever admire Germany so you always see Germans hyped up in both Azur Lane & Kantai Collection. You also (thankfully) experience how German Uboat crews faired in Silent Hunter 3 & Das Boot. Good POV.

    You're just not allowed to admire the normal, let alone the patriotic. It makes you human and you're not allowed to be human. I admire how patriotic Japan is, they know how to be mostly true to themselves. :monocle: I'm glad we at least have two vessels (HMCS Haida & HMCS Sackville), needing to visit HMCS Sackville myself.

    Everything is just messy these days. Nobody knows how to be true, hence all the fake smiley faces and fake reviews on Steam and game journalism sites. :saint:

  • Articu, you go on and on about how people aren't allowed to think what they want to think and be who they want to be, and yet here you are spewing blatant transphobia. Are people who are trans not just people being who they know they are in their mind? Why are you trying to gaslight trans people into being something they are not?

    Also, I assume you must have irrefutable evidence that schools are teaching people to diddle kids? Please share your sources of where this is happening, as it would be shocking to all of us and something we should put a stop to. Otherwise you are just trying to gaslight us into believing a conspiracy.

    No one here has said that you can't enjoy military history or learning about other countries or anime, or even imagining what kinds of things could be incorporated into fantasy games like Rising World. Its when you tell people that everything they know is wrong (many of us whom have been studying and learning and researching our whole lives and have college degrees in these subject fields), and that we must only accept what you say to be true, that we have issues with what you say. You, sir, ARE the one who is attempting to gaslight us. You are the only one here creating division and attacking people and calling us all wrong and insulting our intelligence as if you are the only one capable of knowing what's real. You, sir, are not that special in the grand scheme of things.

    And YOU, sir, are the source of all your problems, not anyone else here. The rest of us are just trying to enjoy a game, one which is open-world and open-ended and allows each of us to create what we want to see in the digital world.

    Green Valleys - PvE Survival - Land Claims/Portals/SetHome - discord.gg/EQ6a9mb

  • Little children may not understand why I'm sharing what I'm sharing, or refuse to comprehend the basics, but it's to challenge what we know. Sure, half of it "may" be fake, but it at least makes you think in a "food for thought" manner. The other half? Tends to become a part of mainstream science. Half of what I'm sharing also tends to become a part of mainstream science, after much whining and moaning by egoistical scientists and geologists seeking clout and fame.

    "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." :*

    Knights Templar | Forbidden History and their Secret Quest for Atlantis


    Nice take about the Knight's Templar.

    Now, because children don't know how WhyFiles works, he basically paints the picture to then debunk it at the end. Is it real or fake? Let's go through the sources, as he does. And the things he does note tends to become reality, if with much delay and high amounts of scrutiny, reluctance, whining, moaning, bitching, etc. Not all, but some of it. It's been noted certain Pseudo-science does become a part of mainstream science, meaning it's best not to be a prick about things. :nerd:

    It truly is amazing when once cuts out the egoistical bullcrap you can finally accept things in the approriate viewpoint. Remove ego, clout-chasing, and fake-political narratives you can then have all the answers you want, even if it hurts your precious feelings of having theories being disproven, outdated, or simply updated by someone else. Actual factual ones, at that. I know, we hate change, but things have to change. Things which were once viewed as alleged "conspiracy theories" do end up being correct, to the dismay of the troublemakers. No matter how many disclaimers you put people shall always ignore it.

    As Electronic Arts said: "Challenge everything".


    That means, even the mainstream knowledge that we know of. It's good to poke and prod at various things. :nerd:

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