Just a few things I would like to see

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  • A few things that i would like to see in game is

    Better dynamic lighting/shadows
    Sound effect when using the sawbench (actual saw sound)
    Needing water for crops (maybe a watering can or just a water hole near crops)
    Seeing more animals together in packs and not one here and one there
    Birds (harvest for food/feathers)
    Bow&Arrow (use feathers to make arrows)
    Degradable tools
    when at a certain height the mountains became covered in snow

    Like to know what everyone else thinks

  • - We really do need better lighting and shadows, yet that's something that shall come in time. I'm patient.
    - Sound effects for a saw bench, and variations to them would be neat. Yeah.
    - Water for crops is important, and should be a part of the growth time. Watering crops should keep them healthy, and even reduce wait times at times. The more you water them in a moderate level the better the yielding should be.
    - Animal packs & groups should be a thing with the AI being reworked. Shall come in time. I truly want to see birds taking to the sky, among other things flying & grouping together.
    - Birds are a must. I told Red51 he needs to populate the sky, and hope he does.
    - Bows & arrows, yup. Having feathers is something I'm curious about with how mass-produced they'll be, or if they'll be wood related items only. Even curious if we can have faked silky'cloth types.
    - Degradable tools is something we truly need so we can keep the cycle continuing. It would give reason to keep resource harvesting, repairing, and etc.
    - Yup! Mountains do need to be snow-capped.

  • Yes, I too think all those points are very nice to have.

    Except perhaps for snow-capped mountains: they would look fine, sure, but I do not think that any mountain we currently see in RW is high enough to regularly have snow (at least outside of the snow biome); at least here in Italy, in a middle-latitude situation, it is hard to see any snow below 1,200 m MSL, which would correspond to a height of about 2,500 block in RW. Of course, in colder regions the snow limit would be lower, but in warmer regions higher and it seems to me RW that the intermediate (non-desert and non-ice) biomes mimic a sort of temperate, middle-latitude, situation.

    Of all the listed points, the degradable tools seem relatively simple(r) to implement, so perhaps it will come sooner than other effects, who knows...

  • good list, agree with all in it, definitly need better (real time) lightning/shadows.
    - Also i hope red improves the textures off blocks and planks with some good parallax occlusion mapping/normal mapping. Think it would add a better view for some types (like cobblestones).
    - If weather is implemented i hope the grass and threes will wiggle in the wind so the gameworld feels less 'static'.
    - And i like to add the ability to see furter, so that buildings and other player made stuff are not disapearing.
    - and last i want to see an upgrade to the engine itself so people with high end systems like mine take advantage off all there proccesing powers (8cores/16treads) and get 60+ fps with all settings at highest lvls

    Edited once, last by Lonelobo: new thing i like to see ().

  • good idea groovaholic :)
    It can help us till whe get some ingame map, where i hope whe also can place different markers on it (like dungeons/places of people/good hunting zone/nice views/...)

    Oh and i also want the option to set the collor of ingame lights (dont know if possible aready?) so i can iluminate my building in specific collors at specific times (like 1hour its red, the next purple,...)

  • The new GPS plugin allows you to set waypoints but yeah, not the same. I'd love something similar to the Journey Map plugin for Minecraft. It places a colorful beacon in the sky for each waypoint. but yeah... markers on the compass dial itself would be cool too. Maybe we need some sort of advanced craftable compass that lets you cycle through waypoints on the dial :)

  • good idea groovaholic :)
    It can help us till whe get some ingame map, where i hope whe also can place different markers on it (like dungeons/places of people/good hunting zone/nice views/...)

    Oh and i also want the option to set the collor of ingame lights (dont know if possible aready?) so i can iluminate my building in specific collors at specific times (like 1hour its red, the next purple,...)

    Cycling light colors might be possible now with the API. The script would have to essentially create a database listing the lights we are interested and then replace them with different colored variations at certain times. Someone would have to write a plugin. But a generic programmable light or just timers in general would be awesome. When we get a real electrical system in game, I imagine that might happen.

  • Good list, and I agree on all points. An actual table saw sound for the sawbench would work, as long as it keeps playing all the while we're using the sawbench, and not just a quick play of the sound byte. A watering can would be welcomed, but at the same time, so too would water/rain barrels. If you could transfer water from a watering hole to a barrel with a bucket, this would be nice. Or maybe a hose we could attach to a barrel. Birds work for feathers, but so too do chickens. We'd have a greater chance of getting more feathers from chickens than from birds in the wild. If we have degradable tools, weapons, and armour, then we should be able to mend them. Just because we have ample ore at our disposal doesn't mean we should eschew mending them.

    As for mountains and snow caps, that should depend on altitude, biome, season, and temperature. Unless Red wants to make a snow-making/ice making machine, which as a Canadian winter lover I would wholeheartedly enjoy. But otherwise, I doubt we'll ever have an Everest-like mountain in the game. That said, I'd love to see snowmobiles, skis, and snow rackets in the game one day.

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