Changelog 2017-11-30: New playermodels, new items and more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Hmm could you humor me ^^ ? Update and make sure your sound is set to nvidia output if you have a nvidia motherboard. If not maybe update the high definition audio device? Are you using the HyperX to listen thru?

    Sorry, was busy exploring the world of Ylands that it plays in the way that Rising World is advertised that I can't wait for Rising World to get to that state where oceans are everything, and islands are your destination. The whole islands & continents shall be a fun experience... Well, if it's still the plan. It has many neat features that Rising World itself could use that I've noted them [here].

    The whole thing about how smooth fishing is, how horses are tamed by feeding them grass, to how boats are handled (with anchors & building), to how you can sleep soundly at night if roofing is sheltering bed. I love that beds have to be sheltered that Rising World should pick up on this. How bigger boats can be modified having me wonder how Red51 shall handle their behaviour and customization options. It's such a fun game 8o It's showing what Rising World is capable of.

    I know you didn't ask for the Ylands bit, but had to answer your "could you humor me?" bit. :P

    Not sure how to do that. May have to wait till tomorrow when I have more time on my hands. Yeah, using half of the HyperX to listen through that I have a Sony headset plugged in because it's fiddly that way, or something. I can also adjust the volume that it's handy. It's half alien to me, the sound bits.

  • This isn't game breaking, but it does interfere a bit with immersion:

    One thing I have noticed with 0.9 is that using hand held tools seems to have less impact now. In the previous version chopping at trees and mining with a pick seemed like I was hitting the target and that the target reacted with impact as expected. With 0.9 it seems... softer somehow. The effect of striking at rock for example seems delayed just enough to make it feel wrong and that combined with the animation makes it all seem a bit fake.

    Even eating apples does not seem right now, when I see the arm raise to eat the apple, it feels like there is too much of a delay once the apple reaches my mouth, I'm expecting to bite down but that doesn't seem to happen until a fraction of a second later. It's hard to explain. Maybe the sound is softer and it has nothing to do with the animation.

  • @red51 We are experiencing an error that resets our server when crafting clothes on the loom and then placing them in a crate. The error occurs (below) both when crafting clothing on the loom (with "freecrafting" permission, no resources needed) and when placing the crafted clothing items into a crate. We experimented some and could not narrow the issue down to any particular item of clothing. Also attached is the server log (with a number of lines removed to trim it down).

    Rising World - - Dedicated Server
    Linux 4.4.26-nitradoV3-MC-1000-nH-dP-d-i Java 1.8.0_101 (amd64) Memory: 9544 MB
    2017/12/12 10:06 PM
    RW SERVER: Fatal error occurred!
    at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(
    at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.putFloat(
    at commons.util.Utils$ConversionUtils.chestToByteArray(SourceFile:1413)
    at x.c.d(SourceFile:256)
    at A.d.d(SourceFile:112)
    at C.w.execute(SourceFile:42)

  • Trees take roughly 8 hours to grow? Give or take a few hours. Probably mentions it somewhere in the config file?

    Also wanted to post that sitting on the chair from the player's perspective is too high that it should be lowered for sitting. I say this when noting the wooden chair, yet would apply this to all chairs.

    that we are sitting to high is not new.
    Im waiting for 6 month now that would get fixed.
    But its not that big problem but for release it should be better for sure :D

  • Bug when using the snow material: When adding, subtracting or smoothing, sometimes the snow turns dark like in the attached image. (Dark as in at night or in shaddow, not some dark texture.) This is true both with the creative and with the survival tools. (This is observed by more players than me, so it cant be my graphics card.) When relogging, texture goes back to normal.

  • Trees take roughly 8 hours to grow? Give or take a few hours. Probably mentions it somewhere in the config file?

    Also wanted to post that sitting on the chair from the player's perspective is too high that it should be lowered for sitting. I say this when noting the wooden chair, yet would apply this to all chairs.

    Also for the chair being to high I had to redo some of my blueprints 2 benches and a picnic table because the chair (id14 i fink it was) is now bigger then before which was a pain, so i lower the chair for it to match up with the old construction, and when blueprinted it missed out the new chairs altogether because the new chairs was sunk into the ground.

  • Also, attachment with all my sound stuff for Icon58, and maybe for Red51 to take a peak at.

