Update 0.7: Biomes, Caves and much more!

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
  • You could check if the key binding is still correct... it's in the settings under Controls -> Building -> "Context Menu (Building)" (quite at the bottom). Is it still bound to "C"?

    Also bear in mind that the building menu only shows up if you have a block or placable object (like furniture) in your hands :)

    I can't seem to find the command, maybe i'm missing something. I made a Screenshot of the controls.

    Reinstalling didn't do anything either.

  • I've been keeping an eye on the updates for a while now and I am so very proud of how far the development has come. red51 You have done an outstanding job! I'm looking forward to playing the game again after all this time and seeing how much it has changed. I'll miss all the benches from the old version but with time I can get used to the new system. Keep up the amazing work.

  • First played it on my Steam Deck, and it was awesome. Now having played more of it on PC it's even more awesome.


    [New] New climate regions: cold and dry regions (including many new biomes, e.g. deserts, savannahs, tundras, taigas etc)

    I found your sub-biomes, though shall seek them out later. Still preferring the upcoming maps to encourage me to go exploring without getting lost, though may brave the waters again going pure south or north. I may go south. Only sub-biomes found.


    [New] Implement caves

    [New] Deep elevations now consist of big caves filled with water
    [New] Added hell (below deep caves)

    May explore this later, though neat when I did see it (on my Steam Deck). Never did go in. Previous show it to be neat. Didn't go deep yet so I haven't seen hell yet.


    [New] New ridable horses (14 different horse variants)

    [New] Added saddle and optional saddle bags

    WOOOO!~ At last! We FINALLY have horses!:party: Now allows me to go further, reaching further. I can happily add bags onto it, which I have.


    [New] New item: toolbelt, which increases the number of available slots in your item hotbar
    [New] New item: weed whacker
    [New] New items: several swords

    Toolbelt became my new necessary, and favourite item. Instant like! :love:

    Grass & weed whacker are my new favourite additions. Finally greened up my locations (mainly on Steam Deck prior to PC use). Absolutely loving the weed whacker.

    I've seen the swords, I'll however have to fiddle with them later. Neat.


    [New] New passive animals: penguin, elephant (2 variants), rhinoceros, zebra (2 variants)
    [New] Bulls, goats, rams and mooses now attack you if you attack them first (also applies to rhino and elephant)
    [New] Wild boars now always attack the player

    Awesome! Have yet to see them, yet awesome!

    Bulls are like bears, they're brutal. Thankfully can drill and spear them too death for their leather. Goats are brutally deadly, don't mess with them! They command respect.


    [New] Aggressive animals play a "warning" animation first before attacking the player

    Love how the bears alert (stand up) before they attack. Always helpful seeing them react to you prior out-right attacking you. Less of a jump scare.


    [New] Heartbeat sound is audible when the player has been detected by an aggressive animal

    I need to pay attention, yet love this QoL addition. This is why I admire RW so much.


    [New] New crafting station: tanning rack
    [New] You can now get pelts and hides from animals and turn them into leather at the tanning rack

    Nice! I started spamming them in my world to make use of leather. As another person noted, it's now fun to go hunting. Hunting for leather, for meat, and even to make animal masks. I died laughing seeing the masks, even using them. Alice in Wonderland.


    [New] Added optional craftable storage for inflatable boat (RIB)

    Instantly made and added onto my RIB.


    [New] Added 2 doors (old wooden door from Java version)

    I may be blind, yet glad we have more variety. Can't go wrong with that.


    [New] Added gift (including several variants)

    Nice! May use this later for when NPCs are more aware of their surroundings, or for when friends desire to play more. Or, for when people who stupidly hate me wise up. Could probably start being kind to people again once people wise up. For now, I'll simply wish and hope for NPCs eventually being aware of their surroundings for when you decide to gift them stuff. :saint:

    Or use as decoration for when December rolls around.


    [New] Added safe object (to store items)

    Happily built one. Nice addition.


    [New] Added gramophone object (including 3 music discs)

    I forgot about this, though shall instantly check it out next session. Can't wait to get my gramophone up and ready again, as I had prior.


