QoL Additions

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Wanted to make note of a few things, even if Red51 is aware of them. He already started working on some placeholders, even telling me how to enable them, etc. Even so, felt I needed to re-note just to keep it fresh in the mind. Not trying to be annoying.

    Auto-Walking & Running:

    We already have auto-walking, though my original suggestion was for an automated auto-run. Sure, stamina would negate this over and over, though when the stamina fills up you should be allowed to run at full burst again. I apologize for yelling at Red51 for not updating it quickly enough, though it is a necessary feature for Rising World whether I bring it up or not. It is a necessity, regardless of who suggests it.

    (View Skyrim & Kingdom)

    Horse Auto-Run:

    It's neat that we can ride on horses, though my previous suggestion still stands with how horses (and mounts) should have an "auto-throttle". Similar to Kingdom, Mount & Blade, and even Skyrim, Rising World should allow for mounts to have an auto-run to them. If possible, even at varying speed levels (as done in M&B & Kingdom games). It's just easier, and lessens the stress of the mind. All you would have to then focus on is guiding your horse around obstacles.

    Wool & Yarn Automation:

    Red51 noted he'll have this covered so all I'll note is how NPCs and machines should play a part. Similar to Conan Exiles (and without the brutality) NPCs should be hired, rescued, etc to then be attached to various 'crafting stations', such as yarn spinners, furnaces, etc. The fee could be food, money, or anything they desire and need at the time. It's been noted we shall potentially rank up to automation with higher-tech technology, something I do agree on.

    Boats & Vehicles:

    Some vehicles should have a map attachment on them in the future. Allow both primitive and GPS-oriented maps to play a part in navigation in the future.


    That's it, for now. I'm sure I'll remember the others. If I do, I'll edit them into this thread.

  • Autorun works in Guils Wars 1 and 2 for years and I don't want to miss it. Maybe that would be good for RW, too.

    I've lost my memories of Guild Wars. I haven't played it ever since I've lost my log-in. Maybe I forgot my credentials, or someone hacked into it. If it had auto-walk and run then that's also another thing to reference back to.

    Skyrim, Mount & Blade: Warband, Kingdom, among many others.

    I mean the best for Rising World, and I hope Red51 finds the time to implement these overly helpful QoL features. I give him respect for the auto-walk, that's a proper step forward. Thank you, Red51!

    If we get trains I can't wait for their incremental auto-throttling around the world. I would happily set up "tram" routes around my settlement to make my way around town. Even electrifying the train to do its thing on its own. Red51 noted at the lowest speed a train would be able to travel on its own. I want to exploit that. :monocle:

  • Auto-Walking & Running:

    We can include that with the next update :) Not sure though if "auto-walk" is still needed then, maybe it's sufficient if the player just always sprints?

    Horse Auto-Run:

    The "auto-run" feature will also work for horses ;)

    Wool & Yarn Automation:

    Unfortunately we have no short-term solution for that, so I can't say much about that yet :silenced:

    Boats & Vehicles:

    Hmm... I'm not sure I understood this correctly :thinking: Basically the player just has to make sure he has a map in his inventory, then he will be able to access it from the boat?

  • We can include that with the next update :) Not sure though if "auto-walk" is still needed then, maybe it's sufficient if the player just always sprints?

    I'm sure auto-walk would be needed if the sprint bar keeps dropping to zero. Do whatever you desire to do, though I feel it should stay as is while simply giving the ability to auto-walk while having a normal walk, and then auto-run for everything else (with a limit).

    The "auto-run" feature will also work for horses ;)

    Perfect. Then all you would need to do is steer them while following your pathways and roadways.

    Unfortunately we have no short-term solution for that, so I can't say much about that yet :silenced:

    Long-term goals. I see.

    Hmm... I'm not sure I understood this correctly :thinking: Basically the player just has to make sure he has a map in his inventory, then he will be able to access it from the boat?

    I guess I'm just spoiled by what I've seen in VRChat with you able to pop in and out of vehicle's driver seat. When you pop out you can see the GPS Screen on the side, or on the dash. Basically what Euro Truck Sim 2 or American Truck Sim has on the side, or even newly added worlds in VRChat.

    The image is both an example, if an overly high exaggeration. I'd expect a more in-built map on the vehicle itself. Wouldn't want to teleport anywhere, only see what's in the general vicinity on both the player map and vehicle map.

