
A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Instead of making all these posts about when the next update is coming, rather just wait for it to come and don't push the dev. It's better to get a finished and polished product, instead of a rushed update which might contain more bugs than necessary. Patience is a useful resource.

  • I definitely don't mean to be pushy to the dev's! I just wanted to see how many other people are excited like kids at christmas about this update! I can be patient, I promise :saint: hehe

  • I will say the new animals look good but I changed the bears to sheep in the database. LOL don't need to be killed while making a road. Lets work on something like biomes. :) I understand some people will like this but to me, aggressive play is not my style and we need a switch to turn it off . For now I just changed them to sheep :)

  • I cant under stand the words from trillna. For now i think its a good solid update. No need to grumble right 5 minutes ago the update is released. The Option to Make the animals not aggressive is definitely in work. ;)

    Actually I agree with you, It is a good update , but as I stated in the past many times I do not care for aggressive gameplay. As had been stated many times , this is supposed to be a "play it your way game " I agree that Some people will like killing bears, but when you get attacked and die and lose your entire inventory over a bear attack, I am sure you will not be happy. That is why I feel tht in creative mode , aggressive animals should not bother you . But if you start with them they should attack. I was not trying to be harsh. I do think Red is doing a good job. Unfortunately death in this game costs you your entire inventory. I hope that changes in the future.

  • I have to agree with Sayaron to simply be patient while trying to find that one single thread by not creating more. It cluttered steam so badly that I bet it's giving Red & his buddies grey & white hair. Constantly having to repeating things like a broken record. Too bad people won't listen and things shall keep repeating themselves because old habits die hard, especially with generations constantly being renewed.

    Glad the update came while now patiently waiting on updated AI behavior on the Bear & Moose. Forgot what was planned after hostiiles. More food? Poor memory now. Maybe it was ores.....*shrugs*. Also nice on the ability to toggle hostilities on animals heh. Small things go a long way.

  • This game is getting better and better. Except those killer bears. :) I'm like Trillnar and a crafter, so a bear calming option would be really well received here.

    Quote from Trillnar

    but I changed the bears to sheep in the database.

    Do you mind telling me how you did this please. Sounds like a plan until we get the pacifier option .

    BTW I've just about become vegetarian in this game. Can't bring myself to kill a pig, the cries it makes are so disturbing. The rabbits are fantastic so no way can I kill them. I think I'll have to look forward to bear meat when it arrives. :)

  • Damn these pesky bears. I had a sudden thought this am. Fences, that would keep the bears out. :) So there I was building the fence keeping a weather eye on the bear. Had got a decent length done, turned my back then got savaged. Forgot the animals can walk through wood, so back to the drawing board.

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