    [New] Added several special variants of some animals

    White rabbit, pig with a carrot on a stick, pig with shades 8), and hopefully (later) we can later get an 'Deal with it" pig (view Azur Lane's Prinz Eugen 8) shades.)

    Saw a white-orange fox today, not sure if it was the lighting. Was neat to see. Kon!~


    [New] Added 20 new cacti (also removed the old ones)

    Once I manage to locate a new biome I"ll try to make note of this. The preview showed it to be neat.


    [New] Added several new trees (mesquite, aleppo pines etc)
    [New] Added several new smaller plants
    [New] Added new music tracks
    [New] Added medieval fur coat (clothing piece)

    1) Can't wait to find those new trees. I need more tree varieties, especially for decoration.

    2) Sweet! Hope we can go gardening later (I hedge-garden update may be necessary).

    3) Nice! Shall try to hear out for them.

    4) Using it now. Nice! Just like the JAVA player update times.


    [New] Added new headgear/accessory items (vanity): pilgrim hat, felt hat, wizard hat, fedora, cowboy hat, redcoat hat, boonie, safari hat, sombrero, wooly, cappy, captain hat, chef hat, fez, jester hat, jockey helmet, crown, cylinder, ushanka, unclesam hat, xmas hat, pickelhaube, bear mask, goat mask, pig mask, teddy mask, bunny mask, aviator glasses, sunglasses, groucho mask

    Started collecting them in my cloth building. :monocle:




    I died laughing at the animal ones. This leaves room for more amusements to be had. I hope I can find someone to find more Anime-tized ones instead of being told I should be banned for life and Red51 shouldn't listen to me. More variety always helps.


    [New] Added diving goggles (which remove blurriness underwater)

    Nice! Though can't wait for the full scuba gear to allow for submerged activity.


    [New] Northern lights (aurora borealis) are now visible in snow biomes, depending on weather

    Previews look awesome. Can't wait to see these in actual action once I can locate a snowy biome.


    [New] New weather effect: blizzard (strong snowstorm)

    Can't wait to experience this. Always needed more severe weather, this may be awesome. A heavy rainstorm should return, the one people noted it was hard to see anything. We need more squalls and whiteouts of both rain and snowy variety. Almost like current fog.


    [New] Cutting grass now adds grass blades to your inventory (to replant grass)
    [New] Smoothing wet ground with a rake now randomly spawns earthworms

    Good addition! Makes using weed whacker overly fun.

    Have yet to rake wet ground for earthworms.


    [New] Branches now spawn randomly on the ground (can be picked up to get sticks)

    Just saw it, nice addition! X marks the spot.


    [New] Added setting to change the max resolution for custom images (posters)

    Awesome! Shall make use of this later. This one is down my route.


    [New] Character preview is now visible in inventory screen

    Nice, but wish I could figure out how to rotate.


    [New] Drag clothes on character to wear them (or vice-versa)

    And right-click. Neat!


    [New] Auto-Run setting is now available in controls setting

    I missed this! I need to look back into this! I'll make self-notes for myself.


    [New] Added command "renderplayer" to save a rendered image of the player model on the hard drive

    Handy! This shall be useful later.


    [Change] Updated moving behaviour of animals

    They now get stuck on water edge, yet it's more useful.


    [Change] Elements are now picked up automatically when deconstructing them with a sledgehammer (can be disabled in config file)

    This one caught me by surprise making me wonder what was up. Shame I can't see the pile, yet it's one of those neat QoL features.


    [Change] If a bow or rifle is equipped, the remaining amount of ammo is shown on the right side now

    I'm going to have to test each weapon now. Bows & rifles should be next on my list. Nice QoL addition.


    [Change] Player health is now also shown in inventory (next to character preview field)

    So, that's what that was. Neat!


    [Change] Increased rotate/turn speed of horse

    Glad this is better. Horses are actually very fun, now even more so thanks to this fix. Was almost like driving a boat.


    [New] When picking up saddle bags from a horse, they will now keep the items stored in them

    I wonder how you do this, though shall be awesome to do so. QoL fixes are fun!


