Game finished

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The Unity version is supposed to contain what the Java version has by the end of 2023. I guess at the end of 2024 or 2025 the Unity version will have reached version 1.0 (all the content described on the route map is in the game). But the developer said that content can be added even after that. When the routemap is finished, he could create and process a new routemap from the wishes of the forum and steam users.

  • There was never any release date for finished game. And for sure not end 2023. But the goal is that Unity-version will be the official version until end this year. And i hope it is still on line with that.

    Also... "just be a sandbox game"? Well, the game IS a sandbox game. It is designed as such, promoted as such and developed as such. Not sure what you really mean :)

    There will be more survival features, more crafting, etc. over time of course.

  • What I meant was. Will we get all of the crafting items to collect in the world. Like on java. Go searching around for the items you need to be able to build things. Or is this new version just going to be left as it is with limited resources in the world and you just load up a command line and spawn whatever you want to build your things? I used to like it on java digging and searching for the resources to be able to build items. Now the world just seems bare. And I'm supposed to just spawn what items I need and build stuff.

  • It's not really that fun when you can just spawn everything you want. I liked the searching element. And having to find food and water and items to make things. Now I can just type in spawn anything and build things. It's a bit like that game Grahams mod now.

  • What I meant was. Will we get all of the crafting items to collect in the world. Like on java. Go searching around for the items you need to be able to build things. Or is this new version just going to be left as it is with limited resources in the world and you just load up a command line and spawn whatever you want to build your things? I used to like it on java digging and searching for the resources to be able to build items. Now the world just seems bare. And I'm supposed to just spawn what items I need and build stuff.

    ehm... already now you can play in survival and gather all the food, water and material you want and need - or you play creative and just spawn it. im really not sure what you are referring to. it is your choice if you spawn stuff or find it.

    It's not really that fun when you can just spawn everything you want. I liked the searching element. And having to find food and water and items to make things. Now I can just type in spawn anything and build things. It's a bit like that game Grahams mod now.

    i get this point but i tell you it is a matter of the personal taste. in creative you can build a lot more stuff than in survival mode. on the other side achieving a complex building in survival is more satisfieing than in creative.

    but i repeat myself - i don´t know what you are referring to. if you enabled hunger/thirst you need to eat and drink. and in order to do that you have to go out and find it. that´s implemented for quite some time.
    but of course (again) it´s your decision if you take that challenge or spawn the food/drinks

  • I am pretty sure a lot of the resources from java are not in the new game to find out in the world? Or am I wrong?

    could be, yes. that´s why the unity version isn´t the official one yet. but what do you mean exactly? there are lots of vegetables to be found for survival, you can drink water and since the last patch we got animals to slaughter and eat.

    there is stone and several ore veins in order to craft stuff from it. not to mention wood in various textures.

  • Deutsch

    Ich denke was dem Survival Vergnügen montan am meisten fehlt, ist das platzieren von unterschiedlichem Terrain wie z.B. Sand, Kies oder Gras. Bei den dekorativen Pflanzen & Steinen ist es genau so, dies funktioniert momentan Ausschließlich im Kreativ Modus.


    I think what the survival fun of montan lacks most is the placement of different terrain such as sand, gravel or grass. It's the same with decorative plants and stones, this currently only works in creative mode.

  • Das alles und wie Mattuk56 sagte, noch vieles andere. Ich vermisse auch Pflanzen. Palmen gibt es nur eine einzige, das ist einfach viel zu wenig. Bei den Texturen kann ich die meisten gar nicht benutzen, da bei einem die Strichlinie quer läuft , bei den anderen senkrecht. Eine Sperrholz Textur mag zwar gut gemeint sein aber ich wüsste nicht was ich damit machen sollte. Bei den Fliesen fehlen noch so viele Texturen, also generell fehlt noch einiges auch Möbel.

  • Mit den vorhandenen Texturen kann man zumindest schon einiges machen.

    Auch selber Möbel beispielsweise.

    Was ich da schon an kreativität bewundern konnte ist schlichtweg sagenhaft.

    Aber Sand und Kies fehlt schon ein wenig.

    Es ist zwar da aber interaktion...

    Red hält sich da halt etwas sehr bedeckt was so kommt. Aus der Trello werd ich zumindest nicht schlau 😅

  • @

    Es steht eigentlich da, was gemacht wird, geplant oder verschoben wurde. Wasser ist verschoben, was ich nicht ganz verstehe da es Wasser ja schon gibt. Wenig Nachbearbeitung soll ja noch kommen , vielleicht ist es das.

