I was playing single player the other day, mining for resources and realized the pick was way too slow for mining enough rock to make any large structures in a reasonable time frame. I think this game would vastly be improved if you could acquire servants to help gather resources for you so you could concentrate on building. Remember the days of playing Warcraft 1 & 2 where you could assign your servants to gather wood or mine certain areas for you. You could limit the amount of servants to 2 maybe. They might also gather food if they come across any animal in their travels between base camp and resources. they would be vulnerable to attacks from monsters etc so you might have to save them from time to time or even get killed. So even while your servants are hunting and gathering, you will have to check in on them. If they get spooked or resources run out, they would just wait around until you re assign them with their next duty. You can only have servants if yo have living quarters for them, with a bed each and of course they would only work in the day as they need to sleep too. So every day they need to have a job assigned unless they are to continue with their previous duty.
I think this feature would set this game apart from other similar games in this now huge sandbox genre. Anyone else agree?
Servants to mine resources while you build etc.
Great idea!
However, how should those servants look like? I mean, having human servants would be a bit strange in my opinion, I know having dwarfs or something would be even less realistic, but I think that would be better -
You'd have to feed, clothe, provide tools and lights, place to sleep (mentioned), give detailed instructions ("Dig here, dig 'down', collect this, put it here when your inventory is full, etc."), constantly check on them to make sure they're doing things 'right'... sounds like way too much trouble and hard to implement so it actually works for you instead of against you.
I'm of the "If you want it done right, do it yourself." camp so I probably wouldn't use "servants" if they were added. -
No minions. Sorry. I would much prefer a machine you work hard to create which can do some basic mining for you.
the pickaxe speed is fine,these types of games require allot of time normally for mining.in 24 hrs server playtime i've built quite a large "castle" which isn't done,but isn't that part of the fun? once the gamemodes all work like expected....or even now,you could just go into creative mode.
No minions. Sorry. I would much prefer a machine you work hard to create which can do some basic mining for you.
-1 Machines dont mine on their own.
Here's a idea, maybe add a machine where you can mine with. (I wouldn't like that personally, but would make more sense than a futuristic machine or the idea to have "slaves".)
http://www.omroepvenray.nl/sit…liotheek/graafmachine.jpg -
No machines don't mine on their own. But the devs plan computers so I figured we could have a machine similar to something found in buildcraft from minecraft (I believe that is the one..) which does what you program it to do. Should be balanced so it's not OP.
A powered tool to use for mining would be great, like in SE.
I actual think that mining with the pick was too fast, and I have done large builds off stone.
Mostly for the inverse reason. When quarrying for stone, I found it much easier to mine out stone than cut down trees. Also I felt that I cleared space to quickly when mining.I would like to see ming be slower but you get more stone for the effort. I would like to see a boost in wood production more then mining. Maybe a resource gathering difficulty slider should be introduced, as I doubt this is an item that everyone will agree on. This would let the player/server admins decide how they want the game play to be.
Another thing I would like to see mining get more difficult the further down you go. I do not like the idea of getting your first pick and mining straight to hell.
Sorry a little off topic but wanted to get the whole thought in one place.Oh, on the main topic, I would rather see a combined skill/tech basis like real life. Every tool has a base collection rate/attributes (time per action & amount per action) and use of each class tool gains you skill in that class that improves those rates. Each time you move up a class of technology you reduced back to base collection which probably will be a reduction overall until you get some low to moderate skill in the new class then you can gain the benefits fully. I would probably add some benefit to an course people to not skip tech classes like the rate you learn to use the new the new tech based on how much skill you have in previous classes, there by indicating transference of previously gained knowledge to the new tool. I guess this would more apply to the full development survival than the abandoned/marooned survival mode.
There are people that enjoy being challenged by resource gathering and seeing what they can accomplish with those they have collected. -
Maybe a resource gathering difficulty slider should be introduced, as I doubt this is an item that everyone will agree on. This would let the player/server admins decide how they want the game play to be.
