Going to see what I can do about getting some small watercraft in, afterall, your 'cars' drive on water !!!

Yes I will fix that (or to be more precise I will add an option to disable this so boats will fe possible too); but I still wait for the setFlying function to work; after that I will update the plugin
Hi community,
I updated the plugin to v1.5.3•no more need to fly when entering a car
•reworked permissions in Config.txt
•added more gui controls
•added ability of new parameter leavex, leavey and leavez to car files
•added the ability to teleport to a car
•fixed bug that cars were able to drive on water -
Hi. first of all. Nice work!
Realy nice to finaly have vehicles. But have a problem when going reverse in the car. the car starts to fly and then falling down and i die and the car is gone. (dont have flying enabled in the server either) This is on an dedicated server if thats to any help.
Love the work on this though
/ jimmy
@mrtoobright What do you mean with 'ging reverse in the car'?
Denke mal er meint rückwärts fahren.
Hm Looks like there's a problem with the physics... I will try to fix it
Now, There's an update which should fix that error
Regards, Galveston01 -
hi there my names aly from scotland ive used your car plugin for a while now thank you for making it it was the very first plugin i ever used its great and ive learned how to add more cars and change there settings but i am unsure about the part where you mention adding options to the config.txt file
,i wanted to experiment with the .. ( physics true/false use physics? ).. and it says add it to the config.txt file but do you mean the one for rising world itself i know where that file is its in risingworld in the steam folder ive used that before or do you mean adding a new config.txt file specificaly for in the simplecar plugin folder itself ? sorry to seem a bit dim lol could you explain wich one it is and how i should create the entry in either case thanks in advance for any help and thank you again for the plugins you have made best wishes from aly -
hi there my names aly from scotland ive used your car plugin for a while now thank you for making it it was the very first plugin i ever used its great and ive learned how to add more cars and change there settings but i am unsure about the part where you mention adding options to the config.txt file
,i wanted to experiment with the .. ( physics true/false use physics? ).. and it says add it to the config.txt file but do you mean the one for rising world itself i know where that file is its in risingworld in the steam folder ive used that before or do you mean adding a new config.txt file specificaly for in the simplecar plugin folder itself ? sorry to seem a bit dim lol could you explain wich one it is and how i should create the entry in either case thanks in advance for any help and thank you again for the plugins you have made best wishes from alyHi, nice to hear you enjoy this plugin! Frankly speaking I am (sadly) no longer activly developing plugins due to time issues.
Anyway, the Config.txt shall be placed in the SimpleCar plugin folder. The entries should be written to it line by line in the form property:value.
Hope that helps.
Best regards -
Hi, nice to hear you enjoy this plugin! Frankly speaking I am (sadly) no longer activly developing plugins due to time issues.Anyway, the Config.txt shall be placed in the SimpleCar plugin folder. The entries should be written to it line by line in the form property:value.
Hope that helps.
Best regardsIs there possably a way the source code could be opened up so someone else could pick up where you left off?
Quote from sharkbitefischer
Is there possably a way the source code could be opened up so someone else could pick up where you left off?
I think everyone who would want to continue this project could simply decompile it. Since I have not obfuscated the code or something like that the results should also be totally usuable. -
thanks very much for reply i really apreciate it buddy , take care and best wishes from aly
Good day. )
Here's a list of all parameters that you can put in the Config.txt:
sorry aber ich komm mit dem schreiben der config.txt nicht zu rande durch mangeldes fachwissen.
wieso kann die datei nicht einfach schon dabei sein
könnte mir bitte jemand ne config.txt geben wo alle zeilen schon drinnen sind? -
Плагин не работает.
Are you still working on this plugin? Seems like a pretty useful plugin for a server!!
How about turning the saddle into a wagon (not sure if that's how toy would do it), so it could be a horse and wagon with extra inventory. Just a thought. There's not a lot in the game for those of us who want to keep things in the medieval-ish era.
Are you still working on this plugin? Seems like a pretty useful plugin for a server!!
warning: This plugin uses mass resources and causes much lag on a server. I suggest that you only use it on single player or a local network server. Remember that using the internet adds a restriction in communication between server and client. It is possible to use it, I am not saying it can not be. I am saying that it will cause problems and you will probably end up removing it from a multi player server as I did a long time ago. Also remember it is not just the server's internet connection that needs to be considered but the clients connection that, more then often, slows the transfer of information.
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