    Es gibt auch Bilder von zwei Biomen. wobei ich allerdings sagen kann. dass da nichts Neues zu sehen ist . Diese Pflanzen haben wir schon und das gefällt mir ehrlich gesagt überhaupt nicht. Neue Biome sollten auch ein paat neue Pflanzen mit sich bringen, sonst sieht es genauso aus wie momentan, wenn man sein Terrain selbst gestaltet hat, sehr enttäuschend. ;(

  • I want all of the stuff from java and plus new extra items

    Well, actually I'm not even sure if we're really going to port every single object from the Java version to the new version :thinking: We can't just use the old Java models anymore, so everything needs to be recreated from scratch (and the new version requires higher detailed models than the Java version)...

    However, basically the new version offers a lot of other new objects in return (while having a higher quality in general). Of course we still want to add more objects and items, but there were also a few objects in the Java version which weren't that important IMHO.

    Having said that, please let us know if you want to see specific objects from the Java version being ported to the new version. That would be helpful for us to set the right priorities ;)


    I think what the survival fun of montan lacks most is the placement of different terrain such as sand, gravel or grass. It's the same with decorative plants and stones, this currently only works in creative mode.

    This is definitely still on our to-do list and will be ready this year :)

    Das alles und wie Mattuk56 sagte, noch vieles andere. Ich vermisse auch Pflanzen. Palmen gibt es nur eine einzige, das ist einfach viel zu wenig

    Die Java Version hatte ebenfalls nur 1 Palme...

    Diese Pflanzen haben wir schon und das gefällt mir ehrlich gesagt überhaupt nicht. Neue Biome sollten auch ein paat neue Pflanzen mit sich bringen, sonst sieht es genauso aus wie momentan, wenn man sein Terrain selbst gestaltet hat, sehr enttäuschend. ;(

    Wenn du die bisherige Pflanzenauswahl als so schrecklich empfindest, dann sehe ich leider für die nächste Zeit schwarz :(

  • Ok. I thought the idea that all the objects like furniture and everything else, tools, tree types, fruits and vegetables, animals, bioms ect from java would be put into the new version. Npcs, ability to put posters on walls, all the types of ore and so on. And get things like flowing water, trains, maybe a helicopter, electricity, plus other new things would come along in the new version. Would be nice to see more furniture choices. Maybe a car or motorbike

  • Ok. I thought the idea that all the objects like furniture and everything else, tools, tree types, fruits and vegetables, animals, bioms ect from java would be put into the new version. Npcs, ability to put posters on walls, all the types of ore and so on. And get things like flowing water, trains, maybe a helicopter, electricity, plus other new things would come along in the new version. Would be nice to see more furniture choices. Maybe a car or motorbike

    that´s still the idea. and many things, incl. i.e. posters, furniture, fruits, vegetables, animals, etc., are already in the unity version. more things to come

  • The idea is to have a proper and worthy replacement for the Java version ^^ Some of the content in the Java version wasn't that important IMHO, so we try to focus on more important things atm... but even when the most important features are finally implemented, is it really better if we focus on some of the smaller stuff of the Java version (e.g. curtains, banisters, a rolling pin etc) instead of working on more useful features like the ability to place items like tools & weapons in the world, for example?

    In fact we're running out of money (because all updates for the new version were mainly targeted at the existing community and this barely results in any new sales), so we finally have to bring the new version into a state where it could be considered "fully playable" (at least to the same degree as the Java version). The current situation is quite problematic, because we barely sell any copies of the game (considering the store page on Steam still advertises the old and dusty Java version). We all agree that having more plants, objects or new building materials would be really nice (and these things are indeed on our to-do list), but first we have to focus on the key features (biomes, caves, hostiles etc).

    Once the Java version had been replaced with the new version, we can finally focus on adding smaller features and other things as well :)

    ability to put posters on walls [...] things like flowing water

    Posters were added with the latest update ^^ In fact they're even more versatile compared to the Java version, since you can now paint posters, and there is also a powerful new "decal" poster type available (which adapts to uneven surfaces, like on this screenshot)^^

    Flowing water is also in the game already (it was added with the world generation update back then) :)

  • NPCs like vendors or characters that say random things and seem to live walking around areas predicted to be generated as small villages would be very interesting.

    Hostile NPCs, be they bandits or aggressive animals would be interesting, even though I honestly don't like the combat mode and think they appear out of nowhere, without making any fuss.

    It doesn't seem like Rising World, but I miss a "story mode"... things to discover... clues of things to do... puzzles... places to go... items of quest to collect. New biomes with previously generated themed buildings can help with this.

    If Rising World could create its own theme, its own fiction, with this script working, it would help a lot to attract the attention of new players.

    I arrived at Rising World because of a very old and abandoned game called Wurm Unlimited (or Wurm Online), I know other players who also arrived here because of it... It leaves you free, just like Rising World, but it has a pantheon of gods, kingdoms with their own themes that may or may not be applied to the servers, magical items and a story that only God knows if it leads somewhere, hehe... But this could have worked 1000 times better in a game that is still alive and constantly growing.

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