Where is the update?
- red51
- Closed
those semicolons and squiggly brackets can be brutal. I wish java would modernize and get rid of both conventions. Python code looks so much cleaner.
I got it.. A new class of Java called Espresso!
lol this made me laugh
public class WhilePatientlyWaiting {
public static void main (String args [] )
String fun = "why are we waiting we are suffocating";
while (true) {
s = randomSort(fun);
if (fun.equals("we we waiting are are suffocating why "))
{System.out.println(fun); break;}
} -
The deploy window (according to the blue banner) is open for another 45 minutes
Two different blue banners for this one update??? Oh, man, and I wanted to take a nap... and it's just less than an hour left!!!!
Two different blue banners for this one update???
What do you mean two? I only see one up right now. Red does change the message periodically as new information is available.
Two as in it's been updated
Two as in it's been updated
This exactly!
oooh ok. gotcha!
There's like 200 people on the forums
There's like 200 people on the forums
yeah its a record number today oO
Banner just updated again. Should be any minute now!
Does anybody betting? 0.00 'o clock or not.
Banner just updated again. Should be any minute now!
shortly in code means 1 to 24hours lol
@ yahgiggle me as well with the java punch out. Need to make a knockem sockem clown of that
59 minues left
Perhaps he updated the banner because he needed more time.
those semicolons and squiggly brackets can be brutal. I wish java would modernize and get rid of both conventions. Python code looks so much cleaner.
I got it.. A new class of Java called Espresso!
I prefer Latte.
Maybe... he was uploading it... and then... at 99% BAM! No internet! Or error! And he had to restart the upload.
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