    It's an idea though, and what we're spoiled with now in VRChat. I'll however take your 'M' for map mode, though something more vehicle oriented (something players could see also) would be helpful.

  • I'm sure auto-walk would be needed if the sprint bar keeps dropping to zero. Do whatever you desire to do, though I feel it should stay as is while simply giving the ability to auto-walk while having a normal walk, and then auto-run for everything else (with a limit).

    If the "auto-walk" becomes an "auto-run" feature, the player would sprint until the bar drops to zero, then keeps walking until stamina is fully restored and then starts to sprint again etc ^^

    I guess I'm just spoiled by what I've seen in VRChat with you able to pop in and out of vehicle's driver seat. When you pop out you can see the GPS Screen on the side, or on the dash. Basically what Euro Truck Sim 2 or American Truck Sim has on the side, or even newly added worlds in VRChat.

    Oh, I see, so you're more referring to modern ships? That would be a nice detail of course. Unfortunately we haven't started working on modern ships yet (and we don't have the funds to hire a 3d artist for that atm), but it's definitely something we will keep when implementing modern vessels :)

  • If the "auto-walk" becomes an "auto-run" feature, the player would sprint until the bar drops to zero, then keeps walking until stamina is fully restored and then starts to sprint again etc ^^

    Perfect. This is how I expected it to be, and tried wording it myself. Thanks Red51! :wow:

    Oh, I see, so you're more referring to modern ships? That would be a nice detail of course. Unfortunately we haven't started working on modern ships yet (and we don't have the funds to hire a 3d artist for that atm), but it's definitely something we will keep when implementing modern vessels :)

    Modern, ancient, etc. Whatever we have the technology to do while attaching GPS or maps onto the vessel (and vehicles). But if you can't, then I guess you can't.

    How much would it be to get someone to get a functioning Flower-Class Corvette into Rising World? Maybe I could chip in some times soon to have that as a feature in the game. :drunk:

    Well, I'm left satisfied with the auto-run feature. Thanks! :party:

  • How much would it be to get someone to get a functioning Flower-Class Corvette into Rising World? Maybe I could chip in some times soon to have that as a feature in the game. :drunk:

    The biggest problem for us it to get a proper model for it. Currently we don't have the funds to hire a 3d artist unfortunately...

    Implementing the behaviour also requires some work ofc, although that's not a huge issue at all, because boats are already in the game and the handling for bigger vessels would be based on our current implementation.

  • The biggest problem for us it to get a proper model for it. Currently we don't have the funds to hire a 3d artist unfortunately...

    Implementing the behaviour also requires some work ofc, although that's not a huge issue at all, because boats are already in the game and the handling for bigger vessels would be based on our current implementation.

    I did say I would "chip in", meaning I'd throw money your way. Well, depending on the price tag requiring you to get those certain tasks done, I'd send money your way to handle what was requested. Unlike other people, I actually mean what I say. When I say I would help chip in money, I mean it. I'd have to see the price tag first, and you'd have to approve of it even before that.

    >Insert money emote here<


    But if you can't, you can't, and I understand that. I'll wait for when mod.io becomes a thing, and to see who is kind enough in the community to help out instead of ironically instigating me when I simply want to see things get done. If it's that much of an issue maybe I should sideline it until I can find someone on my side to help out, or (again) someone who actually has their head out of the clouds to help. And to clarify, you're fine Red51. You're fine, I'm just curious to see where you stand.

    Don't worry, we're good. :thumbup:

    (If you want me to forget about it, I'll forget about the request. Well, up to a certain point.)

  • Thanks for offering your help! :) But exclusive models can be quite expensive... it's been a while since we last hired a 3d artist (so maybe prices have changed in the meantime), but I'd expect the price tag for such a model to be somewhere between $1000 and $10,000 USD, considering it requires quite a lot of details (due to it being a first-person game), and still needs to be optimized (to keep the triangle count as low as possible while still looking good).

    But even if we get our hands on a model, I'm not sure if it's reasonable to allocate time to implement it now... we first have to get the new version ready to replace the Java version ^^ So I don't think it would be a good idea to implement this before 2024 :thinking:

  • Thanks for offering your help! :) But exclusive models can be quite expensive... it's been a while since we last hired a 3d artist (so maybe prices have changed in the meantime), but I'd expect the price tag for such a model to be somewhere between $1000 and $10,000 USD, considering it requires quite a lot of details (due to it being a first-person game), and still needs to be optimized (to keep the triangle count as low as possible while still looking good).

