Changelog 2015-09-28: Major improvements!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • We are not going to get biomes anytime soon until the developer concentrates on biomes and biomes only. Creating more crops, additional blocks and other non biome things took away time from finishing up what needs to be done first. That is the biomes. The world needs to be finished FIRST Every thing that happens, takes place in this world.

    ^^^^^ a slight sign of paranoia lol J/K

    If the farming update came before biomes update or after biomes update it doesn't matter
    relaaaax :P the farming update is here, chill out lol it's part of the game it's not like RED went off and made a separate mini game that isn't related to rising world or anything.

    Any amount of time put into any additional feature in the game = still valid as valuable progress.

    biomes is still in the oven but it will be here, have some patience jeeeshhh :P patience is key to happiness.

    .....What needs to be done now....

    is entirely up to Reds schedule.... right? While we sit back and enjoy the hard work that some of us forced* him to release a bit too soon. Least we could do in return is report bugs so he can have a vision into bug killing priorities

    *forced: not really "forced", just the whining was getting a bit much to be honest

  • We are not going to get biomes anytime soon until the developer concentrates on biomes and biomes only. [...] What needs to be done now includes biomes, water and weather. [...] What goes in the world after the biomes can be worked on next. Unless there is more then 1 person working on this, things need to be done in order or nothing will ever get finished.

    I am not trying to be critical but that is just the way it is . I learned long ago back in my Amiga days a very similar lesson by trying to do everything at once. It cost me 6 months of work and I do not want to see that happen here. This game has potential. I expect an even longer delay now because of all the bugs I have seen in the steam forums.


    I am an analyst programmer, I do that for a living, and I also have some experience with the very same technology that this game uses. (I actually found out about the game because of this.) And, I too have some reservation on the timeline, which @red51 is aware about. But this is beside the point. Neither you or I have the big picture, here. You don't have to work with the criticism of players who have no experience on the matter and think that game development is as fun as playing the darn thing :P

    You have users that leave negative comments about the gameplay (visual, content, etc.), then you have other users complaining about features, and again more how the devs are not implementing what they want to see in game. The bottom line is that priorities are set to have the least negative impact with people who can't read, nor comprehend, that the game is still an alpha. You can't satisfy everyone at once. As I said, the biomes are held back to guarantee the same visual quality as the latest changes. Therefore you should not see this as yet another push back, but as a concern from the devs to release something of quality and substance.

    Now, as a disclaimer, what I said are my own opinions, from my professional experience and insight with this project, and may not reflect the opinions of JIWgames.

  • Exactly!

    I`ll remind the comunity and the family for biomes update on 24.10. once again, like I did it on 24.09 and 24.08....

  • My question is...

    Will "Smeltimg Furance" ever get fuel to work (like, wood, coal...) or it will be always ON/OFF?? Red, you did a hell of a rework with grass, trees, plants, and didn`t so important thing => furance needs a fuel to work...

    One more... maybe it is because I play old world created in 0.5.6, but animals still levitate over cave entrances horizontal on ground surface...

  • @xdeft - I've had a couple crashes related to running in fullscreen mode, if the game crashes one thing to try at first is opening the file "" in notepad and change the line "graphic_fullscreen=true" to say "graphic_fullscreen=false"

    It may not fix your issue though

  • Hi... very nice update and nice job! :)

    But I have bad news, I found what I think it's an important bug. Creating wood blocks it's not working anymore, with the new logs names (tree names), the blockbench don't recognize the logs to create blocks :(

  • [quote='LordFoobar',''

    I am an analyst programmer, I do that for a living, and I also have some experience with the very same technology that this game uses. ([url='']I actually found out about the game because of this.[/url]) And, I too have some reservation on the timeline, which @red51 is aware about. But this is beside the point. Neither you or I have the big picture, here. You don't have to work with the criticism of players who have no experience on the matter and think that game development is as fun as playing the darn thing :P

    You have users that leave negative comments about the gameplay (visual, content, etc.), then you have other users complaining about features, and again more how the devs are not implementing what they want to see in game. The bottom line is that priorities are set to have the least negative impact with people who can't read, nor comprehend, that the game is still an alpha. You can't satisfy everyone at once. As I said, the biomes are held back to guarantee the same visual quality as the latest changes. Therefore you should not see this as yet another push back, but as a concern from the devs to release something of quality and substance.

