Floating islands

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  • I found a forum under Off-topic for a game called Astra Terra. It looks like it has some floating islands in it (like minecraft and Terraria). I wonder if Red would consider adding this to Rising World as well or if he is looking for a more natural world. If floating islands could be reached, perhaps they could be mined for an unobtanium-like ore that levitates. The stone itself could have a neutral gravity setting (I'm assuming this is how tops of mountains stay up in Rising World after you mine below them). Perhaps this could be a crafting item for fantasy-themed vehicles that float (like airships in Final Fantasy). A system would have to we worked out to manipulate the gravity value on a vessel in order to make it fly.

    I realize Rising World has more of a realism appearance as far as the items so perhaps magical devices (like in Minecraft) are out of scope with what Red envisions in this game. It's just a thought.

  • if you want floating island you can use worldedit
    then you have a square island where you can than add some stone ore to make it natural
    just a thought did not test it but is possible

  • floating islands would be cool ... kinda like in Avatar ? the blue alien movie thing...... well i did hear we might see a fantasy biome so i wouldnt rule somthing like this out. plus its kinda more sci-fi than pure fantasy.

  • Yes! Exactly like Avatar. A fantasy biome could incorporate unusual things like floating islands with waterfalls running off the edge (although I'm not sure if infinite water sources are planned for Rising World). Perhaps elements of the Twilight Forest mod in Minecraft could be incorporated as well such as gigantic trees you can live inside of.

  • Whoa...Too fast!

    Red51 had an urge to make a fantasy biome so that's something to look forward to, if & when he does it. I also agree that the fantasy biome should assist us in obtaining things that would otherwise clash with the game elsewhere. I'm agreeing it should be where we obtain our floating/flying airship of whatever sort, as with the islands.

    I suggest that you folks strongly search up 'Twilight Forest' for Minecraft to learn more about it. I'd love to nudge Red51 into doing a dungeon that would link up with another realm to allow magic, but only in that other realm. We would do realism in the current world while only keeping 'realistic' stuff in such; Likewise with Magic in the fantasy realm.

    Lastly, any anime fans here? If you've seen 'Gate' Anime (a 2015 anime), then you'd get the basic idea of where I also want to take this after having loads of fun in Minecraft's 'Twilight Forest' mod. It was fun. I really want to have magic so having an alternate realm to have such would be awesome without clashing with the current. I'd love to have a 'magical' companion (NPC) being able to use magic in that realm while stuck with swords & small firearms in our world.

  • the only problem with floating islands is the build limit. of course if their were to be another dimension of some sorts or world file , the ground level could be lowered maybe raising the amount of air space . although i may not be completely understanding the reason we have the build limit in the first place. personally things like the fantasy biome and such are one of my fav potential (i have my fingers crossed, for good luck) features.

  • Red51 had an urge to make a fantasy biome so that's something to look forward to, if & when he does it.

    This is great news!
    However, if Red is reading this, if the fantasy area is going to be a biome and not a world type, it probably should be an optional when generating the world (kinda like how you can turn caves off and on). Some may not want this biome spawning if they want to just play a non-magical world.

    the only problem with floating islands is the build limit. of course if their were to be another dimension of some sorts or world file , the ground level could be lowered maybe raising the amount of air space .

    Whatever the floor and ceiling values are, are likely completely arbitrary and could be changed if needed. Ofcourse, last time I tried flying straight up, I kept going up for quite some time before I gave up and came back down again. I was wondering where the ceiling was. I haven't found floor yet because even in Hell, I can mine below the lava but the lava simply passes through solid objects so even if I create a stone tunnel into the lava, I incur damage when I try to go below the level where the lava is. I think one of Vortac's videos of an earlier build showed him flying into the lava and not incurring damage. Anyways, the point about the ceiling is that I could fly pretty darn high so it seems like there's enough space up there for floating islands. I personally like the idea of having one world instead of dimmensions like in Minecraft.

  • well you cant build past 256. although ive read somewhere that it may be increased a little to 280 one day . makes it kinda difficult for floating islands. well at least building anything big on them.

  • I don't think floating island is a good idea because Rising world is suppose to be a realism game and I think the floating island would take out the realism of the game. Now the vehicle idea sounds awesome I would love to see airplanes in the game.

  • well i liked how the movie Avatar handled floating islands. and i wouldnt say having floating islands completly takes away realism .... perhaps the islands can be made up of alot of iron .... and thier is some weird magnetic field stuff going on .... i mean realism is fun ... but a little Sci-fi never killed anyone ....

  • I don't think floating island is a good idea because Rising world is suppose to be a realism game and I think the floating island would take out the realism of the game. Now the vehicle idea sounds awesome I would love to see airplanes in the game.

    I disagree. Also the game has a hell layer, so that undoes some true sense of pure realism. It makes sense to add Floating Islands if you have a hell layer. To me there is a nice contrast between both of them.

    well i liked how the movie Avatar handled floating islands. and i wouldnt say having floating islands completly takes away realism .... perhaps the islands can be made up of alot of iron .... and thier is some weird magnetic field stuff going on .... i mean realism is fun ... but a little Sci-fi never killed anyone ....

    I agree with your sentiment. That would be a brilliant way of adding the Floating Islands while keeping some realism to them since the game is centered around that.

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