Question For All: What are the major thing(s) you're waiting for...

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  • I keep running into roadblocks of things I need to hope for / wait to get added to the game to continue with my main builds so it got me curious what are some of the things other people get stuck waiting on.

    What are the major thing or things you're waiting for to get added to the game?

  • 1 - Finalized blueprints. We should spend the corresponding resources to place a blueprint in survival mode.

    2 - Movable structures. Not custom vehicules*, something simpler like configurable rotations and translations for custom doors, portcullis, and others basic mecanisms. Ideally working ropes, winches and pulleys would be a very nice addition too, but it is probably very complex to set up.

    * It will be great too, but I don't think that is a priority.

  • for me it's

    plants (especially Asian / Eastern native plants as most of what we already have works for Western, Southern native plants)

    moveable structures (custom doors, custom windows / shutters, windmills, watermills, etc,)

    panes for all materials / ability to change opacity (ie for paper lanterns, shoji doors, etc.)

    more block shapes (here's looking at you torus and torus segments for actual round rope)

    water blocks (rivers, waterfalls, etc)

    particle generation blocks

    NPCs (Villagers, traders)

    Item Persistence


    A would be nice to have would be sitting and standing stone and or wood statue versions of all of the animals. I think that would open up a lot of possibilities for cool builds.

  • Электричество, схемы, механизмы, прокладку проводов, транспорт, приготовление различных блюд, отопление, автоматизация рутинных действий таких как переплавка ресурсов, сортировка предметов и прочее, систему отопления помещений зимой, водопровод как холодной, так и горячей воды, торговцы, поселения, животноводство, полив растений, так же автополив на более поздних этапах игры, паровой двигатель, а в последствии и бензиновый, солнечные панели для электричества, аккумуляторы для хранения энергии, чтобы зимой замерзала вода и нужно было запасать воду на зимний период, подземные реки, чтобы можно было бурить скважины для источника пресной воды.

    Electricity, circuits, mechanisms, wiring, transportation, cooking various dishes, heating, automation of routine activities such as melting resources, sorting items, etc., indoor heating in winter, running both cold and hot water, merchants, settlements, animal husbandry, watering plants, as well as automatic watering at later stages games, a steam engine, and later a gasoline engine, solar panels for electricity, batteries for storing energy so that the water freezes in winter and it was necessary to store water for the winter period, underground rivers, so that wells can be drilled for a fresh water source.

  • Электричество, схемы, механизмы, прокладку проводов, транспорт, приготовление различных блюд, отопление, автоматизация рутинных действий таких как переплавка ресурсов, сортировка предметов и прочее, систему отопления помещений зимой, водопровод как холодной, так и горячей воды, торговцы, поселения, животноводство, полив растений, так же автополив на более поздних этапах игры, паровой двигатель, а в последствии и бензиновый, солнечные панели для электричества, аккумуляторы для хранения энергии, чтобы зимой замерзала вода и нужно было запасать воду на зимний период, подземные реки, чтобы можно было бурить скважины для источника пресной воды.

    Electricity, circuits, mechanisms, wiring, transportation, cooking various dishes, heating, automation of routine activities such as melting resources, sorting items, etc., indoor heating in winter, running both cold and hot water, merchants, settlements, animal husbandry, watering plants, as well as automatic watering at later stages games, a steam engine, and later a gasoline engine, solar panels for electricity, batteries for storing energy so that the water freezes in winter and it was necessary to store water for the winter period, underground rivers, so that wells can be drilled for a fresh water source.

    If we ever get it were water freezes in the winter he better be adding in ice skates...oh and dog sleds. lol

  • If we ever get it were water freezes in the winter he better be adding in ice skates...oh and dog sleds. lol

    LOL. Well, we do need dogs! and taming, getting an animal to follow you. Also a way to catch them (chickens) or herd them (everything else).

    You all have touched nearly everything I want also. Definitely curved shapes with round edges not sharp. (for ropes and many other uses). Maybe more textures. and wood textures that don't have the grain going two ways! (Most currently have the grain going opposite directions on the sides.)

    Lightbulbs you can put in your own fixtures. Being able to mirror/flip your blueprints, and also to distort them (enlarge or shrink in separate directions like with blocks.

  • You can change all materials to the shape of panes via the inventory

  • Definitely moving structures, electricity etc, and ideally custom definitions for the plugin api so we can add custom crafting recipes easier etc, also a new roadmap so we can see what the future plans are for the game :)

    • Item placement
    • More challenges (more hardcore options for gameplay and slower and realistic technological progression)
    • A fix for the floating point problem on far away islands which causes shaky hands and precision loss when building

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