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  • Back then when i was new to RW you were very nice and friendly. Open-minded and interested in my buildings and my world, giving me a place on your server, which i higly appreciate until this day. It was a very nice time and i admired your vision for this server. But somewhen down the road you lost track of your own feelings and behaviour. Your posts are constantly about gaslighting (back then i had to google what it actually means) and how bad others treat you. Yet now we are here, several years later, and you generalize, bully others and do what you can to deflect critics - which in fact is what gaslighting means. To deflect something by the use of invented or twisted facts.

    I hope you find a way to come back to your true inner self, that i saw a few years ago. I really liked this person you were back then. But right now all i can say is that i hope you will not post any homophobic or passive-aggressive stuff like in your previous posts anymore. From my point of view, you are crossing a line here.

  • Back then when i was new to RW you were very nice and friendly. Open-minded and interested in my buildings and my world, giving me a place on your server, which i higly appreciate until this day. It was a very nice time and i admired your vision for this server. But somewhen down the road you lost track of your own feelings and behaviour. Your posts are constantly about gaslighting (back then i had to google what it actually means) and how bad others treat you. Yet now we are here, several years later, and you generalize, bully others and do what you can to deflect critics - which in fact is what gaslighting means. To deflect something by the use of invented or twisted facts.

    I hope you find a way to come back to your true inner self, that i saw a few years ago. I really liked this person you were back then. But right now all i can say is that i hope you will not post any homophobic or passive-aggressive stuff like in your previous posts anymore. From my point of view, you are crossing a line here.

    You're not gaslighting me while pretending to be like some fake plastic Saint, Pope, or some religious person. Don't be fake. I'm tired and exhausted of being thrown under the bus time and again because other people can't take responsibility for their own mistakes. YOU'VE done this to yourself, and that's why you had a handful of people barking back at you to stop being arrogant and egoistical. You never listened to them. You're not the Pope so cut the crap. One minute you mock me by laughing at me, then you pretend to be some Holy Figure saint. Nah, man. I can't. You're 100% fake.

    Of course I'm nice to people who are nice back, yet when people tell me everything is always falsely my fault then they're a pile of trash. Avanar, don't gaslight, and don't treat me as a blacksheep. Sadly, I can't say the same for you because you've desired to hijack my private server. Not directly, but indirectly. You've suggested to host my server on your server hosting, and then you kept going further and further to the point people had to call you out. You NEVER (ONCE) bothered to acknowledge them. You always casted them aside. I still remember their posts. They may be lost in time, but I remember their posts.

    No, I'm not bullying anyone. Maybe I get a bit hot headed, but I do not bully anyone. If anyone bullies then I have to look at you (look at your "HAHAHAHA!" post, amongothers), or even Red_Baron pretending his sins are mine. Antagonizing? Maybe if people were normal and down to earth we wouldn't be at each other's throats. I desired to share some videos and you guys are jumping at me like I'm some lunatic, gaslighting, etc. If anybody is bullying it's you guys, and you keep proving my point over and over again.

    I HAD TO F***ING LEAVE THE UNOFFICIAL DISCORD GROUP BECAUSE EVERYBODY WAS BEING VILE. For my own health and sanity I had to leave a toxic environment, AS VORTAC, just to escape SOME of other people's idiocies. It's a shame I'm being forcefully pushed off the forums as well because people genuinely enjoy being fake. I wish I was joking, but I'm not. People enjoy being fake, and vile. I'm not Homophobic, or transphobic, it's just people aren't honest with themselves constantly preaching about things which don't matter. If you want to continue to lie to yourself then that's on you, you're the one at a loss. The fact of the matter is people aren't honest, and neither are you. I'm only on the forums just to keep up on Red51, but you guys keep pushing me out of the forums. I even attempted a hiatus to avoid your stupid childish nonsense, yet it's hard to get news that way. Red51 only posts on forums. I need another outlet for Red51's Rising World updates, and Trello falls behind on that in regards to Steam forum post updates.

