Changelog 2019-03-12: New npcs, better AI, modded items

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • "Also, one town is greatly affected by lag since the update (even latest hotfix)"

    @red51 OK I think I identified the issue. And I can reproduce it. NPCs will cause a slight FPS decrease as to be expected. But there were many rat NPCs (at least 20 or so). I called Terminix and they helped me remove my rat infestation. Rats seem to greatly impact FPS now much more than other NPCs.

    So as a test, went into the basement of the church in my ghost town. I spawned in 10 rats .. and each spawn of a rat decreased my FPS steadily. As I killed them, you notice a big spike in FPS increase as you kill each one. Rats seem to hit FPS more than the other NPCs, even the new ones.

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

    Edited once, last by Juggernaut ().

  • This is a hilarious video But the sudden performance drop seems to be quite strange, since you're not moving at all... do you run any plugins? Did it happen in singleplayer or multiplayer (if it's in multiplayer, was there another player on the server at the same time)? Maybe you can enable the client debug console (open the file and set "game_debug_console" to true, then save the file and run the game again) and play a little bit until you experience the lags. Then quit the game and go to the "Logs" folder in your game directory. Please forward the latest log file to us (either create a topic here, or send it via PM to me, or via email to

    Glad you found it amusing :P

    Yeah, it is strange.... Reading more into this thread "maybe" it is the rats? Maybe. It was on both singleplayer AND multiplayer which made things strange. It was constant on both sides. Also, it was both me and nobody as well. I also have Animal Breed Master, but that also lagged out singleplayer...

    For clarity, that clip was made in singleplayer while other clips were also from multiplayer. I wanted to test out the update thoroughly. And sure, I'll do just that once I play Rising World again.

    - skeleton could be looted and have bones on them (head, chest and or bones). it would take less time than pick the ones on the ground, and maybe they would be useful (magic spell for creating squeletton, undead or npc ??? )

    I +1 this. I was desiring (and forgot to note) how we should be able to loot the stuff on the skeletons, including themselves. Would it be too much to ask to also have a book to "tame" the skeletons so they can be our buddies? I would love skeleton minions :evil:

    - bandits more tanky, stay the day (I know they do now but perhaps not for ever) and perhaps randomly spawning in abandonned cabin (like rats)

    I like the idea of spawning bandits in cabins. I wonder if that would be too much?

  • @red51 am i doing something wrong? I have shot 7 arrows with the compound bow at a spider but it didn´t die. The yellow visual mark and the sound showed me that i hit my target but aside that no impact was recognizable. I hit it with the warhammer and the chainsaw and the spider died off almost immediately.

    That was in SP and creative mode

    Edit: It seems i didn´t hit the spider but the ground. Though when i did another trial, coming up very close to the spider, aiming directly at the hairy body the result was the same. Spider did not die.

    Is the hitbox for arrows really that small or maybe the collision not working? Or am i that blind that i can´t hit a spider with my arrow from a distance of 10 cm? :whistling:

    Edit 2: Nah, it isn´t my dioptrine. I locked the spider-NPC in place, hit it up close with arrows and also with the rifle but no reaction on the spider. Either the hitbox is really izzybizzy tiny or not detecting impact on projectiles

  • Well, basically the "smoothing out" feature never takes the currently
    selected material into account. Maybe we can hide the material selector
    while the smoothing mode is active (to avoid any confusions).

    This is basically intended: the regular terrain tools only affect the
    "terrain", i.e. solid ground, not water. That's why the brush is not
    visible on water surfaces. If you want to edit the water explicitly, you
    need to select the dedicated water tool (F5 -> 5)


    i still don´t understand the thing with the water. Maybe i missunderstood but i thought that we are now able to "smooth" water. The same way as we can with the ground. F5-5 just allows me to place water. I can see no difference to before the patch.

    What was added is the painting-feature, which is very nice. But i seriously hoped we could smooth the water and by that create beautiful waterfalls and rivers.

