ive noticed most survival building games usually dont go too far technology wise. i wanted to know what the rest of you think about adding high end technology in to the game and where you draw the line. im trying to get an idea for the setting the game is going for and honestly, i dont think even red51 is too sure where he wants it at. i mean when he started talking about adding magic to the game (which im not against) it gave me the impression that no one really knows where the game is going. also im curious to see what yahwho in particular has to say about this since his server is entirely medieval based

how modern is going too far?
Im not sure where you got this impression.
Red51 said all the time there will be a tech tree from base to high end.
Though i agree that it's hard to say what is high tech or end. After all at some point you end up in sci fi.
I guess electric or engine powered tools will be the upper end and anything beyond a matter of plugins
Our original idea is to cover medieval as well as modern aspects
Both were a bit mixed up in the Java version (and the crafting recipes were poorly sorted), but we definitely want to change that with the new version. As Avanar mentioned, there will be some sort of basic "tech tree", so you'll start with primitive tools and objects and end up with modern stuff. In addition to that, you will be able to restrict that when creating a world, so a medieval-themed server could ban all modern stuff, for example.
Currently we don't have specific plans for sci-fi stuff, but this may change in the future. Things like teleporters fit to the game in my opinion
i was thinking it earlier and the best solution i can suggest is having world options. im not against any of the modern inventions being in the game but for me it does fell off for a wilderness survival game. i also mentioned in discord that magic and technology are hard to mix together. so again, world options seem to be the best choice to suit everyone. one more thing i wanted to know is what the ideal way to implement magic would be? i was theorizing about a tool enhancement system similar to minecraft, potions or alters where you offer items to do things such as change the time of day / weather. these are just ideas
i was thinking it earlier and the best solution i can suggest is having world options
This is the way
one more thing i wanted to know is what the ideal way to implement magic would be? i was theorizing about a tool enhancement system similar to minecraft, potions or alters where you offer items to do things such as change the time of day / weather
Actually we don't have specific plans for magic. Basically we just asked the community what they would think about magic stuff
It looks like it would be a nice addition, at least to a certain degree. I'm not sure about adding an enchanment system similar to MC, but potions and certain magical items (for example, maybe a scepter to change the weather, only obtainable from dungeons) would fit to the game.
I wouldn't mind sci-fi stuff, as long as its weighted and has a purpose in the game. Teleporters, see-through guns, or whatever.
As for magic, that should be in the game regardless in either vanilla or modded form. Let people mod it in if you can't have it vanilla side. A little switch gets flicked and you can play with magic... Red51, I recall back in 2015 you wanted a fantasy biome so don't be shy on that. I sadly can't find the thread though recall you wanted it. A rare biome, another dimension, or whatever. Your call.
What I would like to know is if the build celling will be raised a bit more ? A max build level of 400 blocks high can tend to be a bit cramped, especially when building on mountains. I forget the actual number but this is close. I myself would like to be able to fly to the moon and build on it >:) and will we get air planes and gliders?
so a medieval-themed server could ban all modern stuff, for example.
With a toggle option as opposed to the current setup - locking each item individually?
A rare biome, another dimension
¿ plɹoʍ uʍop ǝpᴉsdn
Red51, I recall back in 2015 you wanted a fantasy biome so don't be shy on that. I sadly can't find the thread though recall you wanted it. A rare biome, another dimension, or whatever. Your call.
Yes, this is still something we're thinking about
I can probably say more about that once we've started implementing biomes, but having special (rare) biomes with certain fantasy elements or maybe even another dimension would be a nice addition.
What I would like to know is if the build celling will be raised a bit more ? A max build level of 400 blocks high can tend to be a bit cramped, especially when building on mountains. I forget the actual number but this is close
Yes, the max build height in the new version is 1024 blocks (it was 320 in the Java version).
With a toggle option as opposed to the current setup - locking each item individually?
Currently the idea is to just have a more generic setting to ban modern items, or items which belong to a certain workbench tier (unlike the Java version, there will be more workbench tiers, so medieval and modern items will no longer be mixed up). Maybe we could add an option to lock individual items, but this could be done through the permissions anyway
Yes, this is still something we're thinking about
I can probably say more about that once we've started implementing biomes, but having special (rare) biomes with certain fantasy elements or maybe even another dimension would be a nice addition.
I'm sure you heard of 'Twilight Forest' mod many times. I played it a lot in the earlier stages so if you want a pocket dimension I'd be fine with that. Sure, take your time and I'll look forward to seeing what you manage.
You probably hate my suggestions but I hope we have clever ways of flying, or using magic. If we can turn into birds, foxes, or whatever that be a nice bonus. Granted, its your game so I can't push you on this. Take your time though would love to see what you manage.
Also, I realized I goofed up with how far modern era could go. How far should it go? Should it lead up to 2020 era tech, or should we go into Sci-fi stuff? Space? Nano machines? For Red51's sanity here I guess we could stick with late modern era... Late meaning up to 2020 with tablets, drones, and etc. -
I suggested a way to add an optional game mode for Medieval and Modern in the future. But the tech tree is a great idea! And being able to restrict eras is a good idea in this aspect as well!
"Why yes, I *AM* about to obliterate your wood/stone castle with a nuke. Funny you mention it!"
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