Suggestion - Plugin Nexus

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  • Good day everyone. This is a small suggestion about big and probably very useful thing (for RW Unity).

    My suggestion is about creating a special website section that will be dedicated only for plugins. And unlike forum it will have pages for plugins with unified description and download section (and with possibility to link forum topic to it for discussion and comments). This section will be used for official plugin distribution and for plugin search.

    What benefits of such thing we can get?

    1. Official trusted place to share plugins with good search - you don't need to find specific topic on forum and search for links, all will be unified and in one place

    2. Possibility to integrate this into the game. Some existing games have such things (Minetest, for example), with in-game GUI that allows players easily install mods/plugins.

    3. Automatic updates (with possibility to disable them) - addition to thing above, will help users to keep desired plugins in up-to-date state.

    4. "Global statistics" - we will know how many plugins exists for RW and for different game versions.

    5. Easy search - when all located in one place and unified it will be not hard to find plugin with desirable functionality

    What are differences between it and already existing forum section?
    1. Easy search - all plugins can have short description, categories and game version flags, so player can fast and easy find desired plugin for his game version.

    2. Unification and possibility to integrate it into the game - with unified downloads and version check it can be integrated into the game with special GUI.

    3. Comfortable for users outside of this forum - I think there are a lot of players that don't know about this forum and will not search for plugins in it. Having official place that shares plugins can help them to find things that they need.

    4. Easy feedback for developers - as users can easily find plugin they can send a feedback or bug report, this can help developers to improve their plugins.

    Examples of existing nexuses:

    Good example - Modrinth (recently appeared, lightweight, share Minecraft mods, have integration with GitHub)

    Not very good example - Curseforge (nexus for different games, have many benefits, but is laggy, bad-designed and overcomplicated)

    NexusMods - nexus for different games, not very known to me

  • This could be a cool idea, there is nothing stopping you from setting up this type of website, you could have two sections, one for java and the other for unity. :-)

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • This is a great idea. However, it's a HUGE amount of work.

    Thinking outloud here, you would need to also write a plugin to manage other plugins - a Plugin manager.

    A platform would also need to be created to allow plugin developers to upload their plugins, and updates to. Think PaaS.

    As I said, really great idea, but I'm not sure we're there yet.

  • This could be a cool idea, there is nothing stopping you from setting up this type of website, you could have two sections, one for java and the other for unity. :-)

    The idea is that this will be done on official Rising World site as the point of the idea is the official place to share plugins. This also makes it possible to integrate it into the game.

    Thinking outloud here, you would need to also write a plugin to manage other plugins - a Plugin manager.

    The idea is that this thing should be implemented from game core, without additional plugins. But this is possible only in nexus will be official and unified.

    A platform would also need to be created to allow plugin developers to upload their plugins, and updates to. Think PaaS

    I think there can be a set of "trusted resources" where plugin devs can upload their plugins and link them to plugin pages. For example - GitHub releases can be such save resource.

  • I have spoken with Red about this and I suggested: which is much better and cleaner than any other I have seen so far plus it supports proper in game integration (i.e. no 3rd party mod managers etc.) for many game engines that he could implement for people to never need to visit an external website to get plugins/mods.

  • I think that would be a good solution for this, as mentioned by Minotorious ;) We can integrate it directly into the game, so people can easily download new plugins/blueprints etc.

    Having a custom solution for this would be indeed better (as it would give us full control over this), but unfortunately there would be a lot of work involved to set up a proper website, API etc. and to moderate it... so I guess it's easier to rely on for this.

    There was a discussion about support for Steam Workshop, etc. in the past in our Steam forum:…ns/0/3123802224166721327/

    Some people there would prefer support for Steam Workshop, but unfortunately that's not a perfect solution (as it wouldn't work for non-Steam versions of the game)... but apparently there was no real argument against either ^^

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