  • I see Avanar experienced the same spider behaviour I experienced where it either side-steps gun fire, or is just immune to cross bows, bows, and such. It's either one or the other. It's fine for melee though.

    Also, the hotfix did fix things but it did become laggy again to the point it became quite frustrating. I only stuck with it because I was experimenting for science..... I shall do the whole logging thing when I'm more awake, but I do have more fun results to post.

    Part 1 (Pathfinding & Ambush):

    Part 2 - Immune Bandit:

    I'll do the whole diagnostic thing when I'm more awake... For now, two lovely clips above. I was simply chillin tonight stress-testing things in general.

  • Rats seem to hit FPS more than the other NPCs, even the new ones.

    Thanks for letting us know! I will check out what's going on there... as a workaround, you could disable rats. To do that, type "disablenpc rat" into console (but keep in mind that this also deletes all rats which are already spawned). However, it will still be possible to spawn rats via command.

    Would it be too much to ask to also have a book to "tame" the skeletons so they can be our buddies?

    What do you mean exactly? Do you just want them to not attack you anymore, or do you want them to actually help you fighting other hostiles etc? Currently we don't have a mechanism in place to have actual "buddy npcs", but that's definitely planned ;)

    I like the idea of spawning bandits in cabins. I wonder if that would be too much?

    I'm not sure if that works properly, since there isn't much room in the cabins... I'll have to do a little tinkering^^

    I have shot 7 arrows with the compound bow at a spider but it didn´t die.

    I will check out what's wrong with these spiders ^^

    i still don´t understand the thing with the water. Maybe i missunderstood but i thought that we are now able to "smooth" water. The same way as we can with the ground. F5-5 just allows me to place water. I can see no difference to before the patch.

    Oh, no unfortunately it's not possible to "smooth" water :/ Actually the water tool (F5-5) didn't change. We only added a water "material" to the other terrain tools (basically this only affects the paint tool [3] and the area tool [4])

    Part 2 - Immune Bandit:

    Hmm... that's strange oO Was this in singleplayer or multiplayer? A client log would be really helpful to find out what's going on there :) If this happened in multiplayer, a server log might also help

  • It would not be bad if you added SPC settlements with which you could trade (yes, as in minecraft)
    Another interesting idea would be if they added radiation deep underground. So that if you dug a deep well, as the depth deepened, the radiation level increased (to avoid radiation, you could put on a special suit), and the increased temperature increased the character's thirst. This would be a great addition to the update when electricity and fuel were added, since it would be possible to extract nuclear fuel.

    It would also be nice to show how to add your plugins / models to the game.

  • @red51

    ah oh no. I hoped so much for smoothing water :(

    The painting does quite well for waterfalls, etc. But there are still small triangular gaps in between that doesn´t make it look like a natural waterfall.

    But no problem. We will manage to work with this. Waterfalls are now easier than ever before, so it is still an improvment to have the waterpainting

  • Hi. Don't know if it's the correct place to post this, but there's been a slight bug in the worldgen since a couple of last versions, or so I assume. Narrow stripes of water spawn in random places around the world. From my observations they're usually close to oceans, but I have no idea if that's related. Could you look deeper into this @red51?
    By the way, thanks for the great work you've done on NPCs and the new features, the game is constantly improving. :)

  • @Avanar "ah oh no. I hoped so much for smoothing water "
    You CAN smooth water by using the 'flattening' tool inside the water toolset. When you have the water tool selected, look at bottom center of screen in white text, it will show you how to enable flattener and dif functions.
    In flatten mode: left click ADDs water up to level you selected with flattener tool, right click REMOVES water above the level. This will essentially 'smooth' the water and make it level to the height you want.

    You can also use this flattener water tool to remove those lil 'triangles' when making waterfalls. it's tricky but possible with proper sizing and placement.

    Eventually water physics will be part of the game. It is part of the roadmap for RW.

    Hope this helps?

