As you know Juggs passed away.
I have been with Juggs since he started WF. This spring I was flying out to him get get a run down on how to operate the server and He was going to give me server files so If anything happened to him I could still carry the server on.
Will that did not happen fast enough.
Im new to running a server. I have been reading through the new server posts and commands.
But i have questions.
I want to build my own server like Juggs had but it might take a min to afford to build it. So If i rent a server will i be able to add plugins to it?
If later down the road I finally get my own built server built will i be able to transfer all those files over to the new built server so we dont lose everything that people will have built?
When building a server do I need a GPU? And what im i looking for in way of a MB ram cpu?
Sorry , Im trying to get this up and running ASAP. We dont know how long before his family pulls the plug on his server . We have BP everything that Juggs as built in game so we can add them into the new server to Remember and Honor Him.
I have tried to get the family to let me be able to get the server files. But basically its a Go PHk yourself deal, since his family thinks gaming is stupid.
The server Im looking at right now if I rent one is GTX gaming, Im in the USA. or is there another server place anyone recommends?
Im open to anything. Thank you all.