Update 0.4: Crafting, Smelting and lots of new Items

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • A small hotfix is available now btw! ;) It introduces some smaller changes and fixes a few remaining issues with crafting. For server owners, it's recommended to update their multiplayer servers accordingly ;)

    Hotfix 2021-12-02:

    • [Change] Crafting primitive tools no longer requires a primitive workbench
    • [Change] Hunger and thirst is now disabled by default for now (can be changed in settings)
    • [Change] Primitive furnace now has a bigger fuel capacity
    • [Bugfix] Fixed invalid items (e.g. map) being optainable via command (breaking inventory)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crafting workbenches not being recognized properly
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crafting ingredients not being removed correctly when crafting
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing localization string in furnace radial menu
  • That's weird :wat: Basically the red cross should not interfere with any objects... but I will check out what's going on there :)

    This makes sense. Right now stone behaves like any other item (i.e. first tries to fill the hotbar, then the inventory), but perhaps it would be better to have a more specific handling for certain items ^^

    1) I guess it is what it is. We'll find out eventually when I get to playtest o7

    2) Nice. It's just weird how it would swamp your hotbar while not going into the main pile in the inventory. Thanks for looking into it.

    [Change] Primitive furnace now has a bigger fuel capacity

    I assume I had noted this so I'm glad to see it having a bigger capacity. It just felt weird to babysit it. Though, a certain routine could have been done, though it's neat it's been changed. I'll see about any hotfixes changes later. Thanks Red o7

    [Bugfix] Fixed crafting ingredients not being removed correctly when crafting

    Was getting so many resources it was hard to tell. Glad you caught this one.

  • Wow! the workbench proximity approach is similar to like in Terraria. I really really like thisapproach! maybe in the future uncraftable recipes will be hidden in this new unified crafting menu. I like this a lot! I still hope that like with the furnace we retain the feel of other more "interacting" workstations like for making thread or grinding stone. those are really nice still.

    Also... I found a typo under graphics settings under quality, shadow quality reads "schadow quality"

    I also dont know how but i triggered something where I now walk very very slow. If I go into the menu then return then the walk speed returns to normal

    Also when crafting lumber from logs, I click "max" and it defaults to 99 which exceeds what i can with the resources on hand.

    Also, i think when crafting lumber the max i could craft was based on the first stack of hickory logs found in my inventory, not the full amount. there was a second stack in my inventory at the time.

    BTW I love the heat up and glowing of the ores in the furnace followed by the cooldown effect. It adds to the immersion. Little details like this are what make Rising World so fun to get into. :)

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! :)

    Hi Red, looks good, i agree, stone, logs and so on should not go to the hotbar. Or at least let us craft using stuff in the hotbar?

    Crafting should already take stuff in the hotbar into account ;) But it would be definitely a good idea to move all resources to the inventory by default (so only tools and weapons go to the hotbar maybe) ^^

    maybe in the future uncraftable recipes will be hidden in this new unified crafting menu

    Yes, it's our intention to have an option to hide uncraftable recipes :)

    I still hope that like with the furnace we retain the feel of other more "interacting" workstations like for making thread or grinding stone. those are really nice still.

    We definitely want to stick to the "interactive workstations" approach :D So other upcoming workstations like the grinder or spinning wheel will probably work exactly like in the Java version^^

    Also... I found a typo under graphics settings under quality, shadow quality reads "schadow quality"

    Oops, thanks for letting me know, will fix that with the next hotfix :saint:

    I also dont know how but i triggered something where I now walk very very slow. If I go into the menu then return then the walk speed returns to normal

    Hmm... previously there was a bug in Unitys new input system, causing Alt to get stuck when tabbing to the desktop :thinking: While this bug isn't fully fixed, their latest release provide an API to reset keys manually. We're doing that now when the game loses focus, which seemed to be a good workaround. But this sounds like the issue isn't solved in your case :wat: When this happens again, does pressing Alt once restore the walk speed?

    We'll take a closer look at this issue anway!

    Also when crafting lumber from logs, I click "max" and it defaults to 99 which exceeds what i can with the resources on hand.

    Yeah, unfortunately the max button currently always defaults to 99 (unless the max allowed stack size of the item you want to craft is less than 99)... we'll change that so it takes the amount of resources in your inventory into account ^^

    Also, i think when crafting lumber the max i could craft was based on the first stack of hickory logs found in my inventory, not the full amount. there was a second stack in my inventory at the time.

    There is indeed a bug which messes up the ingredient consumption when crafting more than one item at once... This will be fixed with the next hotfix (which should be ready today) :D

    Can you add the vintage lamp as a single lamp? :)

    That's a good idea, I will put that on our to-do-list :)

  • A new hotfix ( is now available btw! This time it's necessary to update multiplayer servers accordingly.

    Hotfix (2021-12-03):

    • [New] Crafting menu now also indicate the amount of ingredients you already have in your inventory
    • [New] Tree logs and sticks can now also be used to fuel the furnace (in addition to lumber)
    • [New] Glow color of luminous blocks can now be specified during crafting
    • [Change] Cutting grass now properly takes into account the underlying material (no longer turning other materials into flat grass)
    • [Change] Now up to 3 players can sit on a bench simultaneously in multiplayer
    • [Change] Lights of other players (when a flashlight or torch is equipped) are now properly synced in multiplayer
    • [Change] Area permissions can now also override command permissions
    • [Change] Area permissions now only override settings which are explicitly set in the permission file
    • [Bugfix] Fixed iron ore not being removed from inventory when being placed in furnace
    • [Bugfix] Fixed item count not being properly taken into account when crafting an item
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong nametags in multiplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed a crash when aborting the loading procedure right after clicking on a world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed different block shapes sometimes being merged to a single item
  • I am still unable to connect to servers on a Mac. Keep getting an "Unable to connect to server" or "Connection timeout" message.

    Edit: Hmm, seems to only be some servers, my own included...

    Green Valleys - PvE Survival - Land Claims/Portals/SetHome - discord.gg/EQ6a9mb

  • These hotfixes always amaze me, excellent Red51

    Hehe, thanks :D

    Will the window frame be added as in the java version?

    Yes, that's definitely planned ;)

    I am still unable to connect to servers on a Mac. Keep getting an "Unable to connect to server" or "Connection timeout" message.

    Hmm... which mac OS version do you use exactly? Maybe you could send a report when this happens. To do that, try to join a server which triggers this message, then type "report" into console and send the report.

    If you try to join your own server, it could be extremely helpful if you could also send us a log of the server as well (which covers the moment you tried to join on a Mac) :)

    Btw I've moved the multiplayer-related discussion to this topic: Multiplayer server connection issues

  • Dear Friends! New Year is a new stage in life, which always brings new events and new joys into our lives. I wish you joyful events in the New Year. Let the Rising World game bring you only joyful moments, and all the bad things fade into the background ..

    In 2021, many things happened for everyone. For someone this year was a success, for someone he prepared trials, but let all the bad things remain in the old year, because the New Year is very close. I want to sincerely wish you in the coming year to be the most successful, happy, joyful events, may everyone find new sincere friends (and not only in the game Rising World).

    On New Year's Eve, let everyone have a little miracle. Make a wish and let it come true, because New Year's Eve is magical and who knows, maybe something important will happen for you on this very night. I wish you in the new year to find your personal happiness. For students: successful exams, for workers: career advancement, Red51: stay on course for good luck and move confidently towards great success. May every day in the new year be grandiose and profitable for you! Happy New Year Friends.:party:

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