horses and wagons?

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  • What.......


    I also wouldn't kill a horse for horse meat in the game. Just doesn't fit my style, yet it should be an option. Should be sold, yet I won't kill a horse even if it's digital. I would pamper my horses wishing to have what Kingdoms has of being able to whistle them to your person, and etc. Whatever I posted in the quote & such.

  • So, I took a whirl with Kingdoms that it indeed has horses interestingly done that I have to note the following.

    • They roam around freely. They're wild, they run about, and they run away from you when they see you.
    • They prance & 'ney' when they see you that they then start running away from you. You have to chase them down, or time it perfectly when they stop to prance-ney to warn other horses to keep their distance.
    • The game (Kingdoms) gives you the saddle from the get go, even allowing you to press 'e' on the horses to 'insta-tame' them. You can then equip the saddle on them, even being able to access the saddle bag pressing 'e' on the saddle once equipped. (For Rising World I'd expect us to craft saddles from scratch, as it should be.)
    • The game allows you to whistle using 'q' that I love this idea of calling your horse to your last position. I wanted to suggest whistling even before 'Kingdoms' implemented it, finding it interesting timing for when it was added. I would love it if we could whistle, even have a whistle blower device to call horses towards you in the spot you signaled them towards. Not sure what key would be the whistling action, yet hoping it's easy to do.
    • The horse has some interesting controls that I think 'could' work. I did suggest some 'auto-throttle' mechanic for the horse so they could run at a set speed you control. The way Kingdoms does it is by tapping 'W' each step to speed them up, or tapping 'S' to slow them down. I'd say this control set-up could work for Rising World, yet may have to be tweaked in a way that's 'Rising World' specific as to not have anybody cry of plagiarism, or something. That, and it has to work smoothly. The way Kingdoms does it is still rough.
    • Horses run VERY fast that I fear they may mess with the render speed on the maps. I have a good computer (51/21 option (?)) that they can probably outrun the render if set to a high speed. Others may simply fall through the world on their lower end PCs that it has me curious how fast they should really go.
    • And yes, you can kill horses for meat that you can cook them up.

    Horses bring about an interesting change. Even new difficulties.

  • The horse has some interesting controls that I think 'could' work. I did suggest some 'auto-throttle' mechanic for the horse so they could run at a set speed you control. The way Kingdoms does it is by tapping 'W' each step to speed them up, or tapping 'S' to slow them down. I'd say this control set-up could work for Rising World, yet may have to be tweaked in a way that's 'Rising World' specific as to not have anybody cry of plagiarism, or something. That, and it has to work smoothly. The way Kingdoms does it is still rough.

    Mount and blade has a similar control function

    and it's an interesting mechanic but it needs to have a dead-stop too

  • The game (Kingdoms) gives you the saddle from the get go, even allowing you to press 'e' on the horses to 'insta-tame' them. You can then equip the saddle on them, even being able to access the saddle bag pressing 'e' on the saddle once equipped. (For Rising World I'd expect us to craft saddles from scratch, as it should be.)

    It's going to be awesome to use leather for more than a drinking bag lol. I love processing it and I hope crafting saddles will be interactive and time-consuming!

    I Also think that we should be able to ride horses without saddles, but would be more likely to fall off and break a bone. There's a thought! Breaking bones other than leg bones. While it does sound painful, it would be awesome to break a arm and not be able to use that hand till it's fixed. Or you could use it to "pick strawberries" at a reduced rate, but not to wield a axe, pick or any heavy tool.

    The horse has some interesting controls that I think 'could' work. I did suggest some 'auto-throttle' mechanic for the horse so they could run at a set speed you control. The way Kingdoms does it is by tapping 'W' each step to speed them up, or tapping 'S' to slow them down. I'd say this control set-up could work for Rising World, yet may have to be tweaked in a way that's 'Rising World' specific as to not have anybody cry of plagiarism, or something. That, and it has to work smoothly. The way Kingdoms does it is still rough.

    I find horses frightening, but from the times I've managed to ride one, I've noticed they do have built-in cruise control.

    "If all the world was apple pie, And all the sea were ink. And all the trees were bread and cheese, What would we have to drink?" ?(

  • Mount and blade has a similar control function
    and it's an interesting mechanic but it needs to have a dead-stop too

    Yeah, Mount & Blade: Warband was the game I strongly 100% suggested to Red51 when I first brought up horses a few years ago. I hope he played it so he could see how horses should be treated because you can't keep pressing 'W" to travel far distances.

    I checked out Kingdoms because it listed its horses seriously, and I'm actually genuinely impressed. I hope Red51 takes serious note of both Mount & Blade: Warband, as with Kingdoms.

    It's going to be awesome to use leather for more than a drinking bag lol. I love processing it and I hope crafting saddles will be interactive and time-consuming!
    I Also think that we should be able to ride horses without saddles, but would be more likely to fall off and break a bone. There's a thought! Breaking bones other than leg bones. While it does sound painful, it would be awesome to break a arm and not be able to use that hand till it's fixed. Or you could use it to "pick strawberries" at a reduced rate, but not to wield a axe, pick or any heavy tool.

    I find horses frightening, but from the times I've managed to ride one, I've noticed they do have built-in cruise control.

    Yeah, leather clothing, accessories for carts, and such. Do hope you can indeed craft saddles using hide.

    Yeah, we should indeed ride horses without saddles. It can be done, yet it would be hard as writing a boulder. If you turn too quickly you should run the risk of falling, yes. Having to splint up. I agree with your penalty there.

    Horses are freigthening because they're like kangaroos when they kick you. They're both stronger than us that one kick would hurt you to the point of near-fatality, or actual fatality. Imagine if you provoke a horse enough that it could kick you to death. Insta-death. Same with kangaroos.

    Daboiye, I see you being funny, yet do hope you see where I'm going with it. They keep walking when you tell them to keep walking that it's helpful. I also rode a horse in Modra, SLovakia up on the ranch in the mountain and their backs are hard as a rock. Was fun.

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