I really like the idea of being able to set how much materials can be mined (wood, stone, ores, etc..) for each attempt. Any way to put this in a config file instead of deep in a jar file?
QuoteAnother thing I would like to see mining get more difficult the further down you go. I do not like the idea of getting your first pick and mining straight to hell.
Sorry a little off topic but wanted to get the whole thought in one place.I agree. This is partly why I suggested the different stones and ores form layers like on earth. Some types of stone are much denser then others, like granite, and would take much more effort to get through. By changing the thickness of certain layers, you could control how easily and how long it would take the player can get through them. The more valuable and hard stone could be found farther down, this is how it would not be like earth. But I wouldn't want it to gradually get harder and harder as you go down, not evenly anyways. After some dense stone it might be good to have some softer stuff for a bit. Am I the only one who likes the layer idea? Devs, is that even possible or does it have to be random pockets?
QuoteEvery tool has a base collection rate/attributes (time per action & amount per action) and use of each class tool gains you skill in that class that improves those rates. Each time you move up a class of technology you reduced back to base collection which probably will be a reduction overall until you get some low to moderate skill in the new class then you can gain the benefits fully. I would probably add some benefit to an course people to not skip tech classes like the rate you learn to use the new the new tech based on how much skill you have in previous classes, there by indicating transference of previously gained knowledge to the new tool. I guess this would more apply to the full development survival than the abandoned/marooned survival mode.
I have been tossing this around in my head a lot, thinking of different games and what they do for leveling and opening new techs etc.. and dude you just nailed it overall! I love it! But could you clarify the part about transferring knowledge to the new tool in order to not skip tech classes? Ya did some typos in there which make it unclear to me.
That would work for any survival mode, only difference would be the max class of tech that can be reached. In marooned mode you could only reach a very basic class but the same leveling format applies.
Another thing I would like to see mining get more difficult the further down you go. I do not like the idea of getting your first pick and mining straight to hell.
Maybe use higher grade pickaxes the further you go down? Guess we'll have to wait to see what ores are added first, and what kinds of rock is at different levels. (How many levels down does the world go, anyway?) -
Sorry, typing this on my tablet not my computer, hence the typos.
The world is 1152 blocks tall and the surface takes up only the first 256 and the rest of them are below your feet. So you need to dig down over 400 meters to reach hell.
Here is an example of the knowledge transfer. Sticking with mining as the theme, and these are mostly convenient labels to illustrate the point.
Class 1 - Shovels / skill 76/100
Class 2 - Picks / skill 126/200
Class 3 - Drills / skill 3/300
X amount of use would get you 1 skill point plus 1 per lower class level that is at a higher level.
So next level of shovel would be 77
And next level of picks would be 127 since picks is higher than shovels
Drills would gain 3 each time until it reached 78(higher than shovels) then would only gain two point each time until 126(higher than both shovels and picks).
You could could add as many classes as makes sense for the tech, and balance the different class stacks by how much use to gain a step in each.
This represents things about mining that you learned from the other tools the you are learning to apply with the new tool. If the person didn't put much effort in learning shovels it would take longer to picks and drills cause you are making up for that missing base knowledge.I agree @Geneo, better tool materials would let u mine new resource types and get through the tougher layers to be rewarded with richer deposits of materials and more dangerous hazards.
I would like to see ming be slower but you get more stone for the effort. I would like to see a boost in wood production more then mining. Maybe a resource gathering difficulty slider should be introduced, as I doubt this is an item that everyone will agree on. This would let the player/server admins decide how they want the game play to be.
Another thing I would like to see mining get more difficult the further down you go. I do not like the idea of getting your first pick and mining straight to hell.
Sorry a little off topic but wanted to get the whole thought in one place.This sounds like a good idea.
Regarding how many points you get for each use based on where you are in the progression, I like it and I think it works.
