Primitive storage containers

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  • I know the primitive survival is in the works and we will be getting some more primitive tools eventually. I was thinking of also more primitive structures should be creaftable and crafted in the player's personal crafting menu, not a workbench. Basically we should be able to build a few varieties of primitive storage containers which have smaller storage capacity than their workbench counterparts. These would be great for situations where we are starting out and do not have the lumber to craft a sawbench.

    As an example of, here are some storage containers in The Forest which are built out of sticks

    So my suggestions are as follows.

    • A basket made of thatch or reed
    • A stick container (like in The Forest) held together with plant fibers which can hold a few objects
    • The ability to collect plant fibers (or use possibly use cut grass) or coconut husks
    • Coconuts added to beach trees to be used as a food and drink source and the husk as a source of fiber.
    • Implementation of reed, hemp and other new plants (I know this was discussed before and is in the works but its all related to being able to collect thatch and plant fibers so I'm bringing it up again)
    • With the implementation of the above, add a new circular saw blade and a sawblade component to the anvil and make these required ingredients for crafting a sawbench.
  • I'm all for this. More so when the items we are given can be displayed out in the open also. Tomato trays, fruit bowls, among many others. Even that tool rack.

    As for primitive though I would love to visibly store sticks on such a thing because it would also be a decorational thing, as well as useful. Same with tent stuff, among others.

    The coconut tree should be a tropical tree, but its own thing also. Curving & such also. Same with any other tropical related tree & food source.

  • As for primitive though I would love to visibly store sticks on such a thing because it would also be a decorational thing, as well as useful. Same with tent stuff, among others.

    The coconut tree should be a tropical tree, but its own thing also. Curving & such also. Same with any other tropical related tree & food source.

    I'm definately looking forward to a real coconut tree with a few variations of curved trunks. Maybe we can craft a small length of rope (If we ever get a spinning wheel crafting station!) to be used to climb up the tree to get the coconut.

    I do have one concern about what kinds of items should be allowed to be stored if a "display" type of container is used. For example, you can't store a sawbench let alone several of them in a marketplace stand. But hey, it is a game. The "displayed item would have to be scaled to a set size for it to work but hey, suppose we add a few craftable open bins or milk cates or metal shelves like in a retail store. Someone could open up a Rising World toy store and with any contained object being scaled, you would see various bins filled with cute little scaled down versions of all the crafting stations and the tools in the game. Next thing one could open up an outlet store next to that factory in Chicago which makes miniature models of factories ~_^

  • I know the primitive survival is in the works and we will be getting some more primitive tools eventually. I was thinking of also more primitive structures should be creaftable and crafted in the player's personal crafting menu, not a workbench. Basically we should be able to build a few varieties of primitive storage containers which have smaller storage capacity than their workbench counterparts. These would be great for situations where we are starting out and do not have the lumber to craft a sawbench.

    • Implementation of reed, hemp and other new plants (I know this was discussed before and is in the works but its all related to being able to collect thatch and plant fibers so I'm bringing it up again)
    • With the implementation of the above, add a new circular saw blade and a sawblade component to the anvil and make these required ingredients for crafting a sawbench.

    I'm Still wating for Corn.

  • Market place does not allow you to display objects, yet it should. Basically small items you use in your hand, such as food & tools. Even planks, sticks, among other things. If it has to be placed down then that should be denied. I'm hoping we can eventually populate the market stand displays with the appropriate number of items (1:1 food quantity in displays), even at risk of lagging.

    Book shelves also need to be able to be populated with books, as well as random display-type objects. Thinks like books, scrolls, figures, trophies, and whatever else. Who knows what you'll find in the world. Think Skyrim & you'll get the basic idea of it.

    But I do still love the 'primitive' storage because you have to start somewhere. It would also work nice for display purposes, as well as creative also. Worthwhile to look into. I'd even welcome rope you could swing up to then climb. Would be used both on trees & in caves which would one-up Minecraft perfectly. Also, about the 'Toy Store' thought you had there would be nice to even have toy models & train models to display. Even various German WW2 vessels, and anything else. Red51 could tease us naval fans (those from KanCOlle, and the new 'Victory Belle' community) to join Rising World. That, and those that enjoyed Silent Hunter 3 from the past, and UBOOT from the future. I'd love to see Red51 having fun :P

  • Market place does not allow you to display objects, yet it should. Basically small items you use in your hand, such as food & tools. Even planks, sticks, among other things. If it has to be placed down then that should be denied. I'm hoping we can eventually populate the market stand displays with the appropriate number of items (1:1 food quantity in displays), even at risk of lagging.

