Connecting to server 10% load issue (ongoing)

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I've fixed the 10% load issue. It was running the database purely in RAM (albeit ECC).

    yes that was presumed by the setting you listed: Database_InMemory=True

    But why was that a problem?

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • I've fixed the 10% load issue. It was running the database purely in RAM (albeit ECC).

    interesting i also have that setting set to true, but unlike you i dont have any problems with players connecting, but i do have a problem where after the update my server keeps crashing at random times and things not working as expected

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I spoke to admins from other servers and they had been deleting npcs from their server every few days........ with 11 people on my server I had over 9000 npcs in just 2 days........ after the last update this now appears to have been fixed..... but today I also restricted number of npcs in the config just in case 100 people do log onto my server all at the same time lol

    Modded Rising World 2024

    Now running : 100 Player Game Server With My New Modded Rising World

  • I spoke to admins from other servers and they had been deleting npcs from their server every few days........ with 11 people on my server I had over 9000 npcs in just 2 days........ after the last update this now appears to have been fixed..... but today I also restricted number of npcs in the config just in case 100 people do log onto my server all at the same time lol

    i find limiting the number of npcs can lead to an empty world when exploring new areas. with what you have done to your server (the db changes), and i think the npc spawns are on the server only you could just shorten their life i believe its in seconds. looking at the db -1 is infinite life(adult npcs for the most part). the ones with the assigned times(for the most part) are infant variants that trigger the ontransform event(infant to adult) ? you could possibly change the lifetimes for adult to say 7200(20ish hours). then in the config lower the re spawn times. this would give you a limited amount of npcs but keep them spread out.

    EDIT: yahwho sorry just noticed what thread this was in. didnt mean to take it over

  • i also have that setting set to true

    Weird. No idea then. I do know that the issue was happening *all the time*. After setting to false the issue went away.

    Certainly not resources, the server has plenty.

    It was Oz who gave me the idea. He mentioned when the server got stuck at 10% loads - he noticed that the world was "rolled back" - sometimes up to an hour (when the database in memory should be writing to file every minute).

    Having just written this, maybe it was the AV software that was causing it? :thinking:

    It would be nice to test this theory, but I don't like the idea of almost intentionally putting the server in a position where folk could loose an hours build work.

    I know I would be aggrieved.

    Edit: *all the time* means at least once if not twice a day.

  • Post by RunAndHideGamer ().

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