    But even if we get our hands on a model, I'm not sure if it's reasonable to allocate time to implement it now... we first have to get the new version ready to replace the Java version ^^ So I don't think it would be a good idea to implement this before 2024 :thinking:

    If I can do the $1000 in installments (CAD) I can most likely do it. The pricer it gets the more difficult it shall become. I'm already aware it costs a fortune for VTuber models, let alone what I'm proposing for Rising World. For the $100,000 USD mark I would basically have to actually win the lottery to consider paying anything of that quality and value. I could have easily spent that money in comparison to my Japan trip (I spent $15,000 CAD), I however have to now consider 'wants vs needs' more seriously now. I would still pitch in with some funding where and when able, it however would have to be in more bite sized chunks.

    As we've both noted, we'll just keep it for when 'mod.io' becomes a thing. I'll have to wait for an actual kind soul to help me out whenever 'Mod.io' becomes a proper feature and element for Rising World. It was worth a shot and I'll have to wait for modding then.

    There is an 'flower.mdl' in this file for when the time is correct. I'll do a request once we cross the mod.io checkpoint.


    Yeah, focus on the other stuff that you have planned. I had to ask, I got my answer, and its universally agreed upon you need to push Rising World first prior to any other distractions. :thumbup:

  • Easier Land Clearing - Survival Oriented Tools & Gadgets:

    I don't want to put pressure on Red51, I however want to note something simple.... A common complaint we had once we obtained our Unity worlds is how we can't find flat land. Everything is simply too much work. Everything is simply hilly and mountainous that we need construction vehicles, or helper NPCs to help out. Or Redstone Power Mining Turtle equivalent for Rising World. We've brought this up time and again, though I simply want to note it without any pressure.

    What I would give to simply have helper NPCs (or a gadget) to do the work for me. I'd rather be building away than wasting hours terraforming. Granted, you would have to feed and pay the NPCs, but I'd be up for that. What I would give to even have NPC Companions, someone who could stay with you (your personalized NPCs) to help you with whatever tasks. Anything..... Anything to clear stuff away.

    (Belated Disclaimer: I'm thankful for the drill, and I have been using it happily. Thank you for at least allowing me to have this! It's been insanely helpful.)

    The amount of time I wasted flattening this. I even desire to flatten the rest of this. I'm aware of "work smarter, not harder".... That sadly doesn't apply here.

    What I would give to have a front-end loader, a Bobcat (skid steer), or whatever. Just scoop up the terrain into the bucket, place it into a dump truck, and then haul it somewhere else. Maybe even dump it into an industrial storage device.

    And a random Youtube Video short showing off the Mining Turtle. (Google or search more of this on your end).

    Or a longer video:

    Red51 however has to get the main updates out first prior to this, yet the pain of lacking flat land still persists. I hope future biomes makes things easier.

  • Sorry, going to separate it from another thread by expending on it further, even further the following here relating to a "caveman" modding tool, or something on a more simplified manner so even newbies (such as myself) can mod for Rising World. I'm genuinely becoming more agitated not being able to do something on my end needing more simplified avenues to customized Rising World instead of constantly begging for assistance, even intentionally ignored at times.


    Rising World's VRChat-esque SDK / Modding Tool (Simplified Modding Tools):

    Similar to VRChat's SDK system (requiring Unity tweaks) it would help with quick and easy importing of NPCs, furniture, vehicles, etc. It should be a quick & easy tool/script to read from a root folder, applying basic Rising World behaviours/animations/traits/Neutrality Compass, etc to then export it into a proper Rising World plugin/modding directly. It could even potentially tie itself with mod.io.

    It should have pre-set categories for NPCs, player, furniture, music, BGM, etc. Whatever you're importing could be given those category-related traits.

    (View VRChat SDK [Kisetene] [AutoCloth]; Illusion Games (Illgames) using character creator's personality, traits, and other trait behaviours; Tower Unite NPC Importing, model import, chat bubble, etc.)

    - Kisetene - (Clothing merger for VRChat avatars):

    Going on this note, it would be highly handy and helpful to have something to import into Rising World via a menu-option similar to the above image. Again, have a category of what your model falls under, applying Rising World animations, behaviours, and traits onto it.

    - NPC type: Give it a personality, trait, and where it should be found. Maybe even where it spawns (near player, or naturally in the world in X Biome, etc; Hostile or neutral NPC).

