Posts by yahgiggle
very cool
cool idea and very well done
Well done
Absolutely adorable!
i agree, and why i made him
Thank you so very much! I will find a great place for these beauties in my project! I just love them so much. So cute.
not a problem
yahgiggle Thank you so much.
I built a smurf village years ago, but my Smurfs were just posters. Maybe i will rebuild my village and can use your Smurfs for it. I'm not a good modeller or figure maker, I don't like that at all. I couldn't do anything with modelling play dough either, but I loved Lego.
building a whole smurf village would look awesome, cannot wait to see it
very well done
if the unity API is anything like the java API it would be kind of simple from a plugin standpoint. have an item to equip and simply reduce gravity until the next mesh collision. add a physics impulse for control. as for lag i can see it causing a little but nothing that would be game breaking. when admins are flying around i think the the lag is caused by the constant loading/unloading of chunks. that being said you could simply set gravity to a safe rate that wouldn't allow them to pass threw more than 3 chunks. as for gliding and being able to gain altitude would be able to cause a lot of lag.
i think the lag is due to the speed the admins are flying, gliding could be a lot lot slower, i don't see lift been a problem with lag
how did you get a hollow cylinder to be wide on the top and narrow on the bottom like that for the plate?! (beautiful work on the food as well btw)
Thanks AlphaGodith
you can hold down c for edit options, then click Surface edit mode and resize to what ever you want, well can lol
I don't have Enhanced Sync turned on, but I know the issue you're referring to. I've known a few people who've experienced it. It's a total black (blank) screen. This isn't that, it's more like the textures on certain elements have no luminosity or lighting effects
some of the comments ive read also do look similar to your problem
This image is from a player with the same video card with similar problems but with another game, turning Enhanced Sync off was just a suggestion for something to try, but if its already off, then maybe try that beta driver, its worth a try at lest, unless the problem is not always there, i myself had problems with AMD drivers and in the end i changed to Nvidia due to the lack of support from AMD.
looking up the information on your video card, i found a number of users who play other games with similar problems, also the driver notes talk about Enhanced Sync causing black screen problems and that if you disable Enhanced Sync it might solve your problem, this could be a temporary workaround till they fix the problems with the driver, also updating the driver may solve your problem as Red51 suggested above.