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Hi. I noticed something weird with skeleton. they can pass throught blocs if too high placed. if you want to block an entrance in dungeon, you put 2 blocs for secure the door way. 2 block above ground : ok, skeletons are blocked :

    but 3 blocks above ground, they don't care and pass throught :

    their hitbox are only 2 bloc height ?

  • RED,

    Red, LOVE all the changes, so far! I liked previously being able to escape animal attacks by hiding behind things, but you've done an excellent job dealing with the issue and making the animals 'smarter'. HA!

    MY BUG:

    Floating Desert Spawn on Random Spawn I can look around, but first directional move causes me to fall to the ground, taking damage. I've been using F2 to get to the ground so I start with 0 damage. I haven't experienced this in any of the other biomes on Random Spawn.
    World Creation Spec's:
    * Random Biome Spawn
    * No Tigers
    * Medium Ore
    * MANUAL SEED INPUT: 5000's

    Let your hopes travel among the stars! It's expectations that you need to keep firmly grounded!!!

  • @red51 I love this new update and it is very awesome. Some people may not be able to read so I made my usual changelog video where I read it out loud and then introduce some gameplay into the video. The link to that video if I am allowed to post it here is

    I love Rising World just as much as the next person and accessibility for disabled people is one of the features I am most proud of that you have introduced. So I ask of you, in the future could you consider adding more accessibility options such as a narrator? I know it's a longshot and probably a long road map as there are many features you wish to implement into the game. Having hostiles for example was a great idea along with the extended modding API could bring some mods to the table that would greatly benefit your game and bring new ideas into the light. One thing I have to thank you oh so very much for is I don't know what you changed in this game but my season 4 world is no longer corrupted instead is smooth and the sparkles are gone. If I could hug you and the other devs I would, this is one world I did not want to abandon and it's been repaired with this update. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • It would not be bad if you added SPC settlements with which you could trade (yes, as in minecraft)

    This is planned in the long run :)

    It would also be nice to show how to add your plugins / models to the game.

    I'm currently working on a few example plugins (including a "custom item loader" which allows you to create custom items without having to write any code), but first I need to get some remaining bugs in the game sorted out :saint:

    Don't know if it's the correct place to post this, but there's been a slight bug in the worldgen since a couple of last versions, or so I assume

    Yeah, it happens sometimes at the border of ocean biomes... unfortunately fixing it requires a world conversion (for old worlds) =O Since this issue is annoying though, but not a game breaker, we decided to wait until we have to update the world generator anyway ;)

    Hi. I noticed something weird with skeleton. they can pass throught blocs if too high placed

    Hmm... well, the height of skeletons (or other npcs) is indeed limited. If it is too big, there is a higher chance that the npc gets stucks or even warps to the roof, at least in rooms with low ceilings... I will try to tweak this a little

    Floating Desert Spawn on Random Spawn

    This was unfortunately an issue of the initial release of the update... this problem is fixed now, however, worlds which were created just after the update still suffer from this issue (since the wrong spawn position is already stored in the world data). To fix this, you can either create a new world, or alternatively type setspawn into console while standing on the ground, this updates the spawn position to your current position ;)

    hi,so i already found out why i have fps 0 i do that animals, the less i have so it is better

    There seems to be indeed an issue with npcs, especially if there are several building elements in proximity... I'm currently working on a solution for this, I hope the hotfix will be ready tonight, otherwise tomorrow at the latest :)

    I made my usual changelog video where I read it out loud and then introduce some gameplay into the video

    Thanks for sharing your video! :thumbup:

    So I ask of you, in the future could you consider adding more accessibility options such as a narrator?

    What do you mean exactly with "accessibility options / narrator"?

  • Quote from red51

    Hmm... well, the height of skeletons (or other npcs) is indeed limited. If it is too big, there is a higher chance that the npc gets stucks or even warps to the roof, at least in rooms with low ceilings... I will try to tweak this a little

    Well, it's not dramatic ! First time, I have been surprised by a samourai skely who beat me up right after :D Now I'm aware, it's fine :thumbsup:

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