    - Food (fruits, veggies, cooked foods, etc): Apply foot type, food worth/values, when it spoils, etc. Where it can be found, how to be found (via menus and drop downs).

    - Clothing: Import various clothing types, such as hats, shirts, sweaters, pants, scarfs, masks, capes, etc.

    - Furniture: Set it up in a way a furniture would behave, how to sit, to be viewed (TV), or similar. If it's food then list its stats and sub-categories.

    - Vehicle: Note vehicle type, fuel type, where you sit, etc. If a boat apply boat filter; If car, apply car filters, etc.

    - BGM: Import BGM to either be standalone or replacers.

    - etc: (Anything, and everything at your fingertips)

    (I'm sure there are more VRChat tools I can reference to, I'm however drawing a blank after viewing my VRChat models folder. Everything lost in the process.)

    Artificial Academy 2 - Character Traits & Personality:

    First off, I'm aware what you see is lewd, but the point is of adding personality types and traits using Rising World's standards in the place of what is noted in the image. It's a character creation menu from Illusion Game's Artificial Academy, something which would be overly handy for RIsing World on a more neutral standing/manner. The point here is to show how you can make characters shy, outgoing, 'tsundere', 'yandere', and all sorts. Basically put, 'hostile', passive, and neutral in Rising World's case. More could be added via revenge, stalker, bandit, pirate, etc. Whatever Red51 desires for NPC behaviour could be openly noted in the tool itself. Could even note if NPCs (Animals and humanoids) could even be skittish, stand firm, or a mix of the two regarding noise and gunfire.

    The same classifications and behaviours could also be pushed towards vehicles, food types, etc in a more default classification.

    The point is to apply Rising World logic onto imported objects and entities to work in vanilla Rising World ways, or even customized external behaviours, as done via VRChat with idle animations, behaviours, etc. The more simplified the process the easier it is for Rising World to be more accessible, even posting its profit margins in various ways. Alienating the modding community to only "skilled" folks holds it back. Elitism should be squashed out. Everybody should be given easy access to modding via simplified modding tools to the point even a caveman could use it.


    Anything which simplified the modding process would be highly beneficial to Rising World at this stage. Anything, and everything. Also because I wouldn't have to beg, propose, or request assistance. I would do it myself, and I would be able to customize things according to my will, not having to be forwarded to tutorials, nor be side-stepped, ignored, falsely labeled, etc.



    VRChat - Busou Shinki - Renge (15 Cm tall)

    With some slight assistance, and with a straight forward VRChat SDK, I was able to apply Renge as an avatar for myself. I would also customize her on the side, when able in Unity. If given similar freedoms for Rising World I could do so much on the side without requesting for help, and intentionally side-lined at that. I would do everything myself.

    I'm desiring to have Renge from Busou Shinki in Rising World, yet need a simplified tool to allow me to add her as a following NPC Companion. Asking for help is getting me nowhere, hence I need a "cave-man" level simplified modding tool to do everything myself so I don't have to beg like a hobo while being given the run around. Not just Renge, but other characters as well. The sooner I'm given the tool the sooner we can customize Rising World, and also wave around these additions to people on social media to play around with their favourite characters in Rising World.

    I'm actually livid I can't openly customize something. I also have other projects to work on which are currently sidelined awaiting their turn in their queue. RPG Maker proof of concepts, etc.

  • Wandering NPC Traders/Merchants & Market Stalls:

    I'm sure Red51 has a plan for Wandering NPCs, and such, but on the off chance that he doesn't it be awesome if we had the ability to "attract" the wandering merchant to your settlement via Market Stalls. They are in Java, they should also eventually find their way into Unity version with the ability to flag down Wandering NPC Traders/Merchants.

    Basically you would place one down, open the radial menu, and have it "ping" for NPC Traders in the area. If NPC Traders/Merchants are available they'll come to your market stall. If inaccessible, or turned off, they would simply avoid your Market stall.

    I put this under QoL so it would also help prevent the whole "hide-and-seek" stuff behind it.

    (Sidenote: Been desiring to post-suggest this for a week or two, finally able to.)

  • - RV's

    I'm putting this under QoL after having seen what other people have said about being annoyed about having to build their own homes in Rising World. Basically have tents, Tepees, RVs, and boats as your roaming nomadic home (Granted, we already have tents), for the more nomadic players. An RV would do well for land-based nomadic players, or at least allow for camping.

    I know a friend who hates, or struggles with building, this RV would suit them well nicely. They could gather the ores, build the components, and customize the components to their liking.