    Book shelves also need to be able to be populated with books, as well as random display-type objects. Thinks like books, scrolls, figures, trophies, and whatever else. Who knows what you'll find in the world. Think Skyrim & you'll get the basic idea of it.

    But I do still love the 'primitive' storage because you have to start somewhere. It would also work nice for display purposes, as well as creative also. Worthwhile to look into. I'd even welcome rope you could swing up to then climb. Would be used both on trees & in caves which would one-up Minecraft perfectly. Also, about the 'Toy Store' thought you had there would be nice to even have toy models & train models to display. Even various German WW2 vessels, and anything else. Red51 could tease us naval fans (those from KanCOlle, and the new 'Victory Belle' community) to join Rising World. That, and those that enjoyed Silent Hunter 3 from the past, and UBOOT from the future. I'd love to see Red51 having fun :P

    Rope has been discussed before and i'm pretty sure its in the backlog of features on Red's magical scrum board . Rope would make spelunking a bit more realistic and more fun since you'd have to place a few anchors and then drop a rope down. mining spiraling stone paths around the outside of the cave drop works but I'd rather not modify the natural look of the cave wall. Also, I can't wait till flares come.

    Yes, I was having the same thought about each slot being non-stackable. I still wouldn't mine overriding it so i can showcase mini crafting stations like I said before for my own toy store. And whenever the new API is done and people can add their own models then yes, you can have naval themed toys in a toy store. :)

  • I've had some chats with either Weem or Vortac within the last few months and brought up all the past and future changes (water being the big one at the time). He seems extremely interested in revisiting the game and starting a new youtube lets-play series. I know there are plenty of active series out there covering Rising World but those two were the English-speaking pioneers of the game coverage. Their views are going to carry a lot more weight than a newer reviewer.

    I remember when Red improved all the tables and workbenches and other things to act as surfaces, it greatly improved what we could do. i typically place an anvil on a workbench or a desk lamp on my tier 2 workbench.

    The bookshelf (and marketplace stand) should be not hard to modify. It looks neat! I think what it boils down to with bookshelves or any other displaying storage container that inventory items should not be stackable and objects displayed should be scaled down to a certain size, never scaled up because that might look weird but there should be a max size that no objects should exceed.

    Red mentioned a tool rack (something for garages) so I'm guessing thats a modern era craftable item. Tools hung there should be at their original scale.

    Also, that bookshelf looks nice. What game is it from? its not minecraft for sure.

  • I think we need natural sticks like the stick you break off a fallen branch or find on the ground.

    The small bushes should be harvested for sticks and saplings. natural sticks should also naturally spawn near trees although the spawn rate should be kept low. If you chop down a tree, you should be able to gather lots of natural sticks in addition to logs, sap, and saplings, maybe even a birdnest and eggs!

    Natual sticks could be used to craft basic containers like the stick and stone holders in The Forest.

    Also, it could also lead to a better looking primitive tool set. Here's the model Red was nice enough to leak to us a few months back.…items/models/stoneaxe.jpg
    my complaint about this model is that the handle looks sanded. A primitive tool handle will likely look like just a natural stick and possibly with a leather handle once cows can be harvested better.

  • I agree it does look sanded, not that you can't sand with a rock but a crudely carved handle would be more on point with primitive tools. Sharp flint and patience can make some beautiful carvings as well how ever. Would really like to see the first tools we get be flat sharp rocks and rounded hammering rocks taken from gravel around the water.

  • Finishing and polishing date from quite a remote antiquity, look for instance at bone (or ivory, where available) ornaments of the Neolithic, which are harder to work than wood (an example here; older ones can be found, I think). So this does not seem to me a problem.

    Rather, I think it is quite clear that such a tool would not work: the rope binding would get loose or even break and the stone blade would fall after a few strokes. A more solid joint is needed: the more archaic stone tools were simply hand held (from the lower Palaeolithic down to possibly the Aurignacian culture approx. 50k years ago); more recent ones (Neolithic) either had a hole for the handle to pass through or a triangular/trapezoidal outline (larger part in front to hit with) to fit and get stuck into a hole of the handle (like this one for example).

  • For the primitive ax I do think a flatter stone with a chipped edge wedged into the split of a stick then twine wrapped would be sturdier and look more realistic, of course to make such a thing we would need a chipping stone a flat rock and a stick. just depends on how much work Red wants us to do for the items. and how much players are willing to go through to get to better and better equipment.