    Now, as a disclaimer, what I said are my own opinions, from my professional experience and insight with this project, and may not reflect the opinions of JIWgames.[/quote]

    I taught programming to 5th - 8th Grades for many years. I have used Everything from Logo, VB. And Visual C# to other stuff. And 1 thing I always taught them was to get 1 thing at a time working before moving on. Of Course you can not always do that. Anyhow when all is said and done the final decision always rests with the programmer. Everyone has their own way of doing things. Of course the more code that you touch for an update , the more stuff that can break. I am sure that Red is doing the best that he can. Java is tough because it can be unpredictable. I have never used it but some game creation software I have used ends up compiling it back to Java anyway. All of it winds up complied no matter what language you use now a days. There are plus and minus features to every language. That being said, you can write a game in most any language now a days.

  • @ Trillnar I now know you are confused. Making blocks, crops, textures and other " Non biomes" items need to be done BEFORE the biomes update.... If Red just threw the biomes in without updating the "Non biomes" items the game would throw such a fit because there would be programming in there that the old game did not have... Here is what I what you to do Trillnar. Find a site that will let you build a java game. Make it compile it, let me know when you are done. We will play it I will critic it THEN you can criticize Risingworld all you want "IF there are no problems with your game...


  • OMG YES, FMOD is the best, now you can do everything to sound (Sound delay please).

    Delay and reverb are in the game! Even with regards to the speed of sound, i.e. you hear a sound that's coming from the distance later than you see it!

    Psst… you didn't hear this from me, but type 'listener' into the console. Walk around and hit or destroy some things ;)

  • @ Trillnar I now know you are confused. Making blocks, crops, textures and other " Non biomes" items need to be done BEFORE the biomes update.... If Red just threw the biomes in without updating the "Non biomes" items the game would throw such a fit because there would be programming in there that the old game did not have... Here is what I what you to do Trillnar. Find a site that will let you build a java game. Make it compile it, let me know when you are done. We will play it I will critic it THEN you can criticize Risingworld all you want "IF there are no problems with your game...

    I will leave that up to you . I already program in 6 different languages, but Java is not one of them . I retired from programming a long time ago, 20 years was long enough. I sometimes fool around with c#, Visual studio, FPS creator or Click and create, Gamemaker and a few scripting languages. I will leave it up to you. If you search the web you may even find some of my old PC and Amiga games floating around. Supermatch2 and Follow the leader were popular for many many years. They were written for kids in the early to mid 90's in Visual Basic. And if you go further back you might find Spaceventure1 written for the Amiga in AMOS ( I saw it on the internet about 5 years ago on an Amiga emulator site, It sold almost 10,000 copies back in the mid 80's .It was my most fun and popular space arcade adventure.
    I Still have the source code on a printout, Its about 50 pages. One Day I may redo it for the Pc :)

  • Thanks for all your feedback :) Be sure that we also worked on other things during that time, and also did a lot of preparations for the biomes. Some of the changes in this update can also be considered as "core changes", so we really had to do them now during the alpha (or in other words: the longer we waited, the more stuff we had to change^^).
    It was also unavoidable to rework all plants and trees, since the old ugly trees would not fit if there are much better looking models in different biomes ^^

    A bugfix is available btw, it should fix some of the most annoying bugs ^^

    @Trillnar: Sorry, please try again (eventually have to restart Steam), the white box should be gone^^

    Changelog 0.6.1 Alpha:

    • [Change] Adjusted some soundeffects
    • [Change] Improved logging when game_debug_console is enabled
    • [Change] Adjusted size of tree logs in inventory
    • [Bugfix] Fixed cutting a plant with the sickle (now needs only 1 hit)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong positioning of blocks when using blueprints
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue which prevented you to change resolution in some cases
    • [Bugfix] Fixed picking up watermelons and pumpkins
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash on startup on some machines
    • [Bugfix] Fixed recipes for wooden blocks

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