    Avanar, don't gaslight me. Don't play the saint, nor the angel. You're anything but that, as as with your friends who went on a tirade on my private discord server taking advantage of my depression back in 2018, or whenever it was. It was when my Java server was public, and when I shared that harmless tweet causing that one idiot to go on a rampage. If I died from their verbal assaults that's on them, and that's YOUR sins to carry, NOT MINE. Everything always had to be my fault. Everything. Nobody was happy, nor chose a positive path. Everything was wrong, or wasn't done right. Nobody was happy being a bunch of spoiled brats. It's a private server, not a public one. People were whiny and moany, as noted in in the context of your posts.

    Don't blame your idiocies on mine, and stop pretending to be a bunch of saints. I'll be nice to whoever is normal, which is sadly becoming less and less. I'm here for Rising World, for Rising World's modding stuff, and for Red51. I HAVE to follow these forums for Red51's news or else I'm out of the loop. Maybe you guys shall finally have your wish when Red51's arms are finally forced to force me off this forum (and Steam). It would however be nice if people could behave like proper humans, not like robots.

    If people can stop being vile for one year (or more) then we can be friends again, but you (Avanar) have just shown you refuse to take responsibility for your own sins. I can't forgive you. Ever. I usually do, to a fault and naivety, yet with you I can't forgive you at all. No matter how much you beg and moan, I can't forgive you for all the hurt you've done. Nor the other person. There are certain people I simply have to cut ties with, no matter what. I'll see your next response (if one) and will have to be forced to block you, as you have done to me. You refused to be human.

    Just because you can blame someone else doesn't mean you should. Have some restraint, and learn to read other people's criticism of yours. Learn from it, and become better. I know I do that 50% of the time, but I also consider how true people are to their own character while providing me these advices. I know with how the world is shifting people are more inclined to be less honest with themselves, and I see that in yourself and others. People fake-flexing on Steam forums, etc, and even trashing on my posts because they can't do the whole "food for thought" stuff. I'm seeing other honest people getting rewarded clown awards, being mocked, knocked down, and it's just depressing. I guess you have to be pre-programmed to hate on other people, and that's how people shall go, as you've shown (with others having replied to me, or how they view me.)

    I'll be normal once people themselves chose to be more normal, and also less naive at the same time. For you, Avanar, I hope you choose to be actually honest one day. I haven't crossed any lines, but people constantly gaslighting has. If you want to be fake then that's on you, but I doubt you'll chose to be your honest self. Everybody desires to cause other people to suicide. How sad......

    Once a game becomes more popular it always attracts the worst people, and I can see it growing in the Rising World forums like cancer. I hope you wake up to reality one day...... I really do.

    Now I'm not even allowed to show videos because it offends people. How stupid! Then people say they're here for Rising World and I can't even do that when people desire me banned, or for Red51 not to listen to me, downplay various threads, or hijack certain threads for themselves, etc. People are so full of themselves. Or that private discord harassment, or those clown awards, and everything is always against me. What a shame. People falsely noting they're here for Rising World but then I see them trolling on forums, or trying to find ways to knock me down, ban me, hate me, or whatever nonsense. If you were here for Rising World you wouldn't stoop so low. You would be suggesting proper features, helping with bug fixes, making plugins, and actually supporting Rising World. You would attempt to make videos for Youtube, etc.

    Rising World doesn't feel like a safe place and it's because of the people. Red51 is cool, but not the people.



    I'll respond normally if people themselves can behave normally, which they're deciding not to do. People keep choosing to be vile and toxic, or view me as a threat, so we keep having to be at one another's throats. It's not where I desire to be, it's where other people desire us to be. I have to keep pointing the flaws, yet people are just stubborn people. If I die because of other people's idiocies then that's on you, not me. YOU have to reap what you sow, not some other person. People refuse to take accountability in this day and age, and it's showing in the real world as well. I know where I screw up and I try to do better the next day, yet other people not so much. They fake flex, clown others on Steam, etc. It's a joke.

    I'm actually here for Rising World, for the modding, and to have fun in the game. Sadly, I have to lurk on the forums for Red51's news because Trello doesn't keep up to date.

  • I'm here for Rising World, and I genuinely hope, wish, and pray we eventually see fun playful mods, as the Japanese have done with Minecraft just today, as of this posting. Not even one hour has elapsed seeing fun entertaining cute mods for Minecraft. It's a character from another game called 'Blue Archive'.