  • Yup, It's really up to Red to decide how much realism or how many intermediate steps there are in exploring the ages of mankind. I mean, if you wanna get really realistic, you'd have to spend a few hours at a river, grinding stones together to make an axe head. The game has to be fun and not too tedious. Although, I'd be curious if there is such a game/simulation that really takes things down to this kind of granular level.

  • Think that's a bit much for the game. Though exactly what I was getting at as the first tools to have in the game. The chipping method he was using could be applied to make ax heads I really wonder how far back Red will go with the tools. I would love to start off as a cave man and work my way up. Very interesting video I had never seen the grinding method before though it does make me want to grab a few stones and take my sander to that cheating?

  • Think that's a bit much for the game. Though exactly what I was getting at as the first tools to have in the game. The chipping method he was using could be applied to make ax heads I really wonder how far back Red will go with the tools. I would love to start off as a cave man and work my way up. Very interesting video I had never seen the grinding method before though it does make me want to grab a few stones and take my sander to that cheating?

    Well.... Tim the tool man was kinda like a cave man ;-p

    As far as how far back, thats up to Red. I mean, I don't want to be sitting in a simulation for hours just to make one stone tool. I'd rather go outside ;-p But I wouldn't mind simply picking up a river bed stone (since we have all this gravel near lakes and ponds) and crafting a simple stone tool from my inventory menu. Then I can collect a natural stick (like i suggested before) and some plant fibers and make that first primitive axe :)

  • I can confirm that I am indeed very interested in doing another (albeit small) Let's Play on Rising World. ;) I only say small because it's a lot more fun for me to do coverage of the game inbetween big updates while I sprinkle in other games to my channel lineup.

    I think Weem would also revisit it. He's big into Ark at the moment.

  • I can confirm that I am indeed very interested in doing another (albeit small) Let's Play on Rising World. ;) I only say small because it's a lot more fun for me to do coverage of the game inbetween big updates while I sprinkle in other games to my channel lineup.

    I think Weem would also revisit it. He's big into Ark at the moment.

    Awesome to see you here Vortac. :)
    I definitely look forward to see you revisiting this game. ARK was fun but it still had some crazy Minecraft-inspired tree punching involved which I'm happy to say will not be a thing in Rising World.

    In one of the upcoming updates, the iron axe and iron pickaxe will be finally be dropped from our initial inventory. We are definitely going to be getting natural fallen sticks and stones which can be collected like in The Forest so we will have a basis for primitive crafting which will not involve punching trees to get wood. :)

  • That's surprising seeing Vortac back here. Nice! And a morale boost to see him mention wanting to do more videos on them because both Vortac & Weem did it the best. Formal, yet fun take on things. Informative. Also wanting to correct one of my posts above that I said 'weemcast' wanted bookshelves, yet it was Vortac when making the bakery & such. Long ago so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    And these sticks are in Rising World, right? I take it that useless hedge we keep seeing shall drop sticks, or from prying it from trees. Not cutting trees, but snapping branches & such, but with pressing 'F'. Makes me wonder what Foxfire knows from his secret conversations with Red51

  • That's surprising seeing Vortac back here. Nice! And a morale boost to see him mention wanting to do more videos on them because both Vortac & Weem did it the best. Formal, yet fun take on things. Informative. Also wanting to correct one of my posts above that I said 'weemcast' wanted bookshelves, yet it was Vortac when making the bakery & such. Long ago so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    And these sticks are in Rising World, right? I take it that useless hedge we keep seeing shall drop sticks, or from prying it from trees. Not cutting trees, but snapping branches & such, but with pressing 'F'. Makes me wonder what Foxfire knows from his secret conversations with Red51

    I'm not at liberty to discuss this!! He's watching me! O_o

    I agree that those useless hedges would be an excellent source of sticks. I chatted with Red a few nights back and he confirmed that he is going to add sticks and stones. They're likely going to spawn randomly and can be picked up like in The Forest. Around that time, we will start a new game barehanded, without the iron axe and pickaxe. We will then have to craft primitive tools and work our way up to finally crafting that anvil. I don't know exactly what (if anything) will be used for fibers. I know you and I brought up all sorts of suggestions about certain versatile plants (some of which are being implemented) but someone on Steam suggested gathering plant fibers from grass. Its a good idea to start with but I just assumed that tall grass was not exactly the strongest of plant fibers to use. The discussion came up in a thread about crafting hay bales. A suggestion for a drying rack for meats , thatch, and grass came up as well.

    What does everyone else think about the grass idea? Let's say you grab the grass with your barehands to get plant fibers, cut the grass with the scythe to get tall grass for certain crafting needs such as hay bales, or use the sickle to get seeds for replanting (maybe the current tall grass icon could be replaced with grass seeds).

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