Other up and coming building Games

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • While we are waiting for more updates, Another Building Game has entered the arena.

    Alchemist's Awakening was just released on steam , Like rising world it contains animals, Building and one other thing, You can create life. It is well worth watching the you tube videos and having a look at the steam page. I put it on my wish list to see how it goes.

    Astral terra is also doing great. The biomes in this game are darn near photo realistic, however the Building and terraforming are not there yet.

    Blockscape seems to be headed in a mind craft direction and Metaverse was such a let down.

  • i own a number of games none are as good as rising world when it comes to building in fact rising world has really made the other games look bad when it comes to building lol but there are aspects of other games that i would love to see in rising world for example fortresscraft has a really awesome mining setup with all sorts of hoppers, conveyors, and other machines really its more a minecraft than minecraft is other games like space space engineers just dont do much for me, Grav has the same type of crap building system but that game does draw you in with its graphics and dungeons the dungeons are full of stuff to help you build your base and the guns sound awesome.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • i own a number of games none are as good as rising world when it comes to building in fact rising world has really made the other games look bad

    I totally agree with that. RW is the best building game I've ever played, I own such more building games, but i. e. there is no
    comparison with Rising World. With a bit imaginaten you can also build the most. Some things are still missed but we're looking forward to upcoming updates. Kinda stuff from other games could be nice, and we have the opportunity to share our hopes and wishes and help develop in our spirit. :D

  • There are More and more of these types of games coming out, All have their unique things about them. Are the others any Better ? I Just say they are different. They all have their own unique features. There are a lot of new building games coming out.

  • I came across another one this morning called StaudSoft's Synthetic World. The game reminds me of the mechanics of Blockscape is is about as far along in development in game mechanics but the graphics are very basic. It has water, NPCs and lots of biomes. I'm a sucker for Rising World because of the polished appearance. Other content will follow. But I'll keep my eye on this one. It's been on Steam for about as long as Rising World has been. Ofcourse, every time a new update hits on RW, I get sucked right back in! :thumbsup:

  • Blockscape was a very serious competitor but the developer messed it, the realistic look was it strength, but now the blocky style is just like Minecraft. Plus there was a big pause in development (more than 1 year no updates).
    I dont like the graphic in Atral Terra, looks too fantasy like. Staudsoft Shitty World is so ugly and the developer is childish.
    SpaceEngineer is a great game but it is something different than Rising World.

  • Blockscape was a very serious competitor but the developer messed it, the realistic look was it strength, but now the blocky style is just like Minecraft. Plus there was a big pause in development (more than 1 year no updates).
    I dont like the graphic in Atral Terra, looks too fantasy like. Staudsoft Shitty World is so ugly and the developer is childish.
    SpaceEngineer is a great game but it is something different than Rising World.

    I do not own Blockscape, It looks like the developer tried to make a comeback, then quit with the fast updates again. I do think Astral Terra's world (Especially in the latest release ) Looks better then RW, However its building an lack of creative mode leave a lot to be desired . Alchemist's Awakening looks cool but I did not buy it either. And Although I own synthetic world, Its not there and I don't think it will ever be. Empyrion and Metaverse are coming along but also have shortfalls

  • Blockscape was a very serious competitor but the developer messed it, the realistic look was it strength, but now the blocky style is just like Minecraft. Plus there was a big pause in development (more than 1 year no updates).
    I dont like the graphic in Atral Terra, looks too fantasy like. Staudsoft Shitty World is so ugly and the developer is childish.
    SpaceEngineer is a great game but it is something different than Rising World.

    Definitely agree with you!

  • Are the worlds in Astral Terra generated from a random seed? If so, the developers really seem to have a handle on world generation. I'd love to see more terrain variation both above and underground such as cliffs and arches above ground and for underground, there should be variations in tunnel diameter and also include (hopefully soon) underground lakes and waterfalls

  • Hi Trillnar,

    I just purchased StarOne and besides from some annoyingly repetitive music, it looks like it's well developed for Early Access... Not that I'm going to abandon Rising World anytime soon.. HELL NO!! Rising World features a world that can be completely deconstructed. It looks like the terrain is fixed in StarsOne.

  • Hi Trillnar,

    I just purchased StarOne and besides from some annoyingly repetitive music, it looks like it's well developed for Early Access... Not that I'm going to abandon Rising World anytime soon.. HELL NO!! Rising World features a world that can be completely deconstructed. It looks like the terrain is fixed in StarsOne.

    I picked it up too. The price was right . Starsone is written with unity. We will just have to see.

  • I came across another one this morning called StaudSoft's Synthetic World. The game reminds me of the mechanics of Blockscape is is about as far along in development in game mechanics but the graphics are very basic. It has water, NPCs and lots of biomes. I'm a sucker for Rising World because of the polished appearance. Other content will follow. But I'll keep my eye on this one. It's been on Steam for about as long as Rising World has been. Ofcourse, every time a new update hits on RW, I get sucked right back in! :thumbsup:

    I just got a reply from the author of Synthetic world game , In a few ways , it is getting ahead of RW in player models, 3rd person and the animals are looking a bit better. Once again , Synthetic World is also written by a single author or 2 and Just like RW it has a fairly slow release cycle. Is Synthetic World better then RW? no, it is just different. It is a lot more cpu intensive but it is coming along. Every one of these games has its own style.

    I personally think the best looking world of the bunch is Astral terra as far as the world itself looks , Astral terra lacks decent editing tools and lacks a peaceful mode it is also not very popular.

    Starsone is a new game written in unity, It lacks a creative or peaceful mode. Other parts of this game are FANTASTIC. However the world is small, Also like RW it is written by a single author. Because it is written in unity, Its Graphics performance leaves a lot to be desired unless you have a VERY HIGH end graphics card. Starsone Author seems to refuse to ad a creative or peaceful mode and the ratings are going to show that.

    Blockscape is pretty much a dead horse and I never bought it. I have a few on my steam wish list but I just have to wait and see . the only reason I picked up starsone was because it was cheap :) Ever few weeks another one of these types of games show up. What the future holds remains to be seen.

    A far as release cycles go, It will probably be months if not years before any of these games are completed and some of them will never make it out of early access. Only the future will tell.

  • I just got a reply from the author of Synthetic world game , In a few ways , it is getting ahead of RW in player models, 3rd person and the animals are looking a bit better. Once again , Synthetic World is also written by a single author or 2 and Just like RW it has a fairly slow release cycle. Is Synthetic World better then RW? no, it is just different. It is a lot more cpu intensive but it is coming along. Every one of these games has its own style.

    I just played the demo of that game and I honestly think it's as aweful as I heard. The graphics look even worse on "Ultra" than the Minecraft standard version and the UI is so confusing. I know I should give it more time to test but I just can't ^^

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