I know you're just making an example, but to be clear; I think the shovel shouldn't do the same as a pickaxe. Shovel - dirt. Pickaxe - stone/ore. That said, I don't know if we would need much progression in the shovel line. How many things could we use to dig dirt? hehe So that would be a short one to get it to 100%. But IMO that is fine.. Not everything needs lots of tech advances.
Not sure about servants doing actual tasks for me, but in single player I do think it would be nice when building multiple buildings in a village or town type setting for NPC characters to populate the buildings and move about in the area of them. One person for each bed built would be good.
Servants/Slaves: No
Workers: Yes -
Ya, willing workers is the way to word it. No slaves, servants, or anything like that. Simply 'pets' and 'friends' type things. A 'comrade'. Basically thinking of very basic AI of movement of wandering around + needing to tend to their food & water needs with games like 'Rimworld' and 'Timber & Stone' does its AI.
- Able to befriend to help you with stuff. Able to only assist with the basics as to not abuse them for 'slave-tasks' with a % of willingness to assist or not as to not abuse them.
- Has to tend to their hunger & needs. Needs water & food. They'll go into their stock pile to tend to their needs, or ask you or others for such. This should help you needing to supply them + barter for items for survival. Would encourage trading, or I assume so.
- Being able to customize the NPCs with your tech's clothing, accessories, and equipment should benefit them also, if loosely in that NPC manner. Nothing major, just that they'll be somewhat more 'high-tech' in their basic manner.
- Mining/Crafting/Smelting - Mining could be done loosely by marking things with a pointer; Crafting being done loosely & on a % as to not abuse them as slaves; Smelting with same % for crafting.
- Bonus 1: Being able to befriend one to assign them their own home, or bed of your choosing.
- Bonus 2: Being able to insert customized NPCs with names & appearances with vanilla/modded tools with above behaviors then extra bonus points. Sorry, just can't find a proper game similar to this allowing AI partners in this scale.
- Bonus 3: This being more for modding - Being able to mod them to have both Western and Eastern influences from North American comics and Japanese accessories and attire. Fox ears & tail from Anime (example) basically because I'm that 'stupid' person.
NPC traders able to behave like statues is what I was told. A few days after I noted Red saying they'll be able to aimlessly walk around while defending themselves. That thought nudged itself close to my 'desires' that I'm highly interested and curious when NPC Traders do finally get added. I'm happy that's considered, yet want to apologize to Red for my constant nudging.[Sorry, just deleting wall-of-texts now trying to keep thoughts brief.]
The ~ key is your best friend in creative mode
That or an SQL inventory editor. I look at this game more like a fun to build thing . There are too many Zombies and Kill this or that out there. This is a very refreshing change. If you constantly have to worry about eating and just want to build , that is a pain.
Creative mode works, yes. It's been so abused in Minecraft & Skyrim that I'm just sick of seeing anything regarding creative mode. It breaks immersion, it breaks the fun, and it just kills everything. I'm more of a builder in survival mode because it challenges you to get far more creative than it does in creative mode while having to make note of the scenery. That is also part of the reason why I'm 'dying' for one of those "AI comrades" borrowing Rimworld's AI programming of needs and combat.
It's because of creative mode that Minecraft also died (with Mojang's help on leaving the game broken on 1.8's second coming) for me on SMP that I have hostile thoughts to anything that 'cuts corners'. Thanks for bringing it up though. I do enjoy the survival suffering and challenges though as it keeps me on my guard. Viewing Rising World in a semi-similar light to what Rimworld has going for environmental threats, yet not as sci-fi.
Creative mode works, yes. It's been so abused in Minecraft & Skyrim that I'm just sick of seeing anything regarding creative mode. It breaks immersion, it breaks the fun, and it just kills everything. I'm more of a builder in survival mode because it challenges you to get far more creative than it does in creative mode while having to make note of the scenery. That is also part of the reason why I'm 'dying' for one of those "AI comrades" borrowing Rimworld's AI programming of needs and combat.
