Feedback on the new version

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I was not sure if I should post this here or as a comment at the update release news. So, I decided to write it here, so then more people can contribute too.

    I have to say that the biomes and caves update is a blast! No doubt, it worthed the wait!

    There are, however, some points I would like to address, so then the game may get even better than it is already becoming:

    1. The waterskin recipe still requires cloth to craft. Now that we have leather, I believe that resource should be the one to go. Maybe the devs forgot to update this recipe.

    2. Also about recipes: The repeater rifle still requires gunpowder to craft. I am awared that it has been added as a requirement to craft the weapon as a "placeholder" for its amunition, which was unavailable before this patch. Bit now that bullets are a thing, my guess is that it is not required anymore. Once again, maybe the JIW Games team skipped this one too.

    3. A great addition this update brought us is listing the food/water/health values of consumable items, a feature never done in Java Version. Also, bringing back the visible status values of clothes. This all is very helpful for sure! However, there is one point missing: The values of weapons, like damage, attack speed, etc... This was huge flaw of the old version (we had to check the forums for this), so if you could add this one feature as well, the gameplay would greatly improve.

    4. Speaking of status, it would also be a huge quality of life improvement if the game allowed us to see the status of wearables, weapons and food items at the crating screen, before we craft/cook them. This way, we would be able to know if they are worth making without being forced to waste resources for this, or doing unnecessary web search.

    5. The animal are too powerful! My character was hearing the leather outfit and the medieval mining helmet. It all gave a combined armour value of 50 points. And even so, after engaging rams or goats, they reduce the health bar to nearly half in 3 headbutts! And they are not even the "true" beasts! So, I believe this point of gameplay could use some revision. Or the devs could add a combat difficult setting to make things easier for those that so desire.

    6. Another animal threat point: Bears on the grass fields. Of all the additions and tweaks this patch brought us, this is the only one I consider a bad move. I mean, those biomes are supposed to be a "safe haven" for our character to do the very early game progression, like basic weapons and tools, so why make the most power animal of the temperate islands spawn there?! I understand that maybe the dev team don't want to make that territory too peaceful and boring, so there is some theat. But at least make it be boars or wolves, when they become a thing, not effing bears! This is so unfair... And before you mention it: I understand that these animals may inhabit such biomes in real life, but this is a game, not a wildlife simulation, so a good gameplay comes first.

    7. And one last point on animal aggression: I am not sure, but it seem that killing an animal with a headshot don't aggravate the rest of the herd. They react if the attack is not lethal, but seem to ignore the death of their "mate" if it is. Probably there is a bug here. Note that this only affects defensive animals, the passive ones still run away on headshoted herd members.

    That is it. May this helps making the Unity version of the game even better. Also, feel free to contribute if you also have appointments regarding the new update.

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! :) Sorry that I've missed your post on Steam... IDK why this happened :wat:

    1. The waterskin recipe still requires cloth to craft. Now that we have leather, I believe that resource should be the one to go. Maybe the devs forgot to update this recipe.

    Yeah, this was indeed an oversight, but we will change it with the next update ;)

    2. Also about recipes: The repeater rifle still requires gunpowder to craft. I am awared that it has been added as a requirement to craft the weapon as a "placeholder" for its amunition, which was unavailable before this patch. Bit now that bullets are a thing, my guess is that it is not required anymore. Once again, maybe the JIW Games team skipped this one too.

    Currently the rifle comes with 5 bullets by default, but probably it's better to remove the gunpowder requirement ^^ We'll change that with the next update, too.

    3. A great addition this update brought us is listing the food/water/health values of consumable items, a feature never done in Java Version. Also, bringing back the visible status values of clothes. This all is very helpful for sure! However, there is one point missing: The values of weapons, like damage, attack speed, etc... This was huge flaw of the old version (we had to check the forums for this), so if you could add this one feature as well, the gameplay would greatly improve.

    Unfortunately the game cannot get the attack speed from the database (because it solely depends on the animations), that's why no DPS is exposed yet... adding this is still on our to-do list and probably will be available with one of the next updates. But maybe we could at least expose the "damage per hit" in the meantime until more information are available ;)

    4. Speaking of status, it would also be a huge quality of life improvement if the game allowed us to see the status of wearables, weapons and food items at the crating screen, before we craft/cook them. This way, we would be able to know if they are worth making without being forced to waste resources for this, or doing unnecessary web search.