    I, at the very least, hope we eventually see fun playful mods like these in Rising World. Actual fun ones without the whole "I wish death on Arcticu" stuff. I need to find more Japanese escapism, and away from people being fake and dishonest. If we can have actual fun elements in the Rising World it'll make it even more appealing. But I guess we're not even allowed that. And yes, I'm aware we have to wait on the API to mature, something I'll actually wait on. I'll wait for RIsing World's API to mature to where we can eventually have something similar to the above before requesting aid elsewhere. People have openly noted I'm a piece of trash and they won't help me so I'll have to seek actual aid and assistance elsewhere, maybe from the Asian community.

    I'm now left livid, and at a loss for hope. *sighs*.

    What does the future contain? Misery, it seems. Maybe you guys are right, maybe I should be banned just because people enjoy being dishonest, vile, and fake. You guys seem to own the game and I'm not allowed to play Rising World. :wacko:

  • And again. you again bring up the same stuff. you are the victim, you after getting gaslighted, you are thrown under the bus. again and again and again.

    In the same moment you do exactly that to others, in this case me.

    I Don't care what you call me, neither what others call me. that's their issue, not mine. I'm not a saint, not even religious, I am honest. if i talk to someone and getting bullsh*t back I'm calling that out for what it is.

    The only reason why I answered was because you brought up very bad language about minorities, in a forum that is definitely not the place for such, if there is any at all.

    Think of me what you want but i ask you to stay away from racist, sexist or any other bashing. being silent is no option here, in my opinion.

  • And again. you again bring up the same stuff. you are the victim, you after getting gaslighted, you are thrown under the bus. again and again and again.

    In a world of Karma you need to face your consequences, and you refuse to do so. I keep trying to better myself, and I noted that. You refused to read that because you're guilty of nonsense. Just because I've posted videos you dislike you chose to harass me, bully me, and even reach for low hanging roots to attempt to view like a White Knight. That's genuinely disgusting. How cowardly. Just because the world is now cloaked by fake nonsense you're pretending to upload new justice and it's pathetic. You're you, not some fake person, and you refuse to see this. You're not a hero, and I'm just a hot-headed Canadian.

    Of course I'm going to say the same stuff. What do you want me to say, that I've been sexually assaulted by some gangsters? You've been vile, as has Red_Baron, and other people. I've been thrashed on, stepped on, spat on, and constantly told what has happened to me is an illusion, as you have done again. I've been meaning to add that you also appear to manipulate people, and that's what you've done. I feel bad for people who have to deal with you.

    And yes, I've been thrown under the bus in every community, including this one, because that's how forums are. They're toxic by nature, and why certain folks have noted as to why they don't actively post on forums. You can't gaslight this, yet you keep doing so. Let's conveniently ignore the Discord moment where I was harassed for 2-3 hours straight, even when they knew I depressed. I bookmarked my own tweet to myself, yet it offended people. EVERYTHING offends everybody and people have such thin skins it's insane. Insanely thin skins.

    I already said how I've been bullied on my own Discord group over a tweet, yet that keeps slipping your attention. You're an idiot for doing that, and even hypocritical. You're perfectly fine for me to be harassed and trashed, yet you pretend to uphold some fake justice about fake minorities. And I'm not even allowed to post on forums because other people own the property of Rising World. Everything belong to other people. Everything is about them and Rising World. Everything has to be about other people, and maybe it should. Let Rising World suffer then if you desire to be so fake.

    If you're going to mock me then at least face the consequences. Don't be a coward about it. You came in here laughing so at least redeem yourself somehow, and honestly. I'm tired of people's idiocies.

    In the same moment you do exactly that to others, in this case me.

    Bullshit. I'm hot-headed, yes. But I do not bully people. Again, it's perfectly fine for others to treat me like trash, yet when I point out other people's stupid behaviour everything is always my fault. My fault I started WW2, etc. Nah. This is why I can't agree with you.

    Forums are toxic by nature, and you're one of those active users.

    As I've said previously (many times) you have no remorse. You refuse to accept your sin, yet you want me to be fully sinful. Everythign is always my fault, yet you're always clean of errors. You actively harassed me in my own thread, even knocking me down as the person had in my own Discord group. Low blow, and fairly cowardly. I wouldn't be surprised if you violate people in real world.

