Changelog 2015-04-12: First hostile animals and MySQL support

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  • Finally the new update is available! This time it took longer than expected, since we also did some preparations for some bigger updates. We will give you more information about that soon ;)

    This update introduces three new animals, a bear, moose and rabbit. As you may expect, the bear will attack you on sight. The moose on the other hand only attacks you when you attack it first (the goat has the same behaviour now). Unfortunately they don't drop any loot yet, that will be changed soon ;)

    Apart from that, we have an important addition for dedicated servers: You're now able to use MySQL or MariaDB instead of SqLite. This can be defined in the file (instead of a worldname, you specify a database name now).
    We have release a small update to convert a SqLite database to MySQL: Convert SqLite database to MySQL

    We have also improved the serverbrowser, giving you the ability to sort the list by playercount (or alphabetically), and also to specify some filters.

    Another change concerns the networking: If you lose the connection, you will be reconnected automatically. This should solve some issues when having slight connection interruptions.

    Apart from that, we added new lua functions and also renamed some old functions. Make sure you update your scripts, you find all information about it in our official forum. An updated AreaProtection script is now available.


    • [New] New animals: Bear, moose and rabbit
    • [New] Bear attacks player on sight, moose and goat defend themselves against the player (if he attacks them)
    • [New] MySQL and MariaDB support for dedicated server (for World database). It's recommended to use MySQL now instead of SqLite
    • [New] Implemented automatic reconnect when losing connection to a server (multiplayer). This should solve some of the disconnect problems
    • [New] Lua functions to get the game language "player:getGameLanguage()" and system language "player:getSystemLanguage()" of a player
    • [New] Added filter for serverbrowser
    • [New] Command to spawn animal: "spawnnpc [name]" (e.g. spawnnpc goat)
    • [New] Ability to sort servers in browser either by playercount or alphabetically
    • [Change] Renamed Lua functions for player and npcs (e.g. 'getPlayerPosition' -> 'getPosition' etc.)
    • [Change] Increased max value for mouse sensitivity (in settings)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong hitbox when aiming at dead animals
    • [Bugfix] Fixed network problems in multiplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some typos
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong description of hoe and hoehead
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash

    Bugfix 2015-04-12:

    • [Bugfix] Fixed MySQL issue when loading a world (dedicated server)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed Nullpointer Exception in multiplayer
  • RED, The new animals look good (I like the rabbits best. ) I had to use my magic wand to change the bears to sheep and cows because they will not behave :) I look foreword to Biomes and snow and water :) Keep up the good work.

  • ok sweet mysql is up and working sweet, the bears are running after me oooo no help lol now mysql is something i know well sweet

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • ok frist bug after i die from bear attack it goes to game over screen i click respawn and i respawn fine but the game over screen stays and wont go away so have to end game and come back to have it removed also when i respawn it saves that spot as my new spawn point now im lost lol

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • ok frist bug after i die from bear attack it goes to game over screen i click respawn and i respawn fine but the game over screen stays and wont go away so have to end game and come back to have it removed

    Did an error occur serverside when dying or respawning? Usually this happens when something goes wrong with respawning (either when an error occurs [you should be able to see it in the server log], or when a lua script prevents the user from respawning).

  • Did an error occur serverside when dying or respawning? Usually this happens when something goes wrong with respawning (either when an error occurs [you should be able to see it in the server log], or when a lua script prevents the user from respawning).

    it maybe todo with not porting the sql file to mysql lol my fault here i was thinking you would have had this do this with a script but reading on i see we need to do it im working that out now but cannot download your tool

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • <p>for those of use who have no idea on how to setup wamp - php,mysql or mariadb i hope there will be some kind of guide soon thx</p>

    it sets it self up no need to know how to do that but you will need to add a password to your root user on mysql or users can hack you lol heres the link

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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