    Good point! I'll put this on our to-do list ;)

    5. The animal are too powerful! My character was hearing the leather outfit and the medieval mining helmet. It all gave a combined armour value of 50 points. And even so, after engaging rams or goats, they reduce the health bar to nearly half in 3 headbutts! And they are not even the "true" beasts! So, I believe this point of gameplay could use some revision. Or the devs could add a combat difficult setting to make things easier for those that so desire.

    Yes, animals are indeed too strong... we will reduce the damage with the next update, but probably we'll also add a "hit damage factor" setting (but only available through the config file for now).

    6. Another animal threat point: Bears on the grass fields. Of all the additions and tweaks this patch brought us, this is the only one I consider a bad move. I mean, those biomes are supposed to be a "safe haven" for our character to do the very early game progression, like basic weapons and tools, so why make the most power animal of the temperate islands spawn there?! I understand that maybe the dev team don't want to make that territory too peaceful and boring, so there is some theat. But at least make it be boars or wolves, when they become a thing, not effing bears! This is so unfair... And before you mention it: I understand that these animals may inhabit such biomes in real life, but this is a game, not a wildlife simulation, so a good gameplay comes first.

    This was mentioned a few times, so maybe it's better if we remove bears for now from the grass field ^^

    7. And one last point on animal aggression: I am not sure, but it seem that killing an animal with a headshot don't aggravate the rest of the herd. They react if the attack is not lethal, but seem to ignore the death of their "mate" if it is. Probably there is a bug here. Note that this only affects defensive animals, the passive ones still run away on headshoted herd members.

    Defensive animals currently ignore if you attack one of their mates... previously they already got angry if one of their mates just got the "alert" state (which was already triggered by a gunshot or when cutting down a tree, for example), but players were confused by this behaviour. So right now they just ignore it.

    But some changes to this handling are still on our to-do list :)

  • Building off of og’s post, some other feedback:


    While wild animals do a lot of damage, I’m all for it. Reason being the player can currently outrun any animal in-game, and can take down even neutral/aggressive animals with primitive stone tools without taking damage by staying behind them (turn is slow). Some animals that could defend themselves don’t (or don’t defend babies/herdmates), and willingly let players get close enough to attack. However, some food for thought:

    1. Untamed (non-aggressive) animals should be skittish around players, moving away if the player gets too close. This also means that wild sheep cannot be shorn and wild cows/goats/sheep cannot be milked (which is more realistic if we have taming).

    2. Adult animals should be faster than the player. Not only does it add a sense of danger for larger animals (although you can use terrain advantages to escape), but it encourages the realistic use of ranged weapons for hunting. Animals, with the exception of babies and maybe chickens, should be able to outrun any melee combat.

    3. Animals turn speed should be adjusted and/or faster to prevent cheesing.

    4. Most animals should defend themselves, their baby, and/or a herdmate if attacked (cows and pigs are very dangerous irl).

    (Red already responded to this)

    5. Add visual gender differences for animals missing them, like chickens (rooster vs hen), pigs (boar vs sow), and horses (stallion vs mare). Will really benefit from this in future breeding.

    Can’t wait for the taming update!


    Food is too easy to obtain. Between easy hunting, frequent (and very filling) apples, and crops found practically everywhere, my character doesn’t need to put in any effort to find / obtain food.

    1. More challenging hunting. Animals move away from the player if too close, requiring ranged weapons and crouching to get within range of a hit. Currently swimming in meat due to easy hunting.

    2. Wild crops should be harder to come by, so harvesting by hand could give you a seed, a crop, or a rotten crop, rather than guaranteed food. Certain crops can’t be eaten uncooked anyways (ex: potatoes).

    3. Reduce number of fruit trees. Apples fill up way too much food/water, and should be greatly reduced in value to encourage other sources of nourishment (ex: 1 food, 2 water). However, the value is better when in recipes such as apple pie (when cooking update comes out).

    4. Add seasons that certain crops (or trees) can grow in, so apples and wild crops aren’t available (or found in the wild) year round.

    5. Increased food/water drain, especially in hot/cold climates, when low health (uses to recover health), or when recovering stamina after being completely used up.

    Gameplay Extension:

    Currently the gamplay is very quick, going from primitive stone to metal tier as soon as you find an ore node.

    1. Extend primitive tier. Start with no tools, tiers being more so wood —> stone —> copper / iron —> steel (not iron), etc. Bone and antler tools could also be a possibility before iron tier. Each tier can only harvest the materials for the tiers below it (if any) and the one directly above it.

