If I a done whit this project, I want to share a ultimate medieval world. Can I share the world folder here, is that legal?

Is it posseble to share a world?
- TrueNordSurvivaler
- Thread is Unresolved
If I a done whit this project, I want to share a ultimate medieval world. Can I share the world folder here, is that legal?
I did with my winter / holiday in the park world and never had anyone say anything about it so assuming it's okay. It's no different than just sharing a blueprint, etc. so don't see why not.
If I a done whit this project, I want to share a ultimate medieval world. Can I share the world folder here, is that legal?
If it is your own world, with your own buildings, then of course you can offer it here, it is your work, what is not legal about it? It is very nice that you want to share your works with us. 😊
It is because I used some smaller bleuprints from others. But back in the time I ever joined a server whit a lot of my bleuprints so is it okay to use them inside the world (it are just tables and ends) or do I need to replace them in my own tables and ends?
It is because I used some smaller bleuprints from others. But back in the time I ever joined a server whit a lot of my bleuprints so is it okay to use them inside the world (it are just tables and ends) or do I need to replace them in my own tables and ends?
Can't you delete other people's blueprints before you share your world?
I personally am happy when my blueprints are used, but I don't think it's okay when other people offer my blueprints.
I think it's much easier to share your blueprints here, rather than your world where people have to search for your blueprints first. To be honest, that would be too much work for me as a player.
It is because I used some smaller bleuprints from others. But back in the time I ever joined a server whit a lot of my bleuprints so is it okay to use them inside the world (it are just tables and ends) or do I need to replace them in my own tables and ends?
i would replace them if you can, since sharing blueprints you didn't make is against the rules, or at the very least put up signs by them that say who made them if not you. (and for the record 'i didn't make this' is not credit, you HAVE to include the person's actual username so people could search it and find them in the forums)
i'm also not sure where would be appropriate to share a world file rather than a large blueprint file. what do you want to share the world for? technically there's no limit on blueprint size, so if you just want to share some things you made, even if it's a rather sizable area, you could just do that. or if you want to share the world generation, just a seed and some screenshots would be fine. i would ask red51 specifically about sharing whole world files tho.
it may be a little simpler to just mention the blueprints creator (maybe add a link even) in the thread for the shared world.
it may be a little simpler to just mention the blueprints creator (maybe add a link even) in the thread for the shared world.
Also, if possible, we can add some ingame text/shields with the credits.
I had the same question when I wanted to publish a loaded version of my hay cart using Deidre’s Straw sheaf blueprint. I simply asked her the permission directly on the forum and added a link in the Old wood cart thread to her blueprint.
If you do the same, that should be fine. By the way, you have the permission for my plugins if you use some of them, just put a link in the description
I think the problem afterwards will be that not everyone is prepared to name other people's blueprints and under certain circumstances, other people's work will appear without being named. I think it is easier for him to post a whole world than to pull out the individual blueprints. However, this creates a huge blueprint or world that has to be loaded first. As I mentioned above, I am almost certain that not everyone wants to use the world to copy the blueprints in it.
Each blueprint would have to be copied out individually. The user tag of the other builder has disappeared, as he has already placed the buildings in his world. If the other players's objects are spread out in his world, does he want to find out who created them afterwards? (Of course, only if there are a lot of buildings). In my opinion, it's no use to name the builders or put up any signs underneath, as these will disappear again when you download them anyway.
What's the point of sharing a world if I've placed other players' buildings in it and it looks wonderful, but most of them aren't my own?
I wouldn't mention this, if I hadn't already seen it, without credits.
Yes, that can be complex to establish a list with all blueprints used for someone who have done a great project without a specific plan on this aspect
About the mention of blueprints authors, I think its mainly a question of respect of other’s peoples work, but he can solve this by a simple list in the shared world thread, no need to make something complex or too detailed. Something like this should be enough, and even better with the links to the blueprints threads:
“ Thanks to the following authors for their blueprints used in my world :
- Author 1 for Blueprints 1 & 2
- Author 2 for Blueprint 3
- …”
And about the risk of blueprints being stolen, yes, it's always possible, but all authors take this risk when publishing, regardless of the field. Here, it would just be a bad behavior without major consequences. There's no money at stake, just a bit of reputation in a community of players, so something quite secondary for most authors.
The bleuprints are just tables and smaller things like that, So is it OK if I just use credit to them, or do I need to delete them?
The bleuprints are just tables and smaller things like that, So is it OK if I just use credit to them, or do I need to delete them?
just give credit
Give credit, its the main thing.
Ask permission is better, but the blueprints are probably already public.
When things are so small they usually don't stand out but you never know who will be bothered if you don't mention them.
Es geht einfach um den Respekt und die Wertschätzung gegenüber der Arbeit von anderen, welche Dir die Vorarbeit geleistet haben, so das Du Deine Welt einfach mit fertigen Modulen (Blaupausen) gestalten kannst. Leider sind heutzutage solche Werte Mangelware.
Das fängt zum Beispiel schon an der Stelle an, wenn man eine fremde Blaupause nutzt, kurz mit einer Interaktion (wie
...) den Beitrag des Erstellers hier im Forum zu würdigen. Wenn ich mir im Blaupausenforum so das Verhältnis von Interkationen und Downloadzahlen anschaue, finde ich dieses Verhältnis grottenschlecht.
Daher solltest Du aus, meiner persönlichen Sicht, zumindest die Autoren der Blaupausen bei Deiner Veröffentlichung nennen.
Ich persönlich schmücke mich/meine Welt ungern mit fremden Federn. Blueprints von anderen Mitspielern nutze ich auch, aber überwiegend nur um zu schauen wie und mit was Spieler etwas gebaut haben bzw. Ideen zu holen und baue das dann nach meinen Vorstellungen nach. Denn ich für mich selber habe das Bedürfnis meine Arbeit zu präsentieren und nicht die der anderen. Auf öffentlichen Servern, wo man nur eigene Blaupausen setzen darf, habe ich mir auch schon fremde Blaupausen angeeignet und diese verwendet. An den Stellen steht dann aber ein Schild mit dem Autor der verwendete Blaupause.
It's simply about respect and appreciation for the work of others who have done the groundwork for you, so that you can easily design your world with finished modules (blueprints). Unfortunately, such values are in short supply these days.
This starts, for example, with the moment you use someone else's blueprint, briefly acknowledging the creator's contribution here in the forum with an interaction (like
...). When I look at the ratio of interactions to download numbers in the blueprint forum, I find this ratio abysmally poor.
Therefore, from my personal point of view, you should at least credit the authors of the blueprints when publishing your work.
Personally, I don't like to take credit for myself/my world. I also use blueprints from other players, but mostly just to see how and with what players have built something or to get ideas, and then recreate it according to my ideas. Because I feel the need to present my work, not that of others. On public servers, where you're only allowed to create your own blueprints, I've also borrowed other people's blueprints and used them. However, there's a sign at the top of the page listing the author of the blueprint used.
That's right. Look, if the bleuprints where whole houses then I won't use them, but it are jsut smaller tables an seats. I will do credit to them. Like in my friends video (CoenyRW) about the "world review"he also made credit to the makers of the bleuprints
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