    Good stuff! Thanks for this update! As you've noted, I'm now waiting impatiently for your upcoming maps update. I need to rediscover my lost outpost, chart my current ones, and even find the new biomes. I'll go on a blind exploration later.

  • Red51, once again, thank you for finally adding in horses! It made everything more accessible and more fun in Rising World! At last, I can finally go places, do more things, etc. WOOO!~

    When I played on my Steam Deck I struggled to find biomes, though shall seek them out properly later on my PC. Glad it works on Steam Deck, props to Red51 for making the game mostly playable on it. :nerd:


    - Grass is a nice addition to green up locations

    - Weed whacker is a nice addition to go along with it to get the grass back.

    - Horses are finally here! WOOO!~ Helps speed things along. Loving the addition of bags, though never knew I could take them on and off. I'll try that next time.

    - The new clothing (masks, etc) are a neat addition.


    My log when I played today. Loving how the animals spawn in, and even have the various carrots and shades on them. White rabbit, white-orange foxes. I'm finding more the more I play. Even bears doing their standing alert before attacking, good stuff!

    Sorry for the double post, I however had to make note. I even spent a lengthy while tending to my hemp to make cloth to make use of these new items. Loving it! Same with the hunting for animals to turn into leather, or the bear-pig-goat max. The teddy bear mask had me laughing. I even noted the fake V-mask you had. I now wish we had clothing displays to openly display them. I would love to eventually hang these, display them on a stand, etc. Maybe a coat-rack system as well. Anything. (Same goes for weapons, time willing.)

    Another great update, Red51! :)

    - Carrot on a stick pig


    - Pig with shades 8) (And my new trusty horse mount):

    Would be neat to get an "deal with it" shades, as Prinz Eugen (Azur Lane) has. Even if we can't, I'll think of such.

    - Killed normal cow, obtained purple Milka cow hide. I would never kill special animals, that's one way to keep them alive. :hushed:

    - White Rabbit. Even if white rabbits are normal, they are special. I seen a white Pigeon in Japan. When we get birds I would be surprised to see white birds.

    I normally don't see pigeons as white, and it looks more like a Pigeon than it does a Seagull. I stared at it for a good 5 minutes next to Ueno zoo.

    - This fox had an interesting white-orange colour pattern to it. May be hard to tell, it however appeared overly different to the usual.

  • The most epic creature of the latest update :) I think that this is a deer, but I'm not sure. I'm also not sure how to recreate this

    Oh, that's weird :wat::lol: Hard to tell what's causing this... I guess it could be a dead body of a deer? It multiplayer, people sometimes experience a "spaghettification" of dead player bodies, maybe it's related to this (considering animal ragdoll is handled in a similar way) :thinking: Unfortunately the spaghettification issue is hard to reproduce...

    When I played on my Steam Deck I struggled to find biomes, though shall seek them out properly later on my PC. Glad it works on Steam Deck, props to Red51 for making the game mostly playable on it. :nerd:

    Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'm happy to hear that! :) :thumbup:

    About the biomes (or more precisely, climate regions like the arctic or dry region), they only spawn on other islands - you can always find an arctic region on the island north to your starter island, and a dry region on the island south to your starter island ;)

    I now wish we had clothing displays to openly display them. I would love to eventually hang these, display them on a stand, etc. Maybe a coat-rack system as well. Anything.

    Sounds like a good idea, I'll put that on our list! ^^

    Would be neat to get an "deal with it" shades

    Basically we could add them, although I'm not sure if someone holds copyright on the shades :monocle:

  • We've just released another hotfix btw ( We've reworked the world conversion, it now works faster and consumes less memory (this could be relevant if you still have an old world you couldn't convert for this update). Of course it also fixed various bugs (e.g. issues with the undo command), introduces several changes and also some new features (texture alignment can be changed in creative mode F8 tools, new "disablenpc" command etc). It's required to update multiplayer server accordingly.