    2. Tools can only harvest particular resources. The beginning tool (if kept) could be a primitive axe that only harvests wood, but shouldn’t be an all-in-one. Loose stone is found on the ground as is (possibly sticks too if added) and can be used to obtain stone tools.

    3. Use stamina when using tools, and reduce stamina usage while running. Chopping trees and mining ore take no stamina, but running takes a lot.

    4. Other ways to extend the game length between tiers. Hoping to make the beginning more challenging and increase length of play. 😄

  • I totally agree with LittleBoBleat

    All gameplay mechanics should exist with a purpose, I can't stand it if games have "features" that are only mediocre at best and give you no good reason to interact with them. For example the game starts in a classic survival/stone age setting but it doesn't' feel like survival ... resources are plenty, animals are easy to hunt, you can outrun everything like a cheetah and climb a whole mountain in seconds.

    (And yes, of course I know that the game is still in development and many things will change in the future :D)

  • I wonder why people always assume that Rising World is a survival game, it's offered as Sandbox game, so for every player.

    Exactly; for every player... and these players here likes survival mode and rightly suggests that it needs to be much better

    for a sandbox game that should also offer creative freedom/variety in survival mode.

  • Red........ bears appearing in grass fields is realistic...... they do not appear in just forests alone........instead of removing the bears from the grassfield maybe the way to do this is to reduce the chance of bears generating there.

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • The game is an open world sandbox, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't have survival elements. A good example of this is Minecraft, where the player CAN do anything, with an option between creative (which is different than sandbox) and survival experience. Minecraft still has tiers of progression and a survival feel, despite being a sandbox.

    I think of this game as a mix between Minecraft and what HEAT: Homestead could have been. It has a lot of potential, and I love the interaction level between player and crafting stations, as well as the flexibility of a voxel world. I'm hoping that this game keeps building on this, as it is so far potentially my favorite game! Just need animal and human NPC interactions, plus some cooking, and I'm set.

    And if anyone knows how (or if there is a mod for) building pieces rather than blocks, I'd really appreciate the insight! I work better with "window" and "wall" and "roof" type pieces, and really struggle with the current building mechanics in-game (so much so I still live out of the primitive tent). :D

  • No problem! We are all awared of how busy you are developing the game, is it okay to miss some topics.

    And good to know my post was useful to improve the game.

  • There is a point I commented as a flaw at another talk: The one-hit-kills we can do with any weapon of the game, even the stone ones, are quite overpowered. They should do a 2X or 2.5X more damage, but not instant kill.

  • I totally agree with LittleBoBleat

    All gameplay mechanics should exist with a purpose, I can't stand it if games have "features" that are only mediocre at best and give you no good reason to interact with them. For example the game starts in a classic survival/stone age setting but it doesn't' feel like survival ... resources are plenty, animals are easy to hunt, you can outrun everything like a cheetah and climb a whole mountain in seconds.

    (And yes, of course I know that the game is still in development and many things will change in the future :D)

    Technological progress in planned for the long run, either as a leveling system or some sort of research. But we won't have all recipes at hand right from the start.

    This is for later, however, as the developers have other priorities right now.

  • This feedback is only interesting for survival mode. I wonder why people always assume that Rising World is a survival game, it's offered as Sandbox game, so for every player.

    Well, as the game has a dedicated survival mode, I don't know why we should not take this a backbone of the game. Also, I don't play creative, so I am not giving feedback over something I don't know.

  • Red........ bears appearing in grass fields is realistic...... they do not appear in just forests alone........instead of removing the bears from the grassfield maybe the way to do this is to reduce the chance of bears generating there.

    Theoretically, they are already rare there. But even still, they can be a hard time for newcomers. Not sure making the even rarer would help...

  • one possible fix on the bear issue without making them more rare is to make three different bears with different behavior depending on biome

    like in real life, thick forests up north has grizzlies which would be the most aggressive once, and regular forests has the common brown bear that, in real life you play dead until it goes away, similar in-game mechanic could be stand still, and grasslands could have black bears that runs away rather than confronts the player

  • one possible fix on the bear issue without making them more rare is to make three different bears with different behavior depending on biome

    like in real life, thick forests up north has grizzlies which would be the most aggressive once, and regular forests has the common brown bear that, in real life you play dead until it goes away, similar in-game mechanic could be stand still, and grasslands could have black bears that runs away rather than confronts the player

    Great idea!

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