    I Don't care what you call me, neither what others call me. that's their issue, not mine. I'm not a saint, not even religious, I am honest. if i talk to someone and getting bullsh*t back I'm calling that out for what it is.

    By saying this you actually do care, hence why you're here trying to defend yourself after treating me like trash. If you actually were as modest as you claimed to be you wouldn't be here pretending. You act like you're a Saint, yet you're being idiotic in the process. And yes, you're not Saint, glad we agree. You're a forum troll.

    Nah, you're not calling it out as it is. You even refused to see your own sins when other people called you out on your nonsense.

    The only reason why I answered was because you brought up very bad language about minorities, in a forum that is definitely not the place for such, if there is any at all.

    Oh, please! You're being hypocritical. You're happy when people suffer on forums, or when Rising World was more in your grasp, yet you're pretending to care about something so fake. Granted, you've done less of the Rising World hogging so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and praise there. Your abusive behaviour wasn't welcomed on the forum when you tried to crown Rising World for yourself, and the recent behaviour isn't welcomed as well of openly mocking me (bullying me) then gaslighting me while pretending to defend some fake victims. Then there was a case of other people desiring me not to have fun with Rising World, desiring me to be "forever-banned", constantly wishing me bad luck, and even desiring Red51 not to listen to me. I'm always the evil one. Even to Draven_Crow, the dramatic person, he always baited me and I got agitated over that. Don't have poison in your words, don't bait me, and everything shall be fine. You're lucky I'm here so you can step on me like a rug. You however need to learn every hostile action has consequences. You need to learn being fake doesn't take you places in life. You need to be honest and genuine, something you haven't been.

    You don't care about these fake minorities, you only care about the image. That's disgusting and hypocritical. There's actual problems in the world and you don't even care about those, only the fake easy fights you can win.

    Maybe it's about time for your block soon. Let's see what you say in the reply, or if this idiotic fight is broken up.

    Think of me what you want but i ask you to stay away from racist, sexist or any other bashing. being silent is no option here, in my opinion.

    You don't even care about that, you only desire an easy hypocritical victory. A low hanging fruit. Very cowardly of you.

    "I can get one-up on Arcticu if I tell him he's being stupid by using negative buzzwords on him. I can shame him that way! Awesome! I win!"


    I don't feel like playing Rising World again, my mood was ruined by hypocritical nonsense. Maybe I'll go play something else again, or Anime. Anime never disappoints. At least Anime is honest and like a dream.

  • If the drama is always following you to every forum you go to, then maybe consider that you're likely the one causing it?


    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. If you don't want to be called a racist/homophobe/transphobe/misogynist, then maybe don't post those things on a public forum? Hell, now you've attracted someone to make an anti-Semitic comment above in German because your drivel has made them think its okay.

    Also, this thread is the first time I've ever even interacted with you, so your claims that I'm somehow always attacking you are unfounded. I've seen you attack plenty of people on this forum and Steam, but I've always ignored you before and now you've crossed a line this time into pure nastiness so I had to say something.

    I hope you get the help you need soon because you seem to be in a very dark place. Maybe consider stop using random Twitter/X/YouTube accounts from far-right propagandists as your "news source" for everything, and consider a wider range of sources and use your critical thinking skills to deduce what is the truth instead of relying on Twitter/X/YouTube people to spoon feed you misinformation. Remember, this is the internet, people can post anything without any evidence to back it up. People use soundbites and short video clips and edit them together to create the viewpoint they want to push, to drive hate and division, to gain political power and profit off the uneducated. I urge you to stop being a sheep blindly following them and to free your mind to think more critically about what they're trying to gain from you before its too late.

    Life is much more peaceful when you realize we're all just humans trying to live our lives and stop buying into all the hate and nastiness and division. I don't hate you, and I wish the best for you and your life.

    Green Valleys - PvE Survival - Land Claims/Portals/SetHome - discord.gg/EQ6a9mb

  • Ok guys, I think it's about time to lock this topic, even though we're in the offtopic section of the forum. It causes too much fuss and apparently the discussion drifts away from the original post. Even though it's not directly a political discussion, it goes into a socially controversial direction...

    This forum is meant to have a great time playing games (and RW in particular). There are many other places out there which are more suitable for controversial or political discussions.

  • red51

    Closed the thread.

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