Che82 The plugin folder should just be called "plugins" (lower case), although that doesn't matter on some operating systems. Also make sure to also extract the "assets" folder from the zip. So your folder structure should look like this:

Example: Backpacks
- Easy
- red51
Che82 The plugin folder should just be called "plugins" (lower case), although that doesn't matter on some operating systems. Also make sure to also extract the "assets" folder from the zip. So your folder structure should look like this:
red51 thanks for your quick reply, Ok i deleted all files from my Plugins folder and renamed it plugins in lower case to eliminate any conflict, I then downloaded the 1st and extracted all files checking all the files for any extractions that were left out or missed and found no others, I then started my game loading into my save game and went into the workbench to check but still found nothing, i closed the application and restarted, loaded up again checking the workbench but still nothing.
Che82 Thanks for the screenshots! The problem is you have an additional "Backpacks" folder in "/plugins/Backpacks/" (i.e. /RisingWorld/plugins/Backpacks/Backpacks/...). Unfortunately that doesn't work. Please move the inner "Backpacks" folder to the "plugins" folder, so it looks like this: /RisingWorld/plugins/Backpacks/...
red51 thanks for the reply, the 2nd Backpacks file is created automatically when i extract the data from the original , it was something i noticed but thought it was supposed to happen and would not cause a problem as i have changed nothing, so what action should i take ? every time i have extracted the data it creates this file so i'm not sure what is going wrong, why is this 2nd Backpacks file being created i do not understand ?
red51 ok scratch that, my bad !!! , i moved the files that were extracted back into the Backpacks file as you stated and they are now in my workbench. Thankyou for the help and sorry for any confusion, ill take note of this step as maybe this will be of use for other plugins but my Backpack will do just fine for now woooohooooo
thank you for a great little plug in too
I'm glad to hear it's working now
red51 ok next stupid question how do you access the backpack
You have to hold it in your hands, then just press the right mouse button
You have to hold it in your hands, then just press the right mouse button
red51 hahaha brilliant ! , i must have button bashed every key on my keyboard thinking it has to be one of these, i had it in my hands pressing hotkeys to open inventory still nothing and i'm thinking what am i missing here it has to be something simple and its just me being stupid
turns out i was being stupid as holding it in my hands and pressing right mouse button was the only thing i didnt do
another Rising World lesson learned. Thanks again red51 Topman !!!
Beim mir ist es so das inventarfenster des Ruchsack lässt sich nicht mmer, aber immer öfter nicht schliesen da kann mann 1000 mal e drücken da pasiser nichts, hat so viele male nicht funktionert, ich hab dies Plugin 4Monate bentuzt am Anfang freute ich mich sehr über diese plugin, jetzt habe ich es deinstaliert da sind noch bucks.
Vielleicht könnt Ihr JIW Games diese plugin mal erklären das Inventar-fenster des Back Back-schliest man mit E? Kann ja nicht sein das ich nach 4 Jahren Rising World einfach zu Blöd bin für dieses plugin?
Vielleicht könnt Ihr JIW Games diese plugin mal erklären das Inventar-fenster des Back Back-schliest man mit E?
Standardmäßig wird das Inventar-Fenster des Rucksacks mit ESC geschlossen
Oder alternativ mit einem Klick auf das kleine X in der oberen rechten Ecke.
Wow i really like the backpack example plugin, this needs to be part of the base game but we need to have it as a cloth equiped not in our inventory great work!
ich kann zwar einen Rucksack herstellen, ABER nicht benutzen - er öffnet sich weder mit E, F oder B - egal ob ich die Taste kurz oder lang drücke
UND was hat es mit dem zweiten Datei-Paket [ Backpacks_Source ] auf sich - muss das auch in den Plugin-Ordner??
In der Hand halten und mit Maus rechts klicken zum aufmachen.
Die Source Dateien sind fuer Plugin-Entwickler.Hoffe das hilft!
In der Hand halten und mit Maus rechts klicken zum aufmachen.
Die Source Dateien sind fuer Plugin-Entwickler.Hoffe das hilft!
Klasse! Ich danke dir!!!
Ich hatte den kopletten Artikel (alle Kommentare) durchgelesen und nirgends diesen Hinweis gefunden
Was die Source-Dateien angeht, hatte ich mir genau das schon gedacht - vielen Dank für deine Bestätigung!
I've been able to packs in packs to multiple levels, also storing packs in chests. However, the bug is storing a pack in itself. Should not be allowed. I lost all my packs accidentally storing my main pack in my main pack.
Love the mod.
Hi -
I have a whole new problem with backpacks -
I downloaded/installed the plugin, and it works fine on my singleplayer world.
If I just go to my multiplayer toon there is no "Backpacks" in the workbench.
If I go to singleplayer, and then close that and go to multiplayer, "Backpacks" appears in the workbench but when I click on it the boxes are blank and there is no Create Item. 0_o
Has anyone else had and solved this problem??
Thanks (I hope!)
Are you playing MP on a server or the steam "play with friends" option? If the former do you have the plugin installed on the server?
Are you playing MP on a server or the steam "play with friends" option? If the former do you have the plugin installed on the server?
I'm playing a pre-existing world on a server. I didn't know I was supposed to install my mod on someone else's server, no idea how that even works.
Idk about all this tech stuff, I just want to run around and hoard resources and make things, hence the backpack.
I can always just go back to my lonely little SP empire, lol.
I'm playing a pre-existing world on a server. I didn't know I was supposed to install my mod on someone else's server, no idea how that even works.
Idk about all this tech stuff, I just want to run around and hoard resources and make things, hence the backpack.
I can always just go back to my lonely little SP empire, lol.
Ahh yes all rising world plugins are server side so you would have to ask the owner of the server to install it in order to use it
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