    If you still run into any issues, please let us know :)

    Hotfix (2024-02-21):

    • [New] Creative mode edit tool (F8) now also provides a way to change the texture alignment (rightlick on texture)
    • [New] When creating a world, there is now an additional ore amount level "very low"
    • [New] Added setting to change the hunger/thirst factor (see "Game_HungerThirstDurationFactor" in config.properties file). Also available in multiplayer
    • [New] Added option for mounts to always follow the view direction while riding (see misc settings)
    • [New] Added option to delete a backup (rightclick on backup entry)
    • [New] Added console commands "disablenpc" and "enablenpc" (to disable/enable an npc type for that world)
    • [Change] Converting old worlds now works faster and consumes much less memory
    • [Change] The game no longer creates an automatic backup before world conversion if a backup already exists
    • [Change] Backups now also show their size on the hard drive
    • [Change] Pressing esc (or any other key input) in game-over-screen now immediately brings up the respawn options
    • [Change] If a mount dies, you can now get back the saddle and saddle bags
    • [Change] Console command "togglewater" now also makes the water surface invisible
    • [Change] Boats now have a little floating animation on water
    • [Change] Increased speed of RIB
    • [Change] Fixed wrong position when sleeping in a bed which was rescaled
    • [Change] Setting for copying block color in creative mode (via middle mouse button) is now exposed in misc settings
    • [Change] Headlamps now also illuminates items in your hands (e.g. compass)
    • [Change] Riding sounds are now a bit louder
    • [Change] Savannahs now have dry grass instead of arid grass
    • [Change] Sign text editor now remembers the previously used settings (font size, color etc)
    • [Change] Empty blueprints are no longer consumed when saving a building in creative mode
    • [Change] Increased range of floodlight
    • [Change] If you destroy a gramophone, you can now get the music disc back
    • [Change] If there is now an infinite water source above sea level (due to a bug), it is now removed automatically when modifying the chunk
    • [Bugfix] Fixed watermelons (or similar items) not being updated correctly in inventory after cutting them
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash when loading another world after returning to the main menu (if plugins were used)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed undo command
    • [Bugfix] Fixed certain plants and crops breaking sometimes
    • [Bugfix] Fixed dead bodies not being selectable in certain situations
    • [Bugfix] Fixed flying upwards (F2) being interrupted (only happened in basic flying mode)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed signs sometimes not being accessible when attached to a chest
    • [Bugfix] Fixed RIB engine sound missing sometimes
    • [Bugfix] Fixed zebra not making any noises
    • [Bugfix] Fixed very rare crash if a chunk in database was corrupted
  • Thanks for the update red51 Just wanted to report the riding mount not rendering proper for onlookers is still out of sync (they don't see me riding the actual horse, nor do i see them. the horse stays put, when they mount they stand straight up inside horse and not on top .. then their character moves along as they ride but the horse remains still). I'm sure you are aware but wanted to make sure. thanks again for the hotfixes!!

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'm happy to hear that! :) :thumbup:

    About the biomes (or more precisely, climate regions like the arctic or dry region), they only spawn on other islands - you can always find an arctic region on the island north to your starter island, and a dry region on the island south to your starter island ;)

    You're welcome. You know I'm always happy to provide you with necessary feedback to make this game awesome. ;)

    I'm aware, it's however a chore trying to find those biomes. I only found sub-biomes, not the actual ones. I'll see if I can find any later tonight. I'll see what I find, now making full use of my compass this time around.

    Sounds like a good idea, I'll put that on our list! ^^

    Excellent! Good luck on that! :)

    Basically we could add them, although I'm not sure if someone holds copyright on the shades :monocle:

    A bit hard to tell on my end, but I'm happy you've at least considered it. Maybe as a mod via mod.io, I guess.


    That's all I could find, and NFT nonsense, etc. I mean, if Azur Lane is allowed to make use of it as a celebration animation then I'm certain you're allowed to make use of it. If not, again, could always host it via mod.io as an example plugin.


    [Prinz Eugen Deal With It Tease (Azur Lane) via X/Twitter]

    Prinz Eugen proudly wears it, you may be able to get away with it as well.




    [Change] Increased speed of RIB

    Oh! Nice! I missed this with how jetlagged and tired I am. Thank you very much! Getting around with the RIB is even more efficient. I love it! Managed to find myself a savanah biome.

