GPS Plug-in for world navigation and self-locating

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  • A Java plug-in to help in finding own way while moving across a world.

    Version 1.4.0

    This will be the final version of the plug-in; bugs, if found, will be corrected but no new features will be added (I know I am repeating this since a number of versions...)

    - New in 1.4.0

    *) Removed WP sharing!
    *) Changed player identification from name to DB ID.
    *) Added the possibility for other plug-ins to send to the GPS temporary target points
    *) Added a number of public API functions for other plug-ins to use
    *) Added Javadocs
    *) Posted sources to the plug-in github repository.

    - Features

    *) Displays current player heading as a standard navigation route, position in 'standard' geographic coordinates (N E) and block altitude:

    Note that internal RW positive W longitude is converted into a more common positive E longitude.

    *) Optionally, in, the display can be set to Rising World own proprietary format:

    *) Define a Home position and display radial, side (to the left or to the right of the player) and distance to it:

    *) Define up to 15 way points and display radial, side and distance to any of them in turn:

    *) Working with the GPS is done via a GUI:
    which allows to turn the GSP on/off, to set the Home and each way-point, to show/hide them. The GUI adapts itself to the current GSP status.

    *) Teleport to home and to any defined waypoint. Teleporting to waypoints can be disabled for servers which do not like players popping up everywhere. In fact, it is disabled by default; edit allowTpToWp=0 within into allowTpToWp=1 to enable (remember to reload the plug-ins or restart the server to enable the change).

    *) Other plug-ins can use a number of API which GPS makes available; details in the Javadoc included in the sources; among them, an API to send the GPS target points:

    *) Target points are a kind of way points; other than way points, target points are not permanent (when the player disconnects they are lost), there can be any number of them but only the first is active and can be displayed in the GPS display; once the player reaches the active target, the target is deleted and the next one becomes active.

    *) The plug-in user interface defaults to English, but it can be translated in any language (whose characters are supported by Rising World) through external files by the users themselves. Details in the readme.txt file.

    *) The plug-in stores player-specific data into a separate data base for each world; so, even, in a local single player context, home and waypoints defined for one world do not affect other worlds.

    Important - Important - Important - Important:

    in order to work the plug-in requires the GUI back-end plug-in 0.5.0 available here. Install it at the same time of (or before) installing this plug-in or the server will crash at start-up!


    /gpsopens the GUI. This is the main command; everything can be achieved through it. more easily than through the char commands.

    For the 'purists' and for compatibility with well-known commands of older scripts, two commands are also available:

    /hometeleports to home (if defined)
    /sethomeset home position to current position


    *) Extract the files in the ZIP placing the whole GPS folder into the plugins folder of RW (if the plugins folder does not exist, just create one). The resulting hierarchy shall be:

    ── RisingWorld
    ├── plugins
    │ ├── gps
    │ │ ├── assets/
    │ │ ├── locale/
    │ │ ├── COPYING
    │ │ ├── gps.jar
    │ │ ├── readme.txt
    │ │ └── settings. properties

    *) Uninstall the old LUA version, as the two might trespass in each other garden!

    *) Uninstall any older version of this plug-in! Only one version may exist in your Rising World copy / server!

    Open points and known issues

    *) If the player changes of heading without actually moving, particularly while flying, RW does not always notify the script which cannot update the displayed heading. This depends upon RW and there is nothing I can do about. The heading is updated as soon as the player moves.

    *) After issuing the reloadplugins command from the console, an error message may appear in the chat relative to this plug-in; it is harmless and depends on the timing of the various initialisation steps which in turn depend on the server, the network and so on; just ignore it (the reloadplugins command is not intended for production anyway, but only for testing/debugging purposes).


  • Very well :thumbsup:

    [Deutsch] ;)
    wie ist das den wenn ich ein /gps setwp löschen möchte wegen falscheingabe oder ich reisse es wider ab ???

    [English] ;)
    How is that because if I delete a / gps setup because of wrong input or I tear it off ??

    Sorry for my english

    und wie kann kann ich die höhenanzeige ändern da sie mir zu hoch ist.

    And how can I change the height display since it is too high for me.

    Leider kann ich nur 10 wp setzen es geht nur von 0-9 bekomme diese antwort (GPS goto/wp: waypoint index must be an integer between 0-9) ist ein bischen wenig finde ich. ber du arbeitest bestimt schon weiter ^^

    Unfortunately, I can only set 10 wp it is only 0-9 get this answer (GPS goto / wp: waypoint index must be an integer between 0-9) is a little bit I find. You are already working ^^

    P.S Google macht alles :D

    Wier Die Ausgestossenen

    TS3: - Gameserver: CS:S - RW: IPV6: [2001:4ba0:babe:1575::]:26015

    Edited 5 times, last by Ranaarvalis ().

  • @zfoxfire and @yahgiggle: THANKS!

    [English] ;) How is that because if I delete a / gps setup because of wrong input or I tear it off ??

    To change a waypoint, simply set it again (simpler than adding more commands to manage them).

    And how can I change the height display since it is too high for me.

    You can't. This level of customisation will be added later...

    Unfortunately, I can only set 10 wp it is only 0-9 get this answer (GPS goto / wp: waypoint index must be an integer between 0-9) is a little bit I find. You are already working ^^

    Yes, this is stated in the description above. I may revise this decision at a later stage... Actually there are 9 way points as way point 0 is the HOME.

  • I mean the standard coordinates you see also when you press F3.

    Oh, I see... well, those coordinates are quite non-standard, as longitude increases toward West (and it is listed before latitude, against the commonest usage). Mines are more standard (assuming a flat Earth, of course...)

  • Version 0.2 Available!


    *) Added a new GUI panel which allows to do the same as chat commands via point and click (chat commands are retained, though, for the joy of purists... :evil: )

    *) Vertical position of the GPS info window is now configurable

    See the first post of this thread for details and download.

  • That is awesome work Miwarre :)

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Ist es so gewollt das die erweiterte Anzeige für Home punkte und Wege Punkt beim neuen einloggen wieder neu eingestellt werden müssen.

    Sorry, according to Google this translates to: "Is it so wanted that the extended display for home points and waypoint when the new log again have to be set again."and I am not sure what it may mean.

    Do you mean that, if you set home/wp in a world, when you log again to the same world, they are lost?

    That is awesome work Miwarre :)


  • Version 0.3 Available!


    *) Added support for translations: the user interface can be translated by the users themselves adding external files.

    Out of the box, only English and Italian are provided (the languages I feel confident enough with). A few additional language files are provided ready to contain texts (for German and French, in France and Canada variants) but I have not translated them; it would be awesome if anyone could translate them and share.

    This is an example of the GUI in Italian:

    *) Increased the number of way points from 9 to 15.

    *) Corrected a few bugs... :S

    See the first post of this thread for details and download.


  • Hello after today's update, I've had a server crash which unfortunately has to do with your plugin. sorry

  • I am sorry, but I cannot replicate the issue: with today server, today client and unmodified GPS version, I tried all the functions and I did not had any problem.

    Can you remember a sequence of steps leading to the problem?

    I have changed with another plugin in a txt file. Then enter "rp" in the console. This was followed by the crash. The log I have sent to the @red, who told me that it s.gps plugin probably lies.

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