Upcoming: Water update

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Arctic,

    You go and carve your damn boat out of damn papyrus. I will wait to build my damn bamboo boat. Then I shall build a dam to cut off your damn water supply. May your damn manhole covered sewers run dry!!!

    Meanwhile I am wondering if the lava in the realm of the damned will be updated as well.. perhaps we can make obsidean finally

  • Silly Foxfire.

    I will [build my boat out of papyrus] if Red51 allows me to. Just waiting on him to release water & that boat :P.

    I'd expect after the water update for it to be done. Dungeons were next in line so you would probably expect that zombie dog and such to be added. That, and for animals to finally stay fenced in as a side-effect to dungeon creatures staying within their dungeons.

  • I imagine that some other stuff will be bundled in with water, e.g. some fish, a fishing rod, a simple boat, a bucket, and the ability to boil water for potability or crafting teas.
    But that's just my guess

    zfoxfire, I am sure Red51 will do boats when he does cars I don't see any difference in those two functionality wise other than models. But the fact that you can ride a draw bridge down tells me he's going to be able to do that with all mediums (air, water, land) perhaps once you get into the sitting position like a chair, it allows you to drive the model.

    I just hope the models are big enough or could be changed via API for a bunch of people's preferences something like minecrafts Ship Mod, Automobile,Train mods, and airplane. I don't want a tiny row boat only I can fit in. I think minecraft failed utterly in boats and horses. I got so annoyed that even if you dock boats in minecraft they explode.

    I think trains of course will be little easier and nicer since you have tracks and the shifting of the train model only onto the next track avoiding steering (left,right) simply a forward, stop, reverse. You could load up various different types of train cars onto back of the engine providing filling stations for (ore, livestock, passenger, grain, finished products, oil) each train car specifically designed and each one following the engine it's connected to. Or simply have an engine for a long time before adding in cars behind the engine.

    Or if there was a float block that would always end on surface of the water and allow us to build things above that block always floated so we could make our own float-able boats eventually with those blocks below that connected structure would be controllable like Archimedes in Minecraft of course Archimedes mod was bugged since as you halted your ship it wouldn't keep the rotation of your blocks with the new direction you parked in.

  • The boats still explode when you try and land? geesh. I haven't played Minecraft in so long I just assumed they fixed that by now.

    The float block sounds like a good way to avoid getting into physics to determine if a custom-built boat will actually float or not. I imagines a floatblock some time ago which could also be used for floating islands or magical airships as well. E.g. mining "unobtanium" would allow you to create flying structure. Something for floating would be useful as well.

    I think with the trains, an actual track object would have to be craftable in order to guide a train. I just hope that all objects will be scalable in the future. E.g. A gnome and an elf would have different-sized crafting benches, tools, and vehicles.

  • Now you know why I keep saying that boats in Minecraft is like paper and like shit. Just one simple sneeze and it explodes, no matter where you are. You hit a lilypad, it explodes. It's a worthless fragile piece of carp that Mojang's answer was to make it invincible & to turn it into a row boat. Nothing innovative there. No variety, nothing. What they should have done was keep that fragile crap, fix the de-syncs, create a second recipe of a row boat, add more boat types, and one with storage chests on it. Now you have something that could compare to Rising World & the mod packs, yet no. Just a simple bandaide fix.....

    If you're in the middle of the ocean and that boat decides to pop, you're screwed. You now have to swim the rest of the way all because of the boat being fragile as paper. Now, do you see why I'm being obnoxious? Now imagine the de-sync issues of the boat popping with you being left off roughly 100-200 blocks away. Parking boats was also a pain that you couldn't call one boat your own. You had to keep creating boats to even get anywhere, or make tunnels & bridges for your horse to do the work the boat should have done. Do you see why I'm harassing Red51 with adding boats into this game with more care? He's German, so he should also see why. He made note of such with Papyrus. You have this vast ocean, yet you don't take advantage of it which then makes me question.

    Yakme is on the right track here by stating what I'm thinking also. We're on the same page, yet we might be on different lines. I have nothing against horses because they actually helped. The problem was you couldn't store stuff on your horse, only mount & ride them. They were handy, just not fully fleshed out in use. I'm expecting Rising World to have all these wagons, carry bags, and the like. Red51 is wise, Mojang is lazy.


    Edit: About the Minecraft horses: I wanted to add that it would have helped if horses could have carried two people, at most. That part bugged me, yet we all had a horse to call our own. I always made roads & stables for them that one of my friend got highly pissed off at me when I asked for road-work to be done. I just wanted to help make easier access :P. Not my fault he was a hermit :/

  • ArcticuKitsu, Your correct I was basically saying I rather load a mod than use vanilla travel methods other than perhaps minecarts. Horses had no increase in inventory no bags on horse or carts. I rather had a stage coach or something like a which two could ride on stage coach or put inventory on the stagecoach like a chest. Or both systems it's fine. But IMO they are lazy at Mojang now Microsoft as ArcticuKitsu pointed out. I think the company is dead of new innovation and new ideas other than modding community. It's just a big machine with deep pockets with a very small will or heart left.