  • Having some issues on my side, but I finally found a savannah (arid) biome 20,000 away from my island.

    - Cotton saplings don't drop saplings.

    - One cactus drops saplings, the others don't.

    - Acacia trees (with leaves) don't drop saplings

    - The guy is jittering, as if shivering at the 20,000 mark. (You noted you'd fix this later, thought I'd note it).

    - Snakes can't be cut for leather, only killed.

    (I'll edit more if I come across more, or I may follow up if someone posts.)


    For the upcoming maps update can you please allow us to input the X,Y,Z coordinates to mark it? Home base is one, an outpost is another, and someone's random house elsewhere could be another. -234, 64, 2342 (for example) could be searched, and marked on the map. It won't reveal, only leave a marker. Can we please have this for the upcoming update, especially with how many outposts people have made, including myself? :)

  • [Change] If there is now an infinite water source above sea level (due to a bug), it is now removed automatically when modifying the chunk

    Thanks for this! I re-enabled flowing water on our server and then removed a bit of the flood and watched it all disappear into the horizon. Worked perfectly. :D

    Green Valleys - PvE Survival - Land Claims/Portals/SetHome - discord.gg/EQ6a9mb

  • - Cotton saplings don't drop saplings.

    Yes, unfortunately cotton saplings aren't implemented yet, but that's on our to-do list ;)

    - One cactus drops saplings, the others don't.

    Only the tall cacti drop saplings at the moment.

    - Acacia trees (with leaves) don't drop saplings

    Hmm... acacias are supposed to drop saplings (I've just tested it) :wat: Did you maybe mean the aleppo pines instead? They indeed drop no saplings yet (but that's also on our to-do list)^^

    - Snakes can't be cut for leather, only killed.

    We'll add at least snake meat with one of the next updates ^^ But probably you won't get leather from snakes. Originally we didn't want to add leather for small animals (like rabbits, snakes, chicken etc). There was a discussion about that on Steam recently and some suggestions were brought up (like having different sized furs), but these things would still take some time to implement...

    For the upcoming maps update can you please allow us to input the X,Y,Z coordinates to mark it? Home base is one, an outpost is another, and someone's random house elsewhere could be another. -234, 64, 2342 (for example) could be searched, and marked on the map. It won't reveal, only leave a marker. Can we please have this for the upcoming update, especially with how many outposts people have made, including myself?

    Unfortunately the map UI isn't ready yet, so I can't say for sure if it will have an input field for the coordinates... but alternatively we could definitely add a console command to create a map marker at an arbitrary position ;)

    Thanks for this! I re-enabled flowing water on our server and then removed a bit of the flood and watched it all disappear into the horizon. Worked perfectly. :D

    Thanks for your feedback I'm happy to hear it worked :) :thumbup:

    I remember being able to crouch-walk into "Modern Tents" and now I can't seem to do so any more. ;(

    Hmm... that should still work :wat: I've just tested it and it worked fine on my end :thinking: Did you maybe resize the tent accidentally?

  • Hmm... that should still work :wat: I've just tested it and it worked fine on my end :thinking: Did you maybe resize the tent accidentally?

    Strangely enough, it works now, and nothing at all changed about the size of the tent when I loaded up the game and did both Backspace and Shift-Backspace with it equipped to hot bar and selected. I don't know. Guess I never will. *shrug* Thanks anyway! :crazy:

  • I'm livid with people, but I'm happy with the way you're treating the game.

    1) As expected, and it makes me happy. Keeping them unharvested for now so I can have something to pick up later.

    2) Yup, as noted. Good luck on future cactus and plant additions. Would be awesome to grow them out and use them as garden material.

    3) Aleppo Pines, maybe. Yeah. The dry ones. Good to hear they're on your to-do list.

    4) Snake meat? Neat. Good addition. Take your time, though would be neat having snake-specific recipes for the fun of it.

    5) I guess that's one way of getting around. For when the time comes I do hope it's eventually possible. Doesn't have to be now, maybe later.

    Thanks Red51.

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