Too many animals

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  • There is so many animals in my MP server map, mainly bears, so i cant start chopping woods anywhere, without the company of a angry bear.
    What to do?

  • Won't your Friends help you give the Bears a good hiding? If you take them on one at a time, and eat to refill your health between Bears, two of you should take them down no problem. :)

  • Lol in-game I live in what was once "Bear Valley.

    I killed a lot of bears, but i've died a lot too running from a group of 2 to 4 bears sometimes.

    I usually make them run after me
    they eventually get tired, then kill them that way.

    I play on a server so it wasn't long after until "Bear Valley" turned into " Mansion Valley "

    One day you'll wonder if you'll ever see another bear again that is native to that particular area.

  • Well.... i opened up my server to everybody. When i get in the next day, my chests were empty and my house was destroyed.. so now the server has password.. so not many others then me in there.

  • Well.... i opened up my server to everybody. When i get in the next day, my chests were empty and my house was destroyed.. so now the server has password.. so not many others then me in there.

    If you want to keep your server public, but also protect your buildings, you could use the AreaProtection script, that prevents griefers from destroying your house and stealing items from your chests.

  • Why do people choose to grief in the first place? It's immature, cruel, and makes you look like a complete gimp. haa! Why? Some grand builds take an entire age, and for someone to just come along and destroy this in under a minute is......well......upsetting!
    I thought about the possibility of griefers getting tied into something like, if they attempt to destroy something on a server, something of theirs on THEIR world gets destroyed! So in effect, thy'd be destroying their own stuff! Sounds fair to me, but how to write something like this? I'm sure there's a way....they should pay! it would open their theory........

  • i keep a eye on users and when i see them smash i have asked why and they say because it should be protected and they just smash to see WTF this is very dumb thinking like old age burn the witch to see if she is one opps she died so shes ok shes not a witch o shit now shes dead its the same thinking man some people are just thick, at the end of the day this is a lesson why you should have the protection script running and use it and what makes a good server host admin with out knowing all this stuff you are been as blind as the guys smashing your builds

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • Hopefully in the future Areaprotect would be part of the game.
    skipping the whole install process and making people aware of the need for such a feature when making their world accessible for multiplayer gameplay.

    Cause just like in real life vandalism will happen anywhere where people know they wont get punished for their destructive actions.

    Maybe even add a feature into area protect that hurts a players health 20% for every click when trying to destroy a protected block. just to make the message clear that destroying something they havent built is frowned upon. :D

  • Hopefully in the future Areaprotect would be part of the game.
    skipping the whole install process and making people aware of the need for such a feature when making their world accessible for multiplayer gameplay.

    Cause just like in real life vandalism will happen anywhere where people know they wont get punished for their destructive actions.

    I agree!

  • In most games ive played, i have always bought a server. Saves me for all the trouble.
    I really like the whole idea behind sandbox games. I also have a Space Engineers server, which i have just closed down, for the very same reason.
    And i dont see the point in it.. its a good opportunity for people to go to the same server, and play with the same people and build something spectacular. So why does anyone buy Rising world just to go on others server and destroy their stuff... seems very childish and pointless

  • There is no reason to cry over poured milk. Now you know what needs to be done. If you want your builds and want to keep them then protect them. If not then let the grievers have fun. It's just how it is. Sorry for no cream or sugar on this topic but cripes it's just how it is. I've seen more people try and destroy a build a person spent months building and killed them repeatability and then booted them perm from the server.

  • wow, how did you guys go from there's to many animals to I've been greefed. That's a good plot twist. We got way to many animals here! Well guess what? We got to many greefers here now!

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