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  • >> This post has been moved from the API pre-release topic to this topic <<

    Pretty much! We have a head start right now to start developing so less time debugging once the API is activated. That way we get mods to production faster! :thumbsup:

    Yeah, Whatever you say,,, "watching Youtube Videos Is nice to learn the basics, There are NO youtube videos that explain how to make a GUI or program a 3d Object, that is NOT explained ANYWEHRE, "

    public class HelloWorldApp {

    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World!"); // Display the string.

    Will NOT let anyone click on the screen or run a command

    Edited once, last by red51: Moved from other topic ().

  • What are you talking about? You are expressing difficulty making guis but the code you post prints text to a console or command prompt. Ofcourse it wont do anything useful for Rising World. BTW Red just updated the api library to expand on guis so maybe its worth looking into what changed. I just have been busy at work and haven't had much time to really dive into guis.

    There are common java libraries for drawing gui elements (awt is older and swing was new and buggy when i started but likely more mature by now). I think primitive 3d objects are drawn under the javax library but its been a while.

    To be perfectly frank it sounds like your diving into the deep end without testing out the shallow end first. What I mean is that Java is not something you simply watch a few videos on youtube and start pumping out complex mods that appeal to end users. If you don't have a solid understanding of java from studying books and/or taking college classes then you're not going to simply dive into writing anything useful. Not mean to be offensive here but you seem to be getting upset over not understanding the basics.

    So if you are serious about learning, get some books. O'Reilly books are very popular in the IT world. Here's a link


  • well Il just FORGET THE WHOLE THING,

    who the heck has $80 for a book? not everyong is fortuanate enough to spend that kind of money on a book, sorry,

    I guess ill keep on losing users due to boredom and lack of Admins . all I want is an Example, people learn by DOING not by reading a lengthy expensive book, it is known fact,

    I learned how to do my job by someome showing me how to do it not by reading an $80 book

    oh and yes I have an IT JOB and did'nt have to read ONE book, just the A+ book which doesn;t count

  • who the heck has $80 for a book? not everyong is fortuanate enough to spend that kind of money on a book, sorry,

    I learned how to do my job by someome showing me how to do it not by reading an $80 book

    You can be "shown" how to do basic retail work. You aren't simply shown how to write object oriented programming. Without a foundation, it takes months to learn just the general concepts of computer programming. Object oriented is a beast of its own. You cant simply be shown how to write Java without any background. You need to spend lots of time study books and experimenting on your own, or pay the money for a teacher. Education is always an investment in your own future whether you pay lots of money for college or just learning to do something on your own. Time and effort pay off. I've never paid more than $50 for a tech book. I will tell you that the o'reilly books are excellent resources. I keep a few on my desk along with a pocket reference for regex. ebooks should also be available at a fraction of the cost.

    Theres also public libraries. Every one I've been to had a pretty descent selection

  • @Captian_Cornball: Working with the API requires some basic programming knowledge. Of course you don't have to dive into any of the advanced stuff in Java (e.g. for a simple plugin, you don't have to care about things like multithreading, networking, jni etc), but first you should be able to write simple Java applications (you could try to create a small calculator in Java, for example). Without going this way, there is probably no real chance (or at least this would be a very long and stony road) to understand how the API works, or use its full potential. There are several Java tutorials on the net which are available for free.
    Once you feel ready for the API, you can check out some of the code snippets in the forum, e.g. this one: Create a Plugin
    The javadoc also contains a few examples. If you have an explicit question, just ask it in the forum. Otherwise if this isn't sufficient, just wait until the API is fully released and the first plugins are available.

  • @joni909
    Its a good thing what you said cause its true.

    Especially with thise little plugins its a good way to start with a little java in this way.
    just by playing around with the examples tweak them a little and keep trying out new stuff thats a fun way of learning.


    Awesome new version of the API already :p this just keeps getting better! more to come too until its completed 8o

    Java is not something you simply watch a few videos on youtube and start pumping out complex mods that appeal to end users

    :rolleyes: FACT.

    and very upset too *giggles* :P


    Relax @Captian_Cornball reeeeelax. Red already said theres most likely going to be an areaprotection plugin. from that you can be creative and tweak it to your liking.