    Blueprints? I agree, I told them they could have that as well. Many people lack focus and attention, also with the common enemy being Tiktok for ruining people's attention span. They can't play Minecraft survival, let alone Rising World in its intended Survival state. Everything sadly has to be boring, watered down, or people simply don't enjoy semi-thinking games. Their intellect heavily hindered by Tiktok and social media. Shame. Rising World is a gem of a game.

    At least having an RV you could store your food, water, have a storage place, a bed area, and maybe carry small vehicles and utilities.

    A random European RV.



    Red51 is overwhelmed, and this is just a suggestion. Whatever he can manage is whatever he can manage, this is only a suggestion for the more "Attention deprived" individuals who struggle in building homes, or play the game at all. Who knows, maybe it'll help people out when they go on mining runs, visiting their other land-based settlements, or are new to a server waiting for a new plot, or something.

  • I forgot! I forgot! Damn it.


    - Boats & Mounts (Multi-passenger):

    I forgot to note this a few weeks ago in how boats and mounts should be able to carry one other passenger, or more. I tried guiding a friend from spawn to my construction project to find he had to run a long way around instead of being able to ride in a row-boat. Maybe it works on the rubber boat. I hope for horses one other person can tag along.

    These images don't show the exact moment, though it shows me going from spawn to my two connected settlements from the entrance of the waterway. My friend couldn't join me on the boat. Second image showed how much we had to dig and level out. It was brutal.


    Third showing us working together. I'm certain sharing a picture of a boat with a person next to it would have been a better example.

    The point is: I hope for future updates we can gain multi-passenger vehicles, boats, and even proper storage points (rubber boat).

  • This is sort of the QoL additions we genuinely need in Rising World, especially without the needless negative attitudes I keep seeing from people. ALways berating, being abusive, stalking me on numerous social media to openly sabotage me, and simply being a bunch of jerks.

    RE: Throw us a Bone!

    Seeing those escalators is indeed what Rising World needs, and I'm happy for what Yahgiggle had done. Not only do I see escalators, I also see stationary helicopters, and maybe other assets which would do well in Rising World, something I've also been strongly desiring in adding into Rising World, yet everything has to be needlessly tedious.

    I'll give my respect solely to the escalator plugin being worked while also equally hoping it'll also find its way into the game in a vanilla manner, once time and resources allow. And hope no malicious code finds its way into the plugin (Minecraft mods suffer with a lot of that). That's the last thing Rising World needs right now, especially with the open sabotage campaign of berating people off the community.

    No, seriously. More honesty, and less stalking-sabotage would be nice. Rising World is such a great game, and it's honestly a shame people stoop to low levels to try to hog Rising World for themselves while doing highly petty things to keep Rising World to themselves. It genuinely deserves so much more. It would do so well having this escalator, elevators, and other stuff. So, once again, I give my praise for working on the elevator, yet disappointed about every other negative behaviour surrounding the plugin trying to shift Rising World into a more corrupted area when it should stay creatively neutral, something I still admire Rising World for. Creative neutrality is always nice.

    Curious what else people have planned, if at all, or if more sabotaging campaigns are planned in the near or far future.

  • i will never add malicious code to my plugins, the plugin is now uploaded btw

    if you go to my youtube channel you can view all my projects, BTW you can fly my helicopter, the plugin for that works best in single player but is a little laggy on my server :thumbup:

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • i will never add malicious code to my plugins, the plugin is now uploaded btw

    if you go to my youtube channel you can view all my projects, BTW you can fly my helicopter, the plugin for that works best in single player but is a little laggy on my server :thumbup:

    I want to add a disclaimer that the comment wasn't solely aimed at you, just that it's something people have been openly sabotaging me with lately just to kick me off Rising World and I HAD to say it 100%, and how Minecraft has been corrupted time and time again. It's a multi-implied comment. I'll still give various plugins a try and a whirl, if I'm aware of them, and I'll gladly test out whatever I'm invited to, stumble across, or notified off.

    The next chance I'll get I'll check out various Rising World stuff (that includes your plugin). If I can make videos off of it again, I shall. >salute emote here<

    I'll do just that, once I gain more time to actually check out your channel. Seeing as how I'll be playing in singleplayer I wouldn't mind flying around in a helicopter. I'll also have to wait on the maps update to me more adventurous. I would love to make air fields. Now this is the Rising World I admire. :party:

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