Update 0.8.1: New Version [EN]

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Hi folks,

    Finally the new version is ready! This means that it is no longer in a separate beta branch, and we've also updated the store page accordingly.

    If you're already playing the new version, or if you want to keep playing the old Java version, you can find more information at the bottom of this post.

    We spent the last year reworking the game from scratch and move it to a new engine. We didn't simply want to port the game, instead we decided to use this opportunity to rework most game mechanics - especially those which weren't that great in the old version.

    The new version not only provides better graphics and sounds, it also generates more credible and immersive landscapes, and most features are a lot more polished.




    Compared to the Java version, the new version received some features which didn't exist in the Java version, e.g. seasons, flowing water, crafting progression and more.

    The new version also provides more biomes, which are much more versatile compared to the biomes in the Java version.






    While the new version doesn't feature the same animals as the Java version, it still has more animals than the Java version - and they're more polished, especially in terms of animations. For most animals, we now have a male, female and baby variant - so features like animal husbandry, breeding and taming are within reach.




    Last but not least, we've reworked the building system. The new version provides a much more powerful building system compared to the Java version.

    Every construction element can be freely resized, moved and rotated without any limitations. The new version also provides a powerful snapping tool, which is very helpful in order to create rounded or even organic surfaces.






    This update also introduced some changes, but mainly smaller changes and bugfixes, because we mainly focused on replacing the Java version. Expect new content with the next update. However, you can find the changelog here:

    Important features from the Java version, which are still missing, are dungeons and fishing. The latter will be added with the next update.

    Stay tuned! If you want to get more information about development, you can check out our roadmap on Trello: https://trello.com/b/t5Leypcj/rising-world-development


    Technical information

    This update changed the folder structure of the game. This has implications for players who already played the game before. Don't worry: All worlds and blueprints are still there.

    Information for users who already played the new version

    If you've already played the new version in the past (i.e. if the beta branch was active), the new version was installed in a separate "_New Version" subfolder. However, with this update, the new version gets installed into the main game folder (/Steam/steamapps/common/RisingWorld).

    When launching the new version, it will move all previous worlds from the Java version into a separate "_Java Version" folder, and move all worlds and blueprints from the "_New Version" folder into the main folder.

    If something goes wrong, the game will show a warning in the main menu. In this case, it could be necessary to move the game files manually.

    Information for users who want to keep playing the Java version

    If you want to keep playing the Java version, you can enable the "java - Legacy Version" beta branch. To do that, right-click on the game in your Steam library, select "Properties", go to the "Betas" tab and enable the "java - Legacy Version" branch (no code is required).

    This keeps the new version, but also installs the Java version into a separate "_Java Version" folder.

    If you want your worlds and blueprints to be moved automatically, just launch the new version at least once.

    If you can't launch the new version, it might be necessary to move the Java "Worlds", "Blueprints", "cache", "Map" and "Images" folder into the "_Java Version" subfolder. Optionally you could also move the "config.properties" file if you want to keep your config.

    If you run into any problems, please create a new topic in our forums about that and we will gladly help you.

    Steam Cloud Save

    Unfortunately we had to disable Steam cloud save with this update. This means that save games won't be synced with your other computers anymore. Worlds will also no longer be recovered automatically if you uninstall Steam or format your computer.

    We will add Steam Cloud support for the new version in an upcoming update.


    Hotfix (2024-02-01):

    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue that prevented the player from eating meat
    • [Bugfix] Fixed dirt blocks (including farmland) not being craftable
    • [Bugfix] Fixed map flickering on some graphic cards
    • [Bugfix] Fixed display issues in console when using the "commands" command
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong size of manhole cover

    Hotfix (2024-02-01):

    • [New] Added volume slider for player eating noises
    • [Bugfix] Fixed items not being repairable at the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed random error when equipping large blueprints

    Hotfix (2024-02-03):

    • [New] Added setting to disable Steam Friends list in main menu
    • [Change] Slightly updated female player model
    • [Bugfix] Fixed FMOD error spamming (which also resulted in low fps or even crashes) in multiplayer (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue that background music could play twice in multiplayer when having a high ping
    • [Bugfix] Fixed minor sound issues
  • app_update 339010 now? No -beta unity?