    Patience is a huuuuge part of learning something.
    if you dont like books then you can alternativly stick to reading online documentations (lol online books)
    videos dont cut it beyond the basics of java itself but even then it doesnt explain much about this specific API. which is why we get JavaDocs included to yes... *more reading yaaaay* its just the java way... :rolleyes:

    If you like example, i really recommend looking into the javadocs, YES its reading again but there are examples in them.
    you cant test anything out yet tho but its coning.

    Have a sense of humor 8o c'mon this is all about having fun !!!!!!! 8o i'm freaken excited

  • try umm REBUILDING POS sytems and Building laptops from scratch, all done by "HANDS ON." Never read a book on how to do that. if I get stuck You Tube is my friend., that is FAR From basic retail work, my friend

    not EVERY command has and example, Every programming language book i've read had and Example.. EG. Commodore 64 BASIC had clear examples, check out the guide, it'ss clear


    this is what I thought the manual woulkd be like

  • You don't have to be A+ certified to fix a computer. I was also shown how to fix computers but it was a long time before I became A+ certified. I was exposed to logic gates and procedural programming long before I ever went to college. I learned BASIC as a child because an uncle of mine gave me a Commodore 64 to play with. I spent days straight sometimes typing applications out of the Commodore magazine into the machine by entering hexidecimal code (there were no compilers for that system so it was either BASIC or machine language). But I had no idea why I was doing what I was doing. I heard about assembly language but didn't know what that meant when i was typing in those pages of code. I was basically regurgitating examples I read in the book and making minor tweaks along the way. That' doesn't help you to understand why something is written a certain way. Without truly understanding the fundamental principles then you'r just copy pasting examples together and you'll never understand why what you are doing is not working.

    Hardware is physical and tangible and easier to understand... Especially nowadays PC computers are easy to work with internally if you are taught a few precautions and ground yourself properly. And every cable and card nowadays only fits one way. Its not like back in the 70s and 80s when ribbon cables didn't have notches on them! :(

    Understanding how a computer works goes beyond learning how to service it. You can be taught how to service a machine and check for obvious trouble signs but to understand how even the hardware works means learning about logic gates and how they are assembled to design a CPU or RAM. Understanding how logic gates work and how the CPU (an electrical machine) is programmed is no different from learning a higher level programming language. It takes deeper understanding.

    So if you want to learn then great! I encourage anyone to learn but please try to understand that programming is not a simple trade. It's a mind-set. Understanding why it does what it does is gradual as is with any learned skill. I and others here will be happy to help you out if you really want to learn but you have to be patient. The fact that you explode on the forums here because something didn't work or you didn't understand an example just shows us you don't have the discipline to learn. Nobody here should be expected to hold your hand either. That's what you pay educators lots of money at universities to do. Show me that patience and discipline and I'll help you as much as I can. The link you pasted for the Commodore is basic is an example of procedural code which is pretty easy to wrap your head around compared to oop. I use procedural code every day at work. The actual developers I support write in Java and procedural and oop are very different beasts. If you want to learn java then that is awesome! But you need a foundation otherwise your just copy/pasting examples. You need a solid understanding of the following concepts: objects, classes, abstracts, methods, class extending, method overriding, interfaces and instances.

  • Oh my Captain =O Thats like comparing between assembling a car VS writing an instruction manual cause thats how it looks like when comparing hardware asembly with programming :whistling:
    hardware asembly you can learn with a video since its puzzle work.
    programming you have to learn documentation since its logic work.

    Every single command is explained in the Java documentation ( the one that Red provide is for this API specific) that is the reason you have to read, to know what commands you need to use.
    if you want the javadoc of all java itself then this is your source http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/

    If you ever did the honor in actually doing some light reading of the included javadoc you would see the same + more as for Commodore documentation since java is way waaay more complex than BASIC.

    Example of just 1 api command


    Thats the structure of documentation of all java.
    in this case this is only for this API specific

    All that explanation is just for 1 command complete info about what it does how it should be used what it returns what data type goes in what comes out. and even an example of how it could be used.
    all written down.