It's because of creative mode that Minecraft also died (with Mojang's help on leaving the game broken on 1.8's second coming) for me on SMP that I have hostile thoughts to anything that 'cuts corners'. Thanks for bringing it up though. I do enjoy the survival suffering and challenges though as it keeps me on my guard. Viewing Rising World in a semi-similar light to what Rimworld has going for environmental threats, yet not as sci-fi.
My point here is one has a choice, the creative mode is needed to lay out a new world. It takes forever if you "play it straight" I played on a couple of servers already. One can set up a server any way they want . Some just want to build , others want to fight, some want to survive. Some want monsters , some do not. It is all about choices to play it your way. This can be a great game where you can configure a server your way and for different play styles. In Alpha's like this it would take forever to get the resources to test. A lot of games have the command Prompt. Choices are important. Those that want Survival can have it , those that don't want to worry about eating can have it . You can play it your way. Just join a server that plays like you want to and everyone is happy
(Not sure how to re-reply to Trillnar, yet shall say that I fully agree with what he said. Wish I wasn't an idiot with my choices of words. I'll simply say that "Freedom of choice in how you play is the way to go. People have creative & I have SP, maybe jumping into SMP when settled in.")
With what Red has (loosely) planned for the NPC Traders has me wondering if we'll be able to set way-points, and such. He did say they could wander around and such. Having the option to make them wander around should be interesting, if we can keep those chunks active somehow. If not, then it be neat to see where they left off to keep things being active. I could see someone spend months setting up pathways for their 'citizens' to walk down streets to go from home <-> work, or to fake grabbing resources. That I can get behind, and that I shall find myself playing around with after I would consider my session to be "over". The 'survival' aspect of it anyways. I would add in NPCs, even trying to theme them up to what I have built.
What would be the icing on the cake would be if we could, in this order:
- Customize them (Equipment, gender, and accessories).
- Befriend them (To be able to have them as comrades).
- Survival (For them to grab food & water. Them being able to harvest food & Water from wild & storage).
- Interact with player (To ask for food & water; Not just your comrade, but with all AI.)
(Basically trying to keep things basic as possible using "Rimworld" & "Timber & Stone" AI as a template. Food & Hunger? Fine. Combat is needed, while building and crafting isn't.)I'll happily toy around with NPC Traders, if I can get the game+new comp by the time they're added. I wouldn't care if they didn't craft, nor build. I'll happily populating areas in SP (Or MP only) with these NPC Traders to settle in and learn the game's more finer details. Basically allowing them to add onto the 'presence' of the place. I know I shouldn't expect much, thus me focusing on the Traders in thought only. Though, if we can 'Create' or 'befriend' one into a comrade that shall make me even happier, thus the things above in the mini-list. I'm of course going to expect that near when game is completed because Red is a busy guy telling me firmly that to expect the overly basic on them. That's fine.
I do however hope some form of 'pet' or 'comrade' NPC is added because singleplayer can get quite lonely and eerie. Not sure I'll be able to find a server fitting for my needs so I'm constantly pushing so maybe even a mod shall allow SP to befriend, customize, and have them interact with you as "LittleMaids" (Never did play LittleMaids due to complicated installations) did in Minecraft, or Rimworld, or my Timber & Stone comparisons. I get easily creeped out with the silence of the world that I need a comrade in player or NPC form. It's why I'm pushing, same with wanting to take advantage of the vastness with my own 'designed' characters.
I guess no unique thoughts on this eh? The only thing new being how I'd spend my nights trying to get NPC Traders pathfind around the settlements. Having tellers, traders, and statue 'tourist' guide people. I wonder if we can get them to path-find, timed, and such. Having a timed tour-guide to guide you as they allow the text bubbles above their heads to hang for a set time.
(Edit: And I just NOW noticed I hijacked this thread from the OP. Ah well. I guess it's a mod idea to have the NPCs build and craft for you. I only expect my NPCs to try and survive while joining me in combat; NPC Traders to spice up the area.)
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