What ping times are you fellas getting?

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  • Ok Red, here is the answer :)

    In simple terms, people are unable to "activate" (or whatever you want to call it) via VPN - you can get around it, but to keep it simple lets just say it's a rule.

    Once an account is created (and I can't see the backend of this site so not sure how it works, but I created a new user name with which it was implied I'd have another one on here heh) you can revert your routing table to how it was.

  • It would be good if this could be addressed? A lot of workplaces use VPN's for obvious reasons (you're looking at one right now)... not to mention the privacy aspect it provides to joe blogs. Am assuming the VPN thing is on the games end and not steams end as every other steam game works.

    Just my two cents.

  • Glad to hear the issue is solved (more or less) :) Basically there shouldn't be an issue when using a VPN, but of course this always depends on how it's configurated and how the traffic gets routed exactly. Maybe the HIVE port (6001) does not get routed properly?
    I don't think it's related to Steam btw, since we're not using Steam's infrastructure for networking (although on some distros Steam uses its own libraries, which can cause trouble when you're not using Ubuntu - but I don't think networking is affected by this, at least I haven't seen any issues related to that yet).

    What about the server list? Are you able to see servers when using a VPN? The server queries do not get routed by our HIVE, so when querying a server, our servers are not involved at all. You only get the full server list (a list of all IPs) from our servers (apparently this worked), but then the game queries every single server individually ^^
    But as mentioned, since there is a timeout of 1000ms for server queries, you may hit this limitation if the pings are high, especially when using a VPN (the hive login, on the other hand, has a timeout of 30000ms).

    Nevertheless, we want to rework the way how the game communicates with the HIVE anyway. Right now the game uses a socket connection, but in some rare cases this causes trouble (e.g. sometimes antivirus programs prevent the game from establishing a loopback connection, or - especially on Windows - some sockets are misconfigurated etc).
    The new implementation uses a simpler approach which is much less error prone (it shouldn't be affected by a VPN or NAT), I pretty sure this will solve this issue. I guess this change gets implemented in December (after the next update).

  • It would be good if this could be addressed? A lot of workplaces use VPN's for obvious reasons (you're looking at one right now)... not to mention the privacy aspect it provides to joe blogs. Am assuming the VPN thing is on the games end and not steams end as every other steam game works.

    Just my two cents.

    its good to see its sorted ill add VPN to my list of things that can cause problems oO ;)

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Wow! Those ping times look bad. The ones I normally play with are around 50ms or less. But the local internet infrastructure is really good here so i have rarely seen high pings. I live in central Florida in the USA. Where do you live?

    Haha yeah they are aren't they. I'm in Perth (Western Australia). The lowest one I can find is 210ms, I don't want be doing the pvp thing though so hopefully latency isn't to much of an issue. On that front @yahgiggle your server doesn't seem to be appearing (says '83/83' servers, but no "Rising cities") - actually never mind I'll try keying in the ip manually and see what happens :)

    Yeah I do preload a few of my own libraries, because steam uses some real oldies and as a slackware -current user issues arise if I don't. But I think you're right in that it's not a steam thing as other games work (well, that is to say I get the little 'steam overlay' box appear when games are loading and a mate sometimes plays dota2 on this box with good pings (Perth server) though I guess valve have a bit of an advantage when it comes to their own software on their own networks.

    Re the server list, that's what threw me off - because servers were actually showing whilst using the VPN - just not very many.. I'd try to connect and straight away get auto kicked. It was only as a last resort I decided to test a direct connection and noticed how many servers should have actually been appearing :)

    Anyway, I'm just happy I can now spend a few hours wandering the worlds and 'attend' that xmas thing one of the blokes on here is doing :D

  • Hello Sneaky_Kola,

    Being a few miles away and a couple time zones this will arrive to you tomorrow. :D
    You could try my server it is not in the hive per se (resistance was not futile it seems) it would be an interesting to see if you could.
    Mine was one of the few that was still running when RW went down a couple weeks ago.


  • PS once you are in the game ping does not seem to matter "much". I have played on servers with 700 ping. That is using my phone as a hot spot and that is tricky but doable :D


  • Thanks icon58. Day one along with niceworld were at the top of the list on the servers shown when loaded via Aussie VPN server. I now have over 30 hours since the end of last week but all single player heh (what can I say, I've decided I want to know what I'm doing before I join multiplayer :) ). I'll be sure to check it out.

    Edit to add: Just remembered that I was auto kicked last I tried to connect to them, but that was probably because I didn't have a proper rising world account and the creation process was bypassed on game start up. I'll try again.

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