So, after some time not playing RW, and firing it today, I can say that game is getting better and better... however, I find it very difficult to find lakes, cause they only spawn in "forest" biome. Ponds are everywhere, coast you can find too, but lakes... very rare... Would like to see more water in general too (earth ~70% water, 30% land). Second, old buildings are spawning for me just in desert and savannah biomes (is it so intended?). Also, only one type of building is spawning with few variations. Here I would really like to help red (and not only me, I believe), creating cottages, camps, or different PoIs so he can include them in the world generation. Third.. after few hours searching for a lake, I lost myself in the world, map would be nice feature, I dont mean super detailed map, just a piece of paper with coarse terrain map, so I can orient myself in the world.

Few thoughts
- rajkox
- Closed
hmm have you tried many different seeds? because we generated a world for a server a few days back and we have found about 10 lakes already in a few hours of flying around the spawn. (I can ask for the seed if you want to try it out)
also note you can type "lake" in the seed box to create a world with the spawn next to a lake.
Every seed should bring enough water (at least I think so), and for people cant swim ;), just like like animals or any other setting (ores, trees..), checkbox generate water, yes/no, and maybe setting water - low, middle, high, waterworld
Thanks for a swift reply!
One more thing... I don`t play RW online because of bug in Java or so I had earlier, I was disconnected every few minutes with error message. Something about connection, socket, etc... ... Anyway, would like to play with others.. but dont know is it already solved or?
Every seed should bring enough water (at least I think so)
According to my experience, it is so. They are "random" (well, not really, but you get the idea, I hope) but they ARE there, in any seed I tried. You may find interesting this post of mines about RW hydro-geography.
Would like to see more water in general too (earth ~70% water, 30% land)
Yes, true. But this is true for the Earth considered as a whole: over millions and millions of kilometres square, you find this ratio.
But if you take on Earth an area as large as the area module of RW (a few kilometres wide, after which it repeats), you may find any ratio, from 100% earth / 0% water to 0% earth / 100% water. And the more water you have on RW, the less earth you'd have to build upon.
Not that I wouldn't like more water bodies, I like them (lakes more than "seas"); simply, anything has to be considered in the whole context of playability and player experience...
for the error you can start the game and when it crashes or w/e else happens just quit and go to the RW directory in your hard drive and fetch the error report, then upload it here for someone to take a look at it (maybe better start a new thread in the client help section of the forum)
I tried multiplayer.. seems that error is fixed... Anyway, is there a seed that can create islands? Medium, small?
i would just type "island" in the seed box instead of the number it has. maybe that will spawn you on an island
no clue about the size though...
As far as I know there are no real islands, only small rocks near lake coasts.
Actually the biome distribution (including lakes and oceans) needs some drastic improvements. Biomes are distributed randomly, but that's the problem: If you have bad luck, you'll find the same biome again and again. Probably we'll do some changes to the biomes distribution with the next update or the update after the next, hopefully this will improve the situation
Anyway, is there a seed that can create islands? Medium, small?
As @Miwarre mentioned, there are unfortunately no real islands. But a separate world type is planned, which turns the world into a huge ocean containing several islands. Unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet...
But a separate world type is planned, which turns the world into a huge ocean containing several islands. Unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet...
Would be great. Hope there is a small option to make this also possible on multiplayer maps, at least a small part of it.
Yeah, the whole finding the biome 'again and again' is frustrating that it needs to be spread around with a bit more variety. I went straight north in my multiplayer world finding only rocky grasslands mixed with lakes that it frustrated me I couldn't find any other biome. It simply stuck to one that I'm simply waiting for the player models & animation update before expanding out again, or something.
If we can get some mini-biome added or something that would be neat. Any biome, even if it's a swamp or something.
As @Miwarre mentioned, there are unfortunately no real islands. But a separate world type is planned, which turns the world into a huge ocean containing several islands. Unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet...I think I have a better understanding of what you meant now by Islands. i thought you meant the tiny little beaches with a few palm trees (similar to what is seen in Stranded Deep). Perhaps you meant islands as in large continents, each being its own biome. This makes more sense now to have it as a seperate world type as it would offer backwards compatibility for those of us with older world maps who would need to stay in Normal world type for our servers. Perhaps the new island type world could be the one you incorporate all your other ideas for terrain generator improvements. and also offer the underground biome ideas i suggested
Perhaps the new island type world could be the one you incorporate all your other ideas for terrain generator improvements. and also offer the underground biome ideas i suggested
And Boats!
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