Excellent update

Changelog 2015-04-12: First hostile animals and MySQL support
- red51
- Closed
Me too!
They so cute, but I couldn't find any of them.
Unfortunately new animals only spawn in unexplored areas -
Ah, okay, that explain everything.
Unfortunately new animals only spawn in unexplored areasthats strange because they are spawning in areas i have been just fine its rabbits i cant fined in new or old areas
Great update! Thanks!
Unfortunately new animals only spawn in unexplored areasred51 thats not true, after convert the world to db. my city is full with animals. but only on this cords 1.1.1
red51 thats not true, after convert the world to db. my city is full with animals. but only on this cords 1.1.1
should i hunt these Animals ?
Actually you can respawn everything by editing the SQL database , It really is not hard, but you can mess things up in a heartbeat. (I would NOT recommend you trying this unless you have experience ). It takes many steps. I love the way RED51 wrote this game . Unfortunately I am not very good at java but I do program in other languages. You can actually do a lot of neat stuff if you are careful. However it is not for the faint of heart . I have messed things up a bunch of times, fortunately I make backups and I can always revert. Also I have a lot of experience with programming. I have been doing this for a very long time
Awesome stuff. Accidentally allowed Rising Worlds to slip off my radar that I now have to catch myself back up. Glad Vortac & Weem keeping me up to date heh. I wonder if bears could be nudged into having a 70% of attacking on sight. They're still hostile on sight, just something to command respect and fearsome.
That Moose is awesome. I know Mooses are elsewhere, but would be neat if we could mount them, or be able to train them somehow later down the line. Just a little thought in a Canadian pride manner by mounting one up in a stereotypical Canadian manner with a vibe of horse jousting. As for Rabbits, nice stuff. Sad to hear them having that 'cry' to them when you hurt them. That injured noise shall make me want to use ranged weapons to hunt them. Using bows & arrows from a distance.
Also amused that goats now defend themselves. As it should be when you attack and provoke an animal. I say pigs & cows should try biting you at a percentage also. Nice update overall
Look what we had come and move in lol
No way! that's crazy! If that happened to me, i'd be like, "Great! Perfect! Now i need to move out!" Haa!
No way! that's crazy! If that happened to me, i'd be like, "Great! Perfect! Now i need to move out!" Haa!
they told us they will only sporn in new areas but im getting them more in old areas and less in new areas lol
Awww! that's naughty naughty. haa! They should add a ,"Do as you're told!" update for the Bears! haa haa!
Awww! that's naughty naughty. haa! They should add a ,"Do as you're told!" update for the Bears! haa haa!
i must say this bear had me cracking up another user was building this house and i went to take a look as i got close this bear tried to kill me then he turned on the user building the house and killed him lol i was like WTF man that was funny the we spent the next 5min trying to kill the sucker haha good times
<p>I can't even find me a bear. But who needs bears when the goat can kill you in 6 hits. I lost an inventry full of stuff. I checked the body but nothing. I need to think about a few armor options to suggest to the devs. </p>
<p>The hit box on a corpse may need some tweeking; I could not get hide the body to work. </p>
The dev's should add a surface noise function with 3 or four settings. Tall grass, mown grass, no grass, bare dirt. The first is what we have, the second is what you get if you do on pass with a scythe, the third is green grass mesh = Full area scythed, the fourth is what the rake does.= a dirt surface. This should not break the engine. This would make for more visual interest and you would see more bunnies and melons particularly if you bias them to the later three. If you've ever seen a rabbet infested farm its all closely grazed grass and bare dirt from the worren.
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pini…4d278203966c59b19e8e9.jpg -
The dev's should add a surface noise function with 3 or four settings. Tall grass, mown grass, no grass, bare dirt. The first is what we have, the second is what you get if you do on pass with a scythe, the third is green grass mesh = Full area scythed, the fourth is what the rake does.= a dirt surface. This should not break the engine. This would make for more visual interest and you would see more bunnies and melons particularly if you bias them to the later three. If you've ever seen a rabbet infested farm its all closely grazed grass and bare dirt from the worren. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pini…4d278203966c59b19e8e9.jpg
For what I know, this is in the planning. There are several types of ground textures, in-game, already. (i.e. snow, desert, swamp, rocks, gravel, etc.) I don't know where I've read this, but it is planned to have different climate for different parts of the world. I have no idea how this is going to be added for an infinite world... but that's that. I would personally love to have a warped world (i.e. always ever walking in any same direction would eventually brings you back to the original position, just like going around the world, the total distance could be a matter of settings.)
they told us they will only sporn in new areas but im getting them more in old areas and less in new areas lol
Maybe that's a bug with MySQL (are you playing Multiplayer with MySQL?), at least the fact that they spawn in old areas. Do more and more animals spawn when starting the server, or did it happen only one time? In that case maybe the conversion from SqLite to MySQL has a bugFor what I know, this is in the planning. There are several types of ground textures, in-game, already. (i.e. snow, desert, swamp, rocks, gravel, etc.) I don't know where I've read this, but it is planned to have different climate for different parts of the world.
That's true, different types of ground are in the works, as well as different types of grass and different grass heights -
Me too!
They so cute, but I couldn't find any of them.
it can be, if your world is too old, i think. -
Has any one had an issue where you can see the bear and as you get closer it turns invisible? You still can hear it and then a few seconds later it kills you
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