  • You can be "shown" how to do basic retail work. You aren't simply shown how to write object oriented programming. Without a foundation, it takes months to learn just the general concepts of computer programming. Object oriented is a beast of its own. You can't simply be shown how to write Java without any background. You need to spend lots of time study books and experimenting on your own, or pay the money for a teacher. Education is always an investment in your own future whether you pay lots of money for college or just learning to do something on your own. Time and effort pay off. I've never paid more than $50 for a tech book. I will tell you that the o'reilly books are excellent resources. I keep a few on my desk along with a pocket reference for regex. ebooks should also be available at a fraction of the cost.
    There's also public libraries. Every one I've been to had a pretty decent selection

    Had to run a spell check first :) Personally I'm happy for all these new additions to the game even the release of a source code which seems to be one-sided. I'm 34 and that's way to old for going back to school especially if you got memory problems like I do. I've tried college aced my way through Psychology and World History failed on basic algebra and economics. To me returning is a waste of time and money that could be used to buy a house and 3 cars. College costs roughly $50,000.00 in the US for a single year and it's also a lien on your credit that takes years to pay back. If someone wants to go to college and asks me for advice I tell them to join the Army, Navy, Airforce or whichever they prefer. It's paid for and you earn money while doing it, you can't say the same about any trade school, college or campus because they are out for your money. Maybe in other countries college is free but in the US they want every nickel and dime you make leaving you living in poverty. :(

  • I am 33, I also have memory and learning problems myself. I am very slow learning new things and become extremely frustrated trying to learn new stuff and my job requires me to learn lots of new languages and tools on the fly. I make up for most of my short comings with adderall (just started a few months ago and i wish I started taking it before I went to college) and just working 50 + hours a week to compensate for my short comings. I spend time at home learning new things or sometimes spend 4 hours at home focusing on solving one problem that was annoying me for days at the office.

    I understand college is not cheap. I paid for community colege out of pocket. I conveniently finished my associates at the same time I got laid off from my last tech job at the peak of the recession in early 2009. I went to a university after and even with unemployment benefits and grants racked up $50k in debt from student loans and credit cards. Im sloowly paying that off now. The job I have now and my sallary was totally worth the sacrifices I made. I also have security knowing I have a diverse portfolio of marketable skills now. I afelt old at university but knew guys going back at 40 who also landed good programing jobs afterwards. Its never too late.

    But none of thats is relevant. You probably arent wanting to code for a living. You just want to write some awesome mods for a game you play far more than I do! ;-) You can learn on your own or at your own pace. The API for RW is a standard looking reference for any language. Silver already provided a link for the jdk8 api so thats a great starting point. Now try some basic applications. Designing a gui calculator will give you great exposure to using swing and how to manipulate buttons and how to group elements in a jpanel. This likely wont directly work with RW because the interface for gui in RW is not standard which is why we have an API for RW to follow. But learn the basics of java. Or do what Red suggested and wait for others to write mods for this game and peek at their code. I also find examples help a lot when I cant find a solution on my own. This is why websites like stack overflow is amazing but even there, everyone assumes you already understand the basics. please consider the public libraries if you are really on a budget.

  • and DID read stuff on Java a while back.. I made a couple apps, and yes I just want to fool around with java and not be serious about it. if I wanted to learn a programming language, I'd Pick C++. but I work long hours and rarely have time time to sit and read a java book, that's why I want to learn by example and if I want to learn more, I'd look it up with google or watch a youtube video

    I'm actually more frustrated that you need 100 lines of code to make a simple mod. EG. enter an
    area and give a player an object,
    I just wish there were modding commands instead of using java to make Mods,

  • 5 minutes ago
    @Captian_Cornball just play around with it everyday and each day you will learn a little more, i also don't know java all that well, but already i have worked some things out and each day ill learn something new, next thing you know your be coding in java, the youtube videos wont show you how to code a protection script or add 3d objects to RW but they will teach you some basic java code, witch is a good place to start, like the saying goes you need to learn to walk before you can fly.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


    Then you should know what todo so why even start a post like this it makes no seance oO Basic is where it starts the rest is realy upto you coding is like inventing, it sounds like you want us all to provide you with a script so then you can code that same script, thats not how real codings done, yes i know commando 64 had scripts you just copy but thats still not coding, thats just learning the basic's, after that its upto you to invent your own code RW have given you an API to work with this is like a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building your script if you need to know what each one does, then ask the users on the forum, most are self explanatory but yes some are not.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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