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  • Looking forward to using this as an elevator for multiple floors in my current project. Curious though, how many portals can i stack vertically in a shaft and how tall does the elevator shaft have to be? I'm building 16 floors high and need a way to set target destinations 1 for up 1 for down and 2 as the target destinations in front of the elevator for the various floors. Here's an image of what I'm working on...

  • you have to have an entrance to every floor on the first floor is the only hassel. I have done this on one of my sky scrapers on my server. It works well but you have to have a door for every floor and a return door from every floor. Landing can not be in the same place as take off is the main thing. You can use as many floors as you like but remember you will have to have a take off for every floor you want to go to. I just make a portal room will all the portals marker for the floor you are going to.

  • you have to have an entrance to every floor on the first floor is the only hassel. I have done this on one of my sky scrapers on my server. It works well but you have to have a door for every floor and a return door from every floor. Landing can not be in the same place as take off is the main thing. You can use as many floors as you like but remember you will have to have a take off for every floor you want to go to. I just make a portal room will all the portals marker for the floor you are going to.

    I'm confused by what you just said. I'm doing an open elevator 3 point designation design. Plate A = Arrival in front of elevator doors. Plate B = Going Up 1 Floor & Plate C = Going Down 1 Floor. The arrival plate wouldn't activate should you walk over it because it would be a one way. Basically I'll be using Plate B to go to Plate A and if you lived on another floor I would add A1, B1, C1 to 16 the floors are 7 blocks in height apart. This is kind of hard to explain in text and I'm probably confusing you. I made a video about this that releases at 9AM today (EST.) I'll head over to my media channel here and paste a link to it once it goes live. Only thing I need to do is write all the commands down on pen & paper and hope it works. I've been waiting to do this for a while.

  • Yeah I am not really sure I get it in writing either :D

    So each portal can have one entrance and one destination. You cannot do a single elevator shaft that will teleport you to multiple floors from the ground.

    To have a building with floors in an elevator like fashion with portals you have two options

    1) have on each floor a room with a portal to every other floor
    2) have only on the ground floor a room with a portal to every other floor and on each floor a portal to the ground floor.

  • Yeah please give me a moment my video just published I'm going to add it to my playlist here in the forums. I don't want to feel like I'm spamming your portal plugin with media.

  • Nach längerem Probieren funktioniert das Plugin endlich. Allerdings wie teleportiere ich oder brauche ich einen A und B Punkt?

    Ich bin das Script //tp x gewohnt. Für was ich die Destination brauche ist mir noch nicht klar.

    ich dachte es reicht, wenn ich Punkt A und Punkt B erstellt habe und kann dann teleportieren? Leider funktioniert das nicht so wie ich mir das vorgestellt habe.

    Wenn ich z. B. vom Hafen1 zum Markplatz2 teleportieren möchte, setzte ich ein Target in Portal1(Hafen um zum Portal2 (Markplatz) zu gelangen. Zum Zurückkehren, also

    von 2 nach 1, muss ich wiederum ein Target setzen, damit das Portal weiß, wo ich hin möchte. Allerdings ist das Target-Portal sehr klein und ich teleportiere nicht, oder ich teleportiere, obwohl ich es gar nicht vorhatte.

    Vielleicht kann mir ein Spieler weiterhelfen.

    Wieviele Targets brauche ich, hängt das Ganze von einer gewissen Entfernung ab?

  • Fuer zweiweg teleportieren brauchst Du 4 Portals,
    i.e. Hafen(Eingang) -> Markplatz(Ausgang)

    Die Portals kannst Du von 1x1x3 bis mindestens 15x15x15 Bloecke gross machen (ich weiss aber nicht die genaue max. groesse).

    Benutze "/portal show" um die Portals zu sehen, das macht es einfacher.

    Ich hoffe das hilft Dir! ^^

  • Wie LoneRanger gesagt hat, die Portals sind Einweg, d.h. du brauchst ein Portal A am Markt mit ein /settarget am Hafen und dann ein zweite Portal B am Hafen mit ein /settarget am Markt.

    Wichtig: Die Portals und die /settarget Ziele müssen nicht auf einander sein, d.h. Ziel A und Portal B kann daneben einander sein aber müssen nicht am gleichen xyz Ort sein!

  • Danke euch. Kann ich das settarget Portal auch größer machen? Aber wo genau ist der Punkt wo man teleportiert wird, bzw. wo muss man zum Teleportieren stehen?

    Ist das Target das Portal oder das create Portal?

  • Das settarget Portal ist nur eine visuelle Darstellung von dem Portal Ziel Ort. Das Plugin speichert als Ziel die xyz Koordinaten wo du /settarget gemacht hast.

    Man steht im Portal (Blaue Farbe) um zu dem settarget Ziel Ort (Grüne Farbe) zum Teleportieren.

  • So apparently my brain is block some how... I do what is down below then teleport or walk away a bit then do /portal settarget Portal_IDNo 7 for instance.

    nothing happens ever!! :(:verysad:

    I have been trying to do this since the plugin was a youngn.

    I was successful once upon a time.... maybe I should of recorded it. 🙄

    First off do you need to make new portal around you when you do the settarget? that still does not work. Please advise.... ( I love that phase)

    I do it as written still....

    use /portal select and select an area no smaller than 1x1x3 (length x width x height) from the floor

    use /portal create Name_of_your_portal to create the portal

    go and stand in the place you want your portal to teleport to and type /portal settarget Portal_IDNo (you will get a message with the ID number of your portal when you created it, else you can use /portal list or /portal show to see it)

    your portal is fully functional, hurrah! :D


  • hey sorry for the short delay in replying, you should not do /portal settarget Portal_IDNo 7 but instead /portal settarget 7 ;)

    let me know if that worked :)

  • I'm trying to install portals on my server with no success.

    I extracted the files and copied them into the plugins folder. No effect.

    I tried putting all the directories (Portals META-INF, Resources) on the same level. No effect.

    In single player I tried the above and got rid of all other plugins without effect.

    I tried adding the .jar to the folder no effect.

    I admit I am at a loss as to what to do next. Am I missing something obvious?

    Any help would be appreciated as I have used the plugin on another server and it is great.


  • Hey could you please post a screenshot of your filesystem where you placed the files?

    Note that the .jar file you downloaded should not be extracted! You need to simply copy it to your server as it is.

  • Ahh I see, you need to put the Portals.jar into its own Portals folder.

    So it should be plugins -> Portals -> Portals.jar

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