    Yes, that should do the trick :) The unity beta branch is still there though and should provide the same result^^

    red51 it look like the server update downloaded java server and unity server to the same directory

    Yeah, unfortunately we have to ship the java files for now (for the "java" beta branch) :/ It shouldn't interfere with the new version though. But we will change this ASAP ;)


    before logging into Steam?

    This command is optional, but if you want to set the install directory, you can call this after logging into Steam (but before calling app_update 339010 -validate).

  • Nicely done! The update worked just fine :D
    And nice new logo :wow:

    An update of the website will follow ? Maybe first just the logo and the pictures ?

    And I just read the changelog: no mention of bugfixes but I noticed the error with the shelter is fixed, thank you.

  • Congrats on going main version, but I was hoping to finally have the drill finally be repairable. Was hoping to go back to at least do some mindless terraforming, or build something. I'm happy for your version update, and the new trailer. Here's to hoping we can eventually see fishing, dungeons, trains, and everything else promised (and desired) on the Java & Unity roadmap.

    Fishing is a nice checkpoint to cross, and that shall be a lot of fun.

    Thanks for getting the ore detector fixed, I needed that previously. Shall slowly ease my way back into Rising World again.

  • Not a big deal because I had planned for the possibility beforehand and it was an easy enough fix, but I did end up having to uninstall and reinstall the game and manually copy over all my worlds, blueprints, configs, etc. files. Steam ended up duplicating several of the game files in a mix-n-match of the old and new file structure and while the game would load okay it wasn't behaving normally on launch, load, etc.

    My guess is it was because I had extra folders for images for posters, etc. that I had manually added so it didn't know how to handle it. Definitely think it was just a one off case because of that, but thought I'd mention it.


    As always thanks for all your hard work and looking forward to the next content update.

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback! :)

    An update of the website will follow ? Maybe first just the logo and the pictures ?

    Hehe, yeah, we've updated the website in the meantime (new logo and images), but it's still not 100% ready :saint:

    Cannot wait for animal husbandry..... :D

    It's definitely on our to-do list :)

    Congrats on going main version, but I was hoping to finally have the drill finally be repairable

    Thanks! About the drill, we've greatly increased the durability of the mining drill with one of the hotfixes for the previous update (only affecting drills which were crafted after the update though), but unfortunately there is no way to repair them yet. The game has no mechanic for that yet, so while it seems to be a minor feature, it still requires a bit more work (that's why we didn't add this before the store page update) :saint:

    Not a big deal because I had planned for the possibility beforehand and it was an easy enough fix, but I did end up having to uninstall and reinstall the game and manually copy over all my worlds, blueprints, configs, etc. files. Steam ended up duplicating several of the game files in a mix-n-match of the old and new file structure and while the game would load okay it wasn't behaving normally on launch, load, etc.

    Oh, that's weird :wat: Basically when launching the new version for the first time, it will move all Java files from the main game directory to a "_Java Version" subfolder. Then it moves all files from the "_New Version" folder into the main game directory. If something goes wrong (e.g. game gets an "access denied" error from the OS), an error will be shown in the main menu (in the lower right corner) - but in any case the files should still be there.

    What do you mean exactly with the game not behaving normally on launch/load? 8|

    My guess is it was because I had extra folders for images for posters, etc. that I had manually added so it didn't know how to handle it. Definitely think it was just a one off case because of that, but thought I'd mention it.

    The Java version also had an "Images" folder. If the new version detected an image folder in the main game directory (containing java files), it was supposed to move it to "_Java Version" subfolder. However, if the "Images" folder was located in the "_New Version" subfolder, the game shouldn't touch it (it only moves files/folders which are known to the game).

    I was unable to place a record on the gramophone..

    Oh, that's weird :thinking: Did you place the gramophone after the update (or before the update)? If it still doesn't work, mabye pick up the gramophone (hold F) and place it again.

    If it still doesn't work then, please send a report (to do that, open the console by pressing ` or ~ and type "report" - maybe add some additional information like "cannot place record on gramophone", then send the report) :)

    Hi Red, thanks for what you're doing!!! After the upgrade, the cooked meat and bacon stopped being saturated and used.

    This is unfortunately a bug, but a hotfix for this will be available shortly ;)

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