Trained pets

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  • I'm a bit thinking about new pets involved in Rising World. What about pets, who could be trained a little bit, so they can do useful or funny things? Catch a ball, bring them to heel or can
    be trained to find helpful things for us. :D

  • I love this idea, but i couldn't help thinking about training my pet to find aluminium for me. haa!
    But yes! You have my vote! Something to break up the solitary grind. haa! A wolf would be very useful for me, as i would want a bit of warning if something decides to stalk up behind me as i'm exploring. My pet wolf growling, and baring his teeth, would be perfect. haa!

  • You have my vote because I want to tame an Arctic Fox to be my furry companion because it's a lonely world, even in SMP manner. I'd want him/her to join me & to also have the ability of feeding them. I don't mind being able to feed them & telling them to "stay", "sit', & to chase items.

    Please! Please! Please allow me to tame an arctic fox :love:

  • i totally agree on the idea of having an pet. if the game does indeed add wolfs, that would be a pretty cool companion. although im not a fan of wolfs turning into dogs when you tame them...... kind of defeats the whole purpose of taming something exotic if it turns into something more common. like if i by some magical means tammed a bear , and it turned into a teddy bear or whatever.... id be pretty pissed.

  • i totally agree on the idea of having an pet. if the game does indeed add wolfs, that would be a pretty cool companion. although im not a fan of wolfs turning into dogs when you tame them...... kind of defeats the whole purpose of taming something exotic if it turns into something more common. like if i by some magical means tammed a bear , and it turned into a teddy bear or whatever.... id be pretty pissed.

    what if that wolf was still crazy and attacked other users but because you trained him he was locked to you and the other players couldn't take him away now hes epic don't you think ?

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • yeah, aggression might prove an issue in urban areas, although i have high hopes for rising world in regards to its future as an survival game, so the aggression would come in handy. although perhaps animal training/taming can maybe utilize groups or something. like the animal would be loyal not just to the person who trained it but to the group of the person who trained it. .....

  • i guess you can add users to your own group right now so maybe anyone added to that group could become a friend to the pet and not get attacked also this type of pet would need to be able to be fenced in so you could leave them to guard your home.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • i must also add maybe they could add a chance that your own pet could also turn crazy and kill its owner this chance would incress depending on how wild the pet is like say bears would have a high chance also you may need to do things to keep the chance down like feed them more often if you are lazy and not feed them the chance they will try to kill the owners go up. how this could work is by a countdown number system say you train a dog well when its done in the database you have a number say 1000000 now you roll a dice every minute the dice has 1000000 sides if it lands on number 1 and you are next to it then the dog attacks for a full minute anyone close to it also for each minute it takes away 1 from that number so 1000000 becomes 999999 so now its a one in 999999 chance the dog will attack its owner but if you feed the dog it adds say 1000 onto that number i think you get how this works.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Edited once, last by yahgiggle ().

  • that's an interesting concept. considering even in real life , wild animals that were tamed have still eaten their trainers. perhaps that might encourage the cowardly to tame more domestic or less exotic animals. but for those of us who live on the edge.... im for training/taming a bear or anything else with lots of teeth!

  • Hm training wolves to attack other players could be interested in pvp areas maybe. I'm interested in a friendly
    pet walking at my side and be a partner for me. I dont think there would be a real chance to marry ingame. :D:D:D

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