I was wondering when you be able to pull up a map. Like the java version. Currently I found that I can get lost easy. I try to use compass key but nothing happens. Using a compass does not tell me location. I would like to explore more but also do not want to get lost. I know placing blocks give numbers of location but does not help over great distances.

Mapping function?
- Silverspeedy
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
I think next update will focus on map too. In current state no map in game.
The next update will indeed focus on a map. But it will not be the same type of map as in the Java version... it will be more like an actual topographic map
I love those kinds of maps....see where some of the tallest peaks to build my base. Above the tree for the most beautiful views.
This will be the one main thing that I have been waiting for the most, I do love exploring and leaving a POI's on a map, just for my own information.
I was wondering when you be able to pull up a map. Like the java version. Currently I found that I can get lost easy. I try to use compass key but nothing happens. Using a compass does not tell me location. I would like to explore more but also do not want to get lost. I know placing blocks give numbers of location but does not help over great distances.
After you create the compass , go to your shelter, hold down F and set your spawn point....... Walk away from the shelter, press K to show the compass and make sure it is pointing at the shelter when you walk around the shelter. When this happen your compass will always point to the shelter no matter where you are....but you need to set that spawn point or your compass goes wonky..
Aber es wird nicht die gleiche Art von Karte sein wie in der Java-Version... Es wird eher wie eine tatsächliche topografische Karte sein
Wird es möglich sein durch anklicken eines Punktes auf der Karte dorthin zu teleportieren?
Werden Gebäude und Straßen ( Wege ) angezeigt?
Sie wird doch bestimmt auch zoombar?
The next update will indeed focus on a map. But it will not be the same type of map as in the Java version... it will be more like an actual topographic map
I know you just released a major update, which is amazing by the way, but any eta for the map update?
Will we be able to see the trains too? -
I want Bill Goldberg in this game please.
I know you just released a major update, which is amazing by the way, but any eta for the map update?
maybe make your own thread?
there won´t be any predicted ETA on the next update but based on the infos red is giving us it will be somewhen between now and the next 5 months. info is that future updates won´t take as long as this current one. that one took rougly 6 months, so you can do the math
average update frequency since release of unity is approx 4 months btw -
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