[Plugin]WorldProtection (Auto area protection script)

  • I just added this plugin last night and noticed that when hitting M for map, it wont go away after you hit M again.

    On one of the servers that i play in is also having the same problem the only way is to press "esc" but I also noticed that when the server had a problem and this plug-in wasn't working right pressing the "M" key would open & close the map ok?

  • On one of the servers that i play in is also having the same problem the only way is to press "esc" but I also noticed that when the server had a problem and this plug-in wasn't working right pressing the "M" key would open & close the map ok?

    the m was one of the issues with the original version

  • The only problem I have with it is the fact that people can come on and "buy" areas all over the place with no constructive purposes. Like you claim a nice area with 12 areas. Then some jerk comes on and buys all around your claim to box you in. Or they come in and random "buy" areas in a chaotic manor. that's why I use the "Area Protection" plugin and since claim owners can select permissions, it makes it easier and safer to players.

  • The only problem I have with it is the fact that people can come on and "buy" areas all over the place with no constructive purposes. Like you claim a nice area with 12 areas. Then some jerk comes on and buys all around your claim to box you in. Or they come in and random "buy" areas in a chaotic manor. that's why I use the "Area Protection" plugin and since claim owners can select permissions, it makes it easier and safer to players.

    Sorry for such a late reply oO, yes you are right, however admins can remove such areas if this happens, well that was the plan anyway, maybe ill code a better version for the Unity version one day that does not allow for such going ons, like you can only add areas next to your first area and your first area needs to be a set distance from someone else's first area. oO how ever as long as your other areas are next to each other then you could over time clam areas hard up to each other, well you would need this or the world would have lots of unclaimed land between each area.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Hello all. Forgive my late arrival but I've only recently begun using plugins on my RW Nitrado server, and have had some bother that's taken me some time to recognise. It seems that the Land Claim plugin kicks players from the server. I can't see anything regarding this problem anywhere else on the internet so I thought this might be the best place to ask for help. Can anyone shed any light whatsoever on the nature of this problem?

    "When going through Hell, keep going".

  • Hello all. Forgive my late arrival but I've only recently begun using plugins on my RW Nitrado server, and have had some bother that's taken me some time to recognise. It seems that the Land Claim plugin kicks players from the server. I can't see anything regarding this problem anywhere else on the internet so I thought this might be the best place to ask for help. Can anyone shed any light whatsoever on the nature of this problem?

    sorry but i don't know why that would happen, but also because there is new RW version, i no longer update these plugins

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • That's fair enough. Given that there's nothing across the entirety of the web regarding this problem and that the new version is now highly playable, I'm not surprised. I shall however be watching your studious efforts with great interest. Keep up the good work.

    "When going through Hell, keep going".

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