    I think that's why a lot of us love this game Red and this community still has heart and is not yet set in stone. I also agree with ArcticuKitsu, Red51 seems to think a little more before just doing something. I can see this from blueprints, 3d Models, and the Upload JPG/PNG files from clients machines which is all much better than minecraft. I also see that Red is willing to switch things like LUA to Java even if it's in place that's a person who can change when a better idea comes into his head for better API. Also from reading Red's comments his ideas are 10 steps ahead of his current code.

  • ArcticuKitsu - Boats in minecraft is no more so fragile, they fix it in 1.9+ other bugs with boat fixed too.
    YakMe - yes no one can take chest on a horse, but you can put chest on a donkey, and it was when horse appear!

  • ArcticuKitsu - Boats in minecraft is no more so fragile, they fix it in 1.9+ other bugs with boat fixed too.
    YakMe - yes no one can take chest on a horse, but you can put chest on a donkey, and it was when horse appear!

    Yeah sorry I didn't play vanilla minecraft since 2008 only MODs . I am like direwolf20 when he saw a new flower from vanilla he saw the flower He said "What mod is this from", I laughed on that video of him playing as he tried to figure use waila to id the MOD, because it's so true what the hell is minecraft without mods I wouldn't even play it, I actually wait for several versions to pass before I replay minecraft, even with mods I get bored. I like this game much better than vanilla minecraft hands down even with mods I like this game since better textures and building.

  • what the hell is minecraft without mods I wouldn't even play it,

    My exact words !

    And I usually end up with +100 mods just waiting for something to break after an update ( which it always did )
    so I'll be stuck on an old MC version while everyone else got their few mods updated with cool new features
    But I'm still stuck with +20 mods that still need an update lmao

    Ooh man i'm glad i'm soooo done with minecraft! vanilla ? HAH!

  • ArcticuKitsu - Boats in minecraft is no more so fragile, they fix it in 1.9+ other bugs with boat fixed too.
    YakMe - yes no one can take chest on a horse, but you can put chest on a donkey, and it was when horse appear!

    Ya, they did & I said that......either on here or steam. Hard to know now. They did make it invincible, yet still treating it like a piece of crap. It's an after thought to them. They shrunk the ocean, made the boat invincible, yet failed to add variety to them, similar to railway & horses. You can't carry another person, nor can you store stuff on it. They just don't care about the game, nor the boat.



    Edit: You guys keep shitting on Minecraft Vanilla, yet it still has it's fun points. I was still able to have loads of fun with vanilla, yet you need to be on SMP for the full experience. Even so, I'm now impatiently still waiting for Rising World's water update. I'm now done ater being spoiled by Rising World.

  • We are not all shitting on minecraft vanilla. At least I am not shitting on Minecraft for it's original iteration, I think it was a rebirth of building games and possibly the birth of modern survival games. My complaints were Minecraft had 10 years and now $2,500,000,000 USD and I personally can't see much difference between 2008 version and 2016 version. MODers that made the game fun never got paid had more upgrades to the game than people in charge of it. I just thought of it as a sadder version of blizzard making same game over and over again yet taking millions and 10 years to do the same game over and over again. I know they are laughing all the way to bank but I am not shitting on Minecraft Vanilla for it's first release I am shitting on it for 10 years of stale content. I say rising world is superior to minecraft in many respects yet Red never had billions, dozens of employees, or 10 years to work on his content I am glad Red will eventually carve a slice of the market. I am not a hater of Minecraft I got my money out of that game with the modding community. I could give list long as my arm of games I bought and played less than 10 hours and Minecraft which I bought in 2008 for $15 would not be on that list. In fact with the free ugrades Minecraft offers and Mod community makes the game worth the replay ability and price.

  • I'm on that fine line where I both support & don't that it's tricky explaining where I'm at. (Minecraft wise)

    I love vanilla, and I love the mods, yet I hate Mojang themselves for treating their IP so lazily. Playing purely vanilla was equally as fun (up to second 1.8) as much as playing mods; Modders obviously adding what Minecraft missed. The boats again, and our unified thoughts on how horses should allow for transport & multi-passenger capabilities pointing out what is at fault on vanilla side, at a glance. Mojang right now is stick in a cycle of confusion that they appear to be smoking too much weed while considering adding these odd features. The forumer here named @yxa proving/echoing exactly what they did as a bandaid fix.

    We can also agree that Rising World is far superior now because it learned exactly what's wrong with Minecraft while going on its own route-paving manner. I have to however nudge Red51 in various places, yet it's going in a generally awesome manner. Was able to get nice features into the game (i.e chickens, block id, fixed sewers) with more hopefully on the way (i.e NPCs on roaming & recruiting side) that would help things. I also damn well hope this game take a direct chunk out of the Minecraft market. More so after finding out how small the Wiiu version was, and how drone-like the community is on there defending it. Seeing Xenoblade had me facepalm how small Minecraft was for it.

    Red51, you have my full support. I'm still going to harp about boats until we get one :P

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