    Thanks, but the adapters are fine. The sound memory bug isn't on your side, most players are suffering from it. The good news is, we finally fixed this bug, a hotfix will be available in a few hours. Memory consumption still needs some optimizations (the new models and textures are much more memory consuming), but things should work a lot smoother after the hotfix ^^

    frosted glass looks like regular glass

    That still needs to be fixed ;)

    I am getting reports from my people that the steel pick takes 2 hits to collect material where the drill takes 3. Isn't it supposed the be the other way around?

    What do you mean exactly with "the drill takes 3"? 8|

    Did the rate of tree growth get modified with this update? I am getting reports that trees are taking a long time to reach maturity. I this potentially set to long?

    No, we didn't touch it with this update. It is quite long, however. Originally we had a much lower growth time, but it was requested to increase it (it was more than a year ago).
    Probably the growth time is something that need a separate setting^^

    @red51 We are experiencing an error that resets our server when crafting clothes on the loom and then placing them in a crate.

    Thanks for the errorlog, this bug will be fixed with the next hotfix (this evening) :)

    Also wanted to post that sitting on the chair from the player's perspective is too high that it should be lowered for sitting. I say this when noting the wooden chair, yet would apply this to all chairs.

    Yeah, most sitting positions are still wrong. We couldn't change them prior this update (since the animations of the player changed anyway), but there wasn't enough time yet to fix the sitting positions for all chairs. This will change very soon^^

    Bug when using the snow material: When adding, subtracting or smoothing, sometimes the snow turns dark like in the attached image

    Hmm... well, this isn't exactly a bug. It's caused by the way how shadows are generated. We will definitely improve that in the future.... btw, this snow tower looks awesome! :thumbup:

    Also for the chair being to high I had to redo some of my blueprints 2 benches and a picnic table because the chair (id14 i fink it was) is now bigger then before

    Yes, unfortunately the size of the chair was changed... it was way too small prior this update and it didn't fit to the new player models (which are slightly bigger than the old ones). I'm sorry for the hassle :/

  • A new update is now available, (hopefully) fixing most of the bugs ;) Server owners have to update their servers accordingly.

    Hotfix 2017-12-14 (0.9.1):

    • [New] Added Xmas hat
    • [New] New players spawn with default clothes now
    • [New] Added command "setclothing" to change the default spawn clothes for new players
    • [New] Added hotkey tooltip when hovering over clock or compass
    • [Change] Changed visibility of stack indicators on hotbar items
    • [Change] Wearing head gear no longer removes your beard
    • [Change] Torches held by other players have a visible flame now
    • [Change] Increased max stack sizes for most items
    • [Change] Improved sync of other players in multiplayer
    • [Change] Increased velocity of arrows (crossbow)
    • [Change] Posters are no longer visible through walls
    • [Change] Ammo can now be looted from dead bodies
    • [Change] Climbing up stairs works better now
    • [Change] Explored map areas are now identical in singleplayer and lan
    • [Change] Changed recipes for smelting furnaces
    • [Bugfix] Fixed sound memory leak
    • [Bugfix] Fixed upside-down camera view when using a piano
    • [Bugfix] Sand (id 218) is now available for the creative block placement tool (F6->2)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed canteen and waterskin drink sounds
    • [Bugfix] Fixed ore detector instruments
    • [Bugfix] Construction id label (bottom left corner of the screen) shows correct id now
    • [Bugfix] Fixed size command, now always available irrespective of permission
    • [Bugfix] Fixed primitive furnace, no longer has "invisible" coal latch
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash when putting black bear pelt on the tanning rack
    • [Bugfix] Fixed some missing/mixed up item names/descriptions
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong item position when holding raw meat in your hands
    • [Bugfix] Fixed placing and picking up of ores from furnace while holding the interaction key
    • [Bugfix] Fixed native crash when playing a custom sound via API
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash related to chests
  • on if my users

    A new update is now available, (hopefully) fixing most of the bugs ;) Server owners have to update their servers accordingly.

    Hotfix 2017-12-14 (0.9.1):

    • [New] Added Xmas hat
    • [New] New players spawn with default clothes now

    One of my users is going to be happy! you added the Xmas Hat!

  • A new update is now available, (hopefully) fixing most of the bugs ;) Server owners have to update their servers accordingly.

    Hotfix 2017-12-14 (0.9.1):

    • [New] Added Xmas hat
    • [New] New players spawn with default clothes now
    • [New] Added command "setclothing" to change the default spawn clothes for new players
    • [Change] Changed visibility of stack indicators on hotbar items
    • [Change] Wearing head gear no longer removes your beard
    • [Change] Improved sync of other players in multiplayer
    • [Change] Increased velocity of arrows (crossbow)
    • [Change] Posters are no longer visible through walls
    • [Change] Ammo can now be looted from dead bodies
    • [Change] Changed recipes for smelting furnaces
    • [Bugfix] Fixed sound memory leak
    • [Bugfix] Fixed primitive furnace, no longer has "invisible" coal latch

    Those are the ones that interest me the most. Nice new Christmas hat for us to be festive with. Would be awesome to have a suit to go with it. The default clothing seems to be handy now, and I bet I saw the comment that complained about "nudity" in games on the steam news section. Those comments bug me. Glad we can however change it, yet shall leave it default because that seems the best way to go about things.

    Sweet! Glad the stack indicator finally been fixed, yet have to see it in the game to be sure. That's been a long time nuisance that I had to keep looking around to highlight it. I'm even happy with the head gear bit not removing the beard.

    Velocity and being able to loot crossbow arrows from dead bodies is something I secretly wanted to request, happy it's been done. It feels less expensive to make and loot that it feels more worthwhile to shoot. Posters not visible through walls is also awesome.

    Memory leak is the biggest one that I'm now waiting on Nitrado to update the server files so I can test this out properly. There's things I want to tackle.

  • Memory leak is the biggest one that I'm now waiting on Nitrado to update the server files so I can test this out properly. There's things I want to tackle.Im sero

    I'm seriouly considering changing to GTX, Nitrado's Support has gotten crappy and slow to respond, GTX is cheaper and the minimum users is 10.
    and they defaulted to a germany location and i have to pay extra to change it to USA.. FOR GET IT!.. any way...

    thank you agan for all the fixes.

  • I'm seriouly considering changing to GTX, Nitrado's Support has gotten crappy and slow to respond, GTX is cheaper and the minimum users is 10.and they defaulted to a germany location and i have to pay extra to change it to USA.. FOR GET IT!.. any way...

    thank you agan for all the fixes.

    Yeah, at times I've been considering changing hosting as well that they even removed the download back-up for worlds option from the server hosting that they're really forcing you to stay there now. You have to download your files manually, something I've had to do in various "creative" ways. It's making me frustrated. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't receive the server files for a few hours, and if it still isn't up I'll plan on moving my hosting to a new server once I feel safe to it's to do so. They've really fumbled around too much.

  • Quote

    [Change] Changed visibility of stack indicators on hotbar items

    Seems little, but It help a lot.


    [Change] Wearing head gear no longer removes your beard

    Oh yeah ! I can wear my wooly now ;)

    For the stack changes, I liked your ideas to create difficulty level which could custom that thing.

    Also, I have a little complaint about power of ranged weapons. As far as I see, every weapon one shot any mob. I just try to shoot an elephant with the crossbow and it was one shot. It would be more « survival » to had more hitpoints to mobs or reduce damage from these weapons ? perhaps add a «headshot» reward (critical damage) witch one shot, but bears and big animals need to be more difficult to face on I think.

    Also, for tiers tools. I think steel pickaxe will be underused. I love it, but the mining drill is more « sexy » for sometime less effort (mithril is deep, or you manage to find a dungeon, mining drill require only basic ores). I would suggest rising up the mining drill cost (with at least mithril in recipe) and return the power it had in preview (it was furious !). Very late tool, but very rewarding. and steel pickaxe would have a great niche.

    I love this update. Sounds and new musics are beautiful too. Congrats !

  • @red51Seeing a few "issues" on my...

    Do not see other players! Sometimes, and had to relog.

    [New] Added command "setclothing" to change the default spawn clothes for new players
    How does this work? ... nvm Think I understand now. Works just like the "setinventory". Right?

    [Bugfix] Fixed ore detector instruments
    Get meter to move and sounds, but no text in the meter window

    [Bugfix] Fixed placing and picking up of ores from furnace while holding the interaction key
    Putting in ore is not removing from my inventory, but the holding the interaction key works.... nvm Was in creative with "infiniteitems".

    [Bugfix] Fixed size command, now always available irrespective of permission
    Is the "freescaling" permission still valid? Can allow/deny full scaling range or not? nvm... It appears the permission is still there to restrict full range

  • @red51 Regarding the "setclothing" command... I did the command while wearing what I want as the "default", but new players are still naked. Do you have to restart the server for it to take affect?

    Update... I guess maybe a couple of the Visitors that I had gotten were not completely new players. The default clothing DOES appear to be working. Nice change!

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