I have been working on an economy plugin for my personal server. I figured I'd share with others. The mod adds a virtual wallet for players and works via chat commands. Over half the items have been priced. I'll work on pricing the rest over the next couple days. It will take a while as there are lots of items in game.
/ebalance - check wallet balance.
/eprice - check price of item held.
/ebuy - buy item held. is optional. If no amount is specified, one will be bought.
/esell - sell stack held. is optional. If no amount is specified, whole stack will be sold.
admin commands:
/egivecoins - give specified player coins. All command options required.
/economy set - set price of item held. is required.
/economy export - export pricelist table to csv file in plugin folder.
/economy import - import pricelist.csv from plugin folder.
Downloads: https://github.com/notabadminer/rw-economy/releases
BUGS? Please file an issue here: economy issues
KNOWN ISSUES: players cannot buy objectkits. The API doesn't have a way to add objects to inventory. I've disabled buying for now.
WANTED